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"Gods? Bah, there aren't any. Quit wasting time and fight for yourself. Only the strong and strategic survive here kid." | FE: Awakening 1st Gen. OC | Mostly Serious | Ran by: @Ike_eBara

listography TERMS

Pre-Battle: Robin Ah, take it all in! Breathtaking... Somehow our troubles feel a lifetime away out here.

Chrom Yet in truth, we're headed straight toward them... I should be grateful the Plegians delivered us this fleet, as promised. But it's my first time on a vessel, and my legs... I never fancied myself a sea captain.

Lucina This is my first voyage as well. In my time, all ships were destroyed. Smashed to pieces, along with their ports.

Chrom Lucina... Something I've been meaning to ask... After you stopped Emm's assassination... Why didn't you stay with us?

Lucina I felt I had no other choice. I could not risk altering history any more than necessary. I sought only to divert events that directly led to Grima's return.

Lissa Hey, so wait—what about the guys who tried to kill Chrom in the gardens? What would've happened if you didn't save him?

Lucina He would have been gravely wounded. And those wounds would have played a part in the tragedies to come.

Lissa Whoa! Good thing you changed things, huh?

Lucina If indeed they have changed... The river of time always favors its original course. Take the exalt's death... I stalled it, yes, but in the end I was not able to prevent it.


  • ..You did what you could.

Lucina I was so certain it was over. That I'd saved the world. But time simply found another way back to its course. Perhaps the task is simply too great... Perhaps if I'd done something differently? I replay events in my head, over and over...

Chrom Don't. You did your best. And you saved me, after all.

Lucina You're kind, Father. But nothing is certain... Another could take your life. Time could find a way...


  • ..Do you know how I die?

Lucina Only rumors... I was told you fell in a great battle, fought to sway your destiny. ...And that you were murdered—betrayed by someone dear to you.

>Robin clutches head in pain

Robin Nngh! Ah...

Chrom Robin? What is it?

Robin M-my head... I don't... F-forgive me. I'm fine.


  • ..... After your murder and Grima's return, I took the name Marth and fought back. I prayed to the Hero-King for a small part of the strength he used to save the world. But I need this subterfuge no longer. I choose to fight as Lucina now. The name that reminds me of the strength in the man and woman who chose it.

Chrom A strength shared by the woman who bears it.

>scene change

Frederick The pegasus knights report the Valmese fleet matches ours, ship for ship.

Chrom Your tone tells me this is not good news.

Frederick Their troops vastly outnumber ours. Our vessels are half-full, at best. But every Valmese ship is packed from stem to stern with soldiers.

Chrom If we attempt to board them in a straight fight, we'll be slaughtered.

Flavia We've little choice but to try anyway. Plegia had no men to spare, but they were generous with other supplies...including oil. Perhaps a clever tactician could find a use for that.

Robin Hmm... Perhaps he/she could.

Flavia If we can put their ships to flame, they'd have nowhere to escape to. We could—

Basilio You could roast us all like hams! Are you truly so eager to die, woman?!

Flavia Do you have a better idea, oaf?! ...The problem is we have no catapults. Hmm... How to get the lit oil on their decks without our own ships getting caught in the blaze?

Robin Hmm... Unless we WANT our ships caught in the blaze...

Basilio Why in the gods' names would... Well, I know better than to question Robin. Especially not when he/she has that look in her eyes. Gods save us from what he's/she's cooked up this time—let's just hope it's not us!

Robin Chrom, I have an idea.

Chrom Those words from your mouth are music to my ears, Robin.

Robin But for my plan to work we'll need to disrupt their chain of command... Our strongest team would need to board their lead ship and kill their general. As our best captain I'd have you head the squad, but you ARE the prince, so...

Chrom Yes, I AM the prince, so no one can order me NOT to go. I will lead the assault!

Robin Then this plan truly stands a chance.

Chrom Heh... So much has changed since we found you that day, lying in the open field... Hard to believe you determine the fate of our entire army now...our entire people. Destiny has a strange way.


  • ..No, Chrom. Not destiny.

Chrom What?

Robin We're not pawns of some scripted fate. I believe we're more. Much more.

Chrom How do you mean?

Robin There's something between us all. Something that keeps us together... Like...invisible ties, connecting us. Giving us strength... WE forged these ties. WE strengthen them. If we preserve them, or break them, it will be by our choices, not some "destiny"...


  • ..Robin... I think this salty air might have gone to your head, hah!

Robin All right, all right—perhaps enough philosophy for one day... There are still details to discuss.

Chrom Indeed there are! And preparations to be made! Oh, and, Robin... If we are all bound by these invisible ties, I thank the gods it's with you.


  • .....

Chrom Now then, everyone! Look lively! We have work to do!

Start Battle Ignatius One ship against three of ours? They're either very brave or very stupid... Either way, their bodies will float on the long sea before the day is done.

>Battle Start

VS Ignatius Ignatius Arrogant pup! The seas are my home, and they will be your grave!

Ignatius Defeated Ignatius Strike me down, and ten will take my place... You...have...lost!

Post-Battle Chrom Robin! Their general has fallen! I'm giving the signal! All appointed ships, change course! Head right at them! Ramming speed!


  • ..Gods and thunder! And second now!

Chrom Steady... Steaaaady...

Soldier We're right on top of them!


>scene change

Lissa The sea itself is on fire!

Frederick It worked! It worked!

Flavia Only you could hatch such a brilliant scheme, Robin. Who else would desert half our vessels and turn them into flaming cannonballs? And there was still enough room on the remaining ships for all our troops. It was so simple, and yet the Valmese never saw it coming. They never considered anyone might be willing to sacrifice half a fleet...

Chrom We may have won the day, but the war still looms. We must continue on and seize control of their main harbor.

Basilio Aye, boy! I've had enough of the smoke and smell here for one lifetime, besides.

Chrom Full speed for Valm!

dec 14 2017 ∞
dec 14 2017 +