um i block a lot of ppl and im always getting asked by ppl why i blocked their friends so i figured i would explain beep boop

  • posted racism/transphobia/blah blah blah (worst offender)
  • posted sh*ta/l*li/defended someone who did
  • think fiction =/= reality i don't have time for it
  • post really cursed memes i dont like them and they make me feel like im surrounded by children lol
  • friends with someone who's cursed (I won't name anyone but there's a handful of people i've blocked their following altogether)
  • enst twitter i just block them on sight now LOL
  • i was just havin a bad day and got trigger happy with my block button LOL this happens more often than u might think
  • i thought you were a bot
  • if we were ever mutuals i probably blocked if u softblocked bc i have terrible memory and dont wanna accidentally follow you again LOL

sorry if u really want me to unblock you i will but it probably means less now that im locked full time but now you have the answers for the like 7 million strangers i have blocked im here for a good time not a long time that's the price you pay ya dig LOL

may 26 2018 ∞
may 29 2018 +