First and foremost, I just exist on line. With no clear purpose. I'm here, and I do stuff. And I guess I'm entertaining and enjoyable to some haha!

Something else I do, is play Taiko no Tatsujin. I've played this game since 2018, and I haven't stopped since. I upload videos on Youtube, stream the game myself, and have collabed with friends :-) I'm always happy to help you get into the game!

Besides that, I speedrun Nintendogs + Cats. You can find me on the leaderboards. I'm quite invested ;)c

And other than that... I love hanging out in VR!

And again outside of all that... IRL I do web development :-) Its what I'm studying in, and hopefully will work in the industry!

dec 11 2018 ∞
oct 12 2021 +