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"Gods? Bah, there aren't any. Quit wasting time and fight for yourself. Only the strong and strategic survive here kid." | FE: Awakening 1st Gen. OC | Mostly Serious | Ran by: @Ike_eBara

listography TERMS

(No bonus scene; In-game, Chrom married Libra but rp-wise Lorst will treat who ever Chrom has married like that that spouse was there all along. For this story though, we're following my Lorst savefile.)


Aversa The enemy has taken the field, milord.

Gangrel Back already? Ha! It feels as though we just said our good-byes...

Aversa Our scouts report they are in surprisingly good spirits...

Gangrel Since when do you trust our scouts? Besides, what does it matter? They're armed like beggars compared to us! I could break their ranks as easily as I break wind.

Aversa I'd love to hear the song the bards make of that.

Gangrel Aversa, there is a truth about the world this Ylissean whelp must learn. A man is either strong... ...or he is dead! Bwa ha haaa!

>Soldier enters

Soldier Y-Your Highness! Dire news!

Gangrel Oh? Speak.

Soldier Our troops are laying down their weapons and deserting en masse! Please, sire... I am but a messenger... Have mercy...

>Scene change

Frederick Milord, I've a report from Khan Flavia. The Plegian army is in disarray.

Chrom How do you mean?

Frederick It seems many of their soldiers are opposed to further violence. There has been infighting, desertion... Gangrel is trying to stamp out the mutiny by force, but with little success. Outside of a few faithful who serve him directly, his army has all but collapsed.

Chrom This is incredible news. But why...? ...Emmeryn.

Frederick Yes, milord. Emmeryn. The report says Gangrel's men chant her name as they abandon the field. Her words, and her sacrifice, have made her a folk hero of sorts.

Chrom Emmeryn... Why did it take me so long to understand? She believed all people desire peace. She knew, deep down, the Plegians wanted it, too. It just took her to bring it to the surface.

Robin [Robin smiles] ......

Chrom I hope she can see this, wherever she is... Today we put an end to Mad King Gangrel and bring peace back to the land.

Start Battle

Gangrel Good day, my little princeling! Still dreaming of your squashed sister?

Chrom No more talk, Gangrel. Today you die, and peace returns to Ylisse and Plegia.

Gangrel Pah! Such hypocrisy! You despise me, wretch! You want to cut me down! You don't know the first thing about peace. No man does!

Chrom I know more than you ever will.

Gangrel More than me? More than ME?! Bwa ha! ...You ARE me! When life asks you a question, you answer with blood!

Chrom Maybe you're right... I will never be my sister. I cannot forgive men like you—men who sow nothing but evil. All I have left are her words, and her memory. Were I alone, I might be driven to madness. ...Or worse. But I'm not alone. My friends and brothers-in-arms stand behind me.


  • ..Are you done? May I vomit now? Bwa ha ha! What a flowery harangue! Men are beasts! Nothing more! We fight! We kill! We devour our prey! Beasts do not stand behind beasts, little prince... They use each other only so long as it suits their own selfish purpose!

Chrom Perhaps this explains why your own soldiers refuse to stand behind you? You are a poison. A festering wound. And I will do what my sister could not.

Gangrel Such a clever tongue you have, little prince... It will look quite fetching hanging on my mantle, next to your sister's corpse!

>Enter Olivia

Olivia Milord, I have come! ...Am I too late? I don't claim my dance as anything special, but Khan Basilio says it renews the spirit!

>Battle Start

End of first enemy phase Gangrel Yes—draw closer! Let them charge at me with their RAGE! More of my soldiers shall greet them at every foolish step.

VS Gangrel Normal Gangrel Clinging to each other won't save you maggots when the boot falls!

Chrom Gangrel Come, princeling! I've sharpened my sword just for you!

Chrom My sister wished for our people to know peace, Gangrel. But as long as you draw breath, it can never come. For Ylisse!

Gangrel Defeated Gangrel F-fool of...a prince... Your people care not for you... You are...alone... As every man lives and dies: ...alone...


Soldier Sire, the remaining Plegian forces are surrendering en masse!

Chrom Order our forces to cease fighting at once.

Soldier Yes, sire!

>Scene change

Flavia Then it's finished. Once their messenger delivers our terms, that's it. We put an end to this bloody business, once and for all.

Chrom We've won... Somehow I don't feel like celebrating.

Basilio Victory can be bitter as well as sweet, boy. It's good you learn that now.

Flavia Regna Ferox lost many good soldiers today. We need to see to our dead. Then it's time to attend to the living and rebuild our army.

Chrom I'm sorry, Flavia. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. Ylisse will compensate your nation in whatever fashion—

Flavia Oh? In that case, how about you hand over the Fire Emblem and we'll call it even? ...Hah! Just a little Feroxi humor. Don't worry about our finances, Chrom. Reparations will fall to Plegia, and I've seen their treasury—they can well afford it.

Basilio Yes, pity the man who stands between Flavia and a full coffer, boy.

Chrom Heh, I'll have to remember that when you come to visit Ylisstol.


After Save Screen

Soldier Sire, a messenger from Regna Ferox.

Chrom See them in at once.

Soldier Yes, milord.

>Soldier exits, Raimi enters

Raimi Prince Chrom, I come on behalf of Khan Regnant Flavia.

Chrom Flavia? Well, this is a surprise. Is something amiss?

Raimi I fear so, milord. The khan requests your presence at a summit as soon as you're able.

Chrom What's happened?

Raimi Our western neighbors of Valm are no longer acting so neighborly. The emperor, who they name the Conqueror, has launched warships against us.

Chrom An invasion? Are you certain of this?

Raimi Yes, milord. The khan hopes to meet with you in Ferox, if it please you.

Frederick What do you make of this, sire?

Chrom Ill business to be sure. Raimi, we will meet with Flavia at once...

ENTER LIBRA AND BABY LUCINA (this section has been edited/rewritten slightly; please feel free to suggest how to improve Libra's and Lissa's lines to make them more IC) Libra Chrom..?

Chrom I'd stay with you if I could, Libra, but we owe Regna Ferox a great debt. I must apprise myself of the facts there before deciding on a course of action.

Libra I understand, Chrom. So, my husband, when shall we depart?

>Lucina CG plays Chrom

  • ..Leave? B-but Lucina is newly born! She needs at least one of her fathers here!

Libra She will be okay with her wet-nurse; Lucina is safe with her and a strong girl with her Brand to prove it.

Chrom It's not that, Libra! I'm just... I'd be worried about you.

Libra And I for you: I'd pray for the gods to keep you safe every hour of each day while you were away. Should we pray now for safe travels and for our daughter to stay safe here? Lissa, milday, what say you?

Lissa Aw shucks Chrom! Let him come! Libra's great with a staff and with your record of reckless antics, we'll need him!


  • sighs, exasperated* Alright, but please, Libra, stay out of danger. Lissa and I had Emm of course, but we lost our parents when we were young. I want Lucina to grow up with her whole family around her.

Libra You have my word, Chrom, but don't forget, that includes you as well.

___________________________________________________________________________________ To Ferox Frederick I will ride ahead and assemble an escort, milord.

Chrom Thank you, Frederick.

Robin I'm quite impressed, Chrom. You make a fine ruler. You've come a long way from tending sheep!

Chrom Ha! Have I truly changed so much?

Robin Mmm... In a way, you haven't. But you've grown as a leader, and, of course, as a father.

Chrom I've tried to do my best. My sister left a weighty legacy. I do all I can just to live up to it.

>Scene Change to Castle Ferox

Chrom I apologize I could not come sooner, Flavia.

Flavia What matters is you are here, Chrom.

Chrom Is it true Valmese warships have set sail? What can you tell us?

Flavia Not much more than that, I'm afraid. The details remain hazy. Just a moment... Oaf! ...Where are you, you big, bald—Chrom is here!

>Enter Basilio

Basilio Ah! Well met, boy. I knew you'd come. We have someone you should hear from. I believe you've met? He claims to have insight into Valm's intentions.

>Enter Virion and Cherche

Virion Good day, lords and ladies. How far you all? Allow me the great pleasure, and indeed honor, of introducing myself...

Chrom We all know who you are, Virion. Although I don't believe we've met your companion?

Virion Hmph! You know nothing! Prepare for my great unmasking! Long have I posed as archest of archers! Yet that was but a ruse! Yea, an artifice, to disguise myself as a mere above-average man. In truth, I am—


  • Ahem* May I present Duke Virion. I am his humble servant, Cherche. Greetings, sire. You honor us with your presence.

Virion Cherche! You stole my moment!

Chrom A pleasure, Cherche. Perhaps you could speak on your master's behalf?

Cherche That may speed things along, yes...

Chrom Then please. Time is of the essence.

Cherche Very well, then. First, concerning our origins... We hail from Rosanne, a fertile territory on the continent of Valm. Milord is the head of House Virion, and the rightful ruler of Rosanne. A fact he often reminds us of—and loudly.

Virion Ha! Is she not a true wit? She gets it all from me, you know.

Chrom So what brings a noble and his charge all the way across the long sea?

Virion The Valmese. Theirs was an unremarkable nation once. Tiny, almost pitifully so. Had our continent not shared its name, you might almost have forgotten it existed. And so Valm might have remained, if not for Walhart the Conqueror. One by one, he has taken the surrounding realms into his growing empire. I had no choice but to ru... Er, that is, to RECRUIT new allies to aid my people. That's why I've come.


  • ..You fled for your life.

Cherche More or less, yes. While milord hastily gathered his valuables and guided his people to safety... I alone remained to keep an eye on the Valmese crisis. I was there as Rosanne was swallowed up by Emperor Walhart's overwhelming forces. In the end, I, too, fled here to Regna Ferox seeking asylum.

Virion To my great relief, I might add! Eligible women are one of Rosanne's most precious natural resources! It would be a shame to waste any, even one who cuts off her lord and ma—


  • Ahem!* As I was saying...

Virion Yes, yes, all right, it was only a jape! Please, by all means, you may con—

Cherche So, begging your pardons, but perhaps it is time to cut this long story short: Walhart has conquered our continent and now seeks to conquer yours.

Basilio She claims the Valmese fleet will be at our shores in a matter of days. We'll know soon enough if her story proves true.

Cherche I speak only what I know for true, good people. As does my lord. ...At least, with respect to this matter.

Virion There's that wit of yours again! Aha! That wonderful...needling, chafing wit.

Chrom I believe you both. Basilio, we must secure your ports as soon as possible.

Virion You should know that Valm has the strongest cavalry in the world. You will want to station troops with experience fighting mounted troops.

Chrom Why, Virion, are you volunteering?

>To world map

nov 18 2017 ∞
nov 18 2017 +