2023 (finished ✅)
- fake slackers (chinese fuuun) 3/10 ★★★ ☀︎
- dating campus idol chuchu ☀︎
- breaking character by lee winter 8/10 ☀︎
- just for show by jae 5.5-6/10 ☀︎
- when you least expect it by haley cass 6.75-7/10 (third book in 4 days LOL) ☀︎
- one last stop by casey mcquinston :) 5/9 ☀︎
- help wanted by j emery 5/29
- a spindle splintered 7/9 ☀︎
- legends & lattes 7/28 ★ ☀︎
- convenience store woman 8/2
- the housekeeper and the professor 8/14
- my sister, the serial killer 8/16
- what lies between us - marrs 8/24
- the queer principles of kit webb 9/5 ☀︎
- the very secret society of irregular witches 9/11
- yours truly - abby jimenez 9/13
- she and her cat 9/16
- happy place - henry 9/17
- tender is the flesh 9/23
- the murder of roger ackroyd 9/28
- a murder is announced
- princess and the grilled cheese sandwich(??) graphic novel ☀︎
- belle of the ball graphic novel ☀︎
- none of this is true 10/01
- social outcast ch webnovel (short, 33 ch) ☀︎
- finna novella nino cipri 12/27 ☀︎
- weight of it all 12/30 ☀︎
- dearest milton james 12/31 ☀︎
- seven husbands of evelyn hugo
- tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
- under the whispering door
- breast and eggs
ongoing online media 2023!
- everyone thinks that i like him 66/74 mosstree
- later he became a royal healer 103/140 chrys
- i ship my adversary x me 45/inc trans. blackbox
- received a wife from the civil affairs bureau 39 .
- my underachieving seatmate 98/122 chrys
did not finish
- the invisible life of addie larue AUDIObook, listened for 1 day haha pero stopped kasi ang haba...... anyway i stopped when she woke up in the 'dead' cart during winter
- jericho (79%)
- book lovers audiobook
- head over wheels
jan 6 2022 ∞
aug 24 2024 +