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Before considering following, just bear in mind if you're expecting frequent chit-chat from me, that won't happen easily. Please, don't take it personal. I'm an extremely introvert person, which means I will focus on showing my passions and then devoting myself to them, barely expecting any feedback or talk about it. Also, the fact that I tend to isolate myself on periods of bad mental health affects how I interact with people. Of course, if I get confident with you I will try to talk to you. But please, don't follow only on the basis of wanting to get social with me, please avoid yourself the disappointment.

Also, I usually don't follow back people. What I do if someone new starts to follow me is: I go to the account, stalk a bit the type of content they post and, if I like what I see and that person gives me good feelings, then I'll follow back. So if you want to follow me only in hopes of being followed back, please refrain.

If I followed you first, congratulations. That means I love what you post, and probably I'd like to get closer to you.

Also, if you're following me only because the fact I'm autistic and/or my autism advocacy, please don't. I decided to keep writing on my blog about that, but JUST that. Advocacy is really stressful, and I don't like to feel pressured to do it or feeling I owe it to the people who follows me because of that.

oct 10 2018 ∞
apr 10 2021 +