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DFAB. 24 years old. Dark hair. Blue eyes.
Anemic + Arthritic + Nearsighted.
This Listography is in FOREVER WIP MODE.

listography TERMS

(Written by Nico, edited by (SLEEPY TIRED) Rook)

Everyone's generally friendly, or at least halfway decent.

Since there are many people sharing the same body, I figure I'll try to explain how to interact w/the conglomerate "System"/just try to ease any initial awkwardness about this:

If you need to talk to someone specifically, usually they can get "called to the front" (or, more jokingly, "summoned"), so to say. if that makes any sense.

Example: You're talking to me (Nico). You want to ask Rook something. You can ask if you can talk to Rook, and I might trade places with him.

It's also possible for us to "cofront", meaning that there are two (or more) of us "awake" - and listening, to varying degrees - in on the same conversation.

It's also possible for someone to totally "take over", if one of us is in a conversation that also interests them. This can get really confusing, and you can always, always, ALWAYS ask for clarification of who you're talking to (I want to say we all usually introduce ourselves/make some kind of note about it, but i really can't speak for everyone o|-<).

"Rapid Switching" also happens, which mean we can circulate between two or more of us in rapid succession (like, three people could front within the span of 20 minutes). This tends to leave THE FLESH feeling tired and drained. If we're hope, sometimes we just fall asleep! And usually when rapid switching happens, we don't even make note of it in conversation, because it'd just be... way... too confusing for whoever we're chatting with.

That being said, we've had bad experiences with people we care about saying "I don't want to talk to you" OR plain-out "I don't want to talk to ALTERS", so please try to be courteous about it! Respect us as our on person. Respect any decision to not-switch (like, if Griffon or I am drawing/doing commissions, we probably don't want to lose our focus!). Please, just. respect each person that you are reading about here.

(*I might also mention that the term "alters" feels kind of uncomfortable, but for the sake of explaining, I use it?) (it strikes most of us as a dehumanizing term) (this is so hard to explain) (@ someone please edit this for me later o|-<)

sep 30 2016 ∞
nov 7 2016 +