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"Gods? Bah, there aren't any. Quit wasting time and fight for yourself. Only the strong and strategic survive here kid." | FE: Awakening 1st Gen. OC | Mostly Serious | Ran by: @Ike_eBara

listography TERMS

Pre-Battle Lucina There it sits...

Lissa What's wrong, Lucina?

Lucina That great skull. I saw it once before, when Emmeryn was sentenced to die. Even then it reminded me of...him...

Chrom You mean...

Lucina Yes. Grima, the fell dragon. A cataclysmic war ushered his return... It's said he fed on the souls of the fallen before turning upon the living...

Movie: 'Dire Future II' Grima So ends the human race. The future is built upon the past... But your kind shall never see it. Your mother and father...

  • ..are dead, tiny one.

And now it is your turn...

  • DIE!

>end movie


  • ..Whether these are this true bones or just an effigy, I cannot say. But I know this: we cannot let that monster come back to life.

Chrom We'll stop him, Lucina. I promise. The future can be changed. You've proven it already. And with all of us together, we can turn the course of history.

Lucina I want to believe that, Father. I want to believe that, more than anything...

>scene change

Robin (Psst! Chrom!)

Chrom (...Trouble?)

Robin (I saw armed soldiers hiding in the shadows as we were shown in...)

Chrom (Then it sounds like we have our answer already...)

>Validar and Aversa enter

Aversa Well met, milord.

Validar Prince Chrom! Welcome.


  • ..I was told you had something you wished to give me.

Validar My my! No time for courtesy, milord? Such impatience... Do you really want it that badly? This concerns me. The Gemstones and the Fire Emblem can be...treacherous artifacts. A fact Plegia and the Grimleal sadly know all too well...

Lucina "Sadly"? You speak ill of when the first exalt used them against the fell dragon?

Validar Yes I do, intruder!


  • ..Intruder?

Validar You are not supposed to be here. You must be destroyed!

Chrom You wouldn't dare!

Validar Give me the Fire Emblem... Give it to me!

Lucina You mad scoundrel! This is a declaration of war!

Validar I will only ask one last time: give me the Emblem. Now!


  • ..Never.

Validar Then this parley is over. Guards! Seize them!

Chrom Just as we thought...

Robin Chrom, this way! Quickly!

>Robin, Chrom and Lucina run offscreen

Aversa Robin had an escape route all planned out... How preciously clever of him/her. You should be proud.

Validar Hmph. If he/she had half the wits of his/her father, he/she would know they've already lost.

Start Battle Chrom We have to get out of here now! Cut down anyone who gets in the way!

Algol Heh heh. Signal the men in hiding, and give these Ylissean scum no quarter!

>Battle Start

VS Algol Algol Heh heh... Leaving Plegia so soon? No, please, stay awhile. Stay...forever!

Algol Defeated Algol No! Hyaughhh...

Post-Battle Chrom Almost there! The exit is just— Wait. Do you feel...

>Validar appears and attacks Chrom

Chrom Hnrgh...

Validar Run all you like—you can't escape fate. Don't you know that?

Lucina Father!

Validar The Fire Emblem. Give it freely, or it will be taken.

Chrom Just try it!

Validar Heh heh... I won't need to do anything... Robin!

>Robin clutches head in pain

Robin Nngh! Ahh...

Chrom Robin?

Validar Seize the Emblem and bring it to me.

Robin Nngh, no, I... Aarrrgh!

>Robin hobbles over to Chrom

Chrom Robin... What are you...doing?!

Validar Well done, my child. At last, the Fire Emblem belongs to me. And with my Gemstone, it is complete! Now, to set the Table and perform the rite...

>Validar vanishes

Chrom D-damn you, Validar! Nngh...

Robin Ah! Nngh...ahh... What have I...done?!

Chrom Robin! We must go!

Robin Chrom, I'm sorry! I don't...know what came over me... I'm so sorry!

Chrom I know you are, but right now we need to focus on getting out of here!


  • ..Understood.

After Save Screen Robin What I did... It''s unforgivable.

Chrom Enough of that, Robin. Save your energy for helping us track him down.

Robin No, I... You must leave me behind. He could use me again... I can't be trusted! This cursed blood in me must somehow father...dominion over me...

Chrom But he never had full control... You can fight it, Robin. And if he expects you to blindly obey, that might be the surprise we need.

Robin Chrom, put too much faith in me.

Frederick Get back on that horse, Robin. You can't give up now!

Robin But you're not listening! I told you, I'm not—

Chrom The deed is done. But you can still try to undo the damage. It's not too late!

Robin All right. I'll...I'll try.


  • .....

'Might I have a word?' Normal Version Robin

  • .....

Lucina Beg pardon, Robin. Might I have a word?


  • ..Lucina. What is it?

Lucina It's about my father. I have memories of him, you know. From when I was little. Before he...died.

Robin I see...

Lucina He was courageous, and kind, and everyone spoke fondly of him. People say he was brave right up until the very end. I always yearned to know him better. And now that I do... I can see that the world will be robbed of a very great man. ...I won't allow that to happen.

Robin I understand. You love him. ...We all do.

Lucina Robin, I... Please, forgive me...

>Lucina points Falchion at Robin

Robin Lucina?!

Lucina Stay where you are, Robin! I have no choice. I must kill you.

Robin What?! What madness is this?!

Lucina In my future, you... You are my father's murderer.

Robin No! That's insane! Why would I kill Chrom?

Lucina I was not certain myself, until now... I knew he had been killed by his closest friend. Having witnessed your bond with him, I doubted it could be so... But today's events make it clear. You are at Validar's mercy. I suspect it's he who forces you to take my father's life, and very soon...

Robin Lucina, wait.

Lucina If my father is right, then we can change our fates. If this dark future is to be averted, sacrifices must be made. I am sorry, Robin! I know this is murder, I... I know that...

Robin Lucina, you don't have to—

Lucina Don't make it harder! Don't resist, and your death will be swift and painless. If you hold any love for Chrom, then let this be done...

[Incomplete script; haven't decided how Lorst would react in the post-battle scenes).

dec 14 2017 ∞
dec 14 2017 +