• just because someone doesn't like you, doesn't mean you're not worth anything. it just means they can't see past their own idea of you to realise that you are actually an amazing person
  • iphones are awesome, but sometimes rather addictive and annoying
  • if you wear a ring on your wedding finger, people instantly ask you if you're engaged, even though mum actually gave me the ring :)
  • if you have your nails done constantly, they loose their natural colour and look horrible
  • socks are actually quite annoying to sleep with at night
  • best friends, are ridiculous weirdos who you totally love and have the best of times with :)
  • your mum will always love you, no matter what happens and will always want the best for you
  • if you continue to doubt yourself, your not only doing harm to you but the people around you
  • talking about politics and religion and science with people is actually fun
  • when people don't know something, they pretend they do so they don't sound stupid, ( funny enough you know when they don't know ;) but you still annoy them)
  • when you do something right, noone notices, but when you do something wrong, everyone sees
  • having a boyfriend, is not such a huge deal, just in my head
  • some people are dicks, and they will always be dicks, no matter how many chances you give them to change, they will always be the same
  • people lie, to look good, to make you feel happy, to betray you
  • life is too short to deal with some people, leave them.
  • if someone doesn't like you, it's not your problem. it's theirs.
  • budism is actually such a nn interesting religion
  • i feel sorry for indian religion, where they have arranged marriages. i could not live with someone i don't love and probably would be ridiculously hard to learn to love them
  • rainbows are fascinating
  • everyone can be beautiful, some people are poor though.
  • nobody likes a stuck up person who thinks they're better than everyone else
  • life is a climb, with falls and bruises along the way. but at the top the view is incredible
  • always be there for people who need you, that will show them that you care so one day they will be there for you too
  • laughing is amazing, definately the best thing ever
  • crying is a way of saying you're human and you are hurt by people or things.
  • a woman who can sleep herself crying but wakes up with a smile on her face, is one hell of a woman
  • never show your true feelings to someone who is trying to bring you down, always rise above the ocassion
  • pins and needles are disgustingly painful, paralysis.
  • biology is such an interesting subject
  • good things happen to good people, eventually
  • karma is a bitch. love it
feb 22 2011 ∞
feb 22 2011 +