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"Gods? Bah, there aren't any. Quit wasting time and fight for yourself. Only the strong and strategic survive here kid." | FE: Awakening 1st Gen. OC | Mostly Serious | Ran by: @Ike_eBara

listography TERMS

Pre-Battle Robin

  • .....

Chrom Are you ready, Robin?

Robin Chrom, first I have a favor to ask...

Chrom As long as it's not a request to leave you behind.

Robin It's not...though I did consider it. I can't hurt you if I'm not there in the first place. But...I can't run from Validar forever. And if I'm going to overcome him, my best chance is with you by my side.

Chrom That's more like it.

Robin But therein lies the favor... If Validar somehow does gain control over me... Promise me... Promise me you'll cut me down.

Chrom You can't mean that. You can't ASK that!

Robin I'll resist him with all that I am. I promise you. But there are other people involved here—too many people to ignore... You have a duty to protect them as well. [Note: Female Avatar script uses a comma instead of a long dash.]


  • ..You're right. The words burn my tongue, but you're right. But you mustn't let Validar seize control! Whatever it takes. Whatever the cost!

Robin I'll try. You know I will.

>scene change

Chrom Validar!

Validar Chrom... Come to witness the glorious culmination of your failure? How nice. I have the Fire Emblem, and the Dragon's Table is set for a feast. I will return Grima to this world!

Chrom You'll DESTROY the world! Lucina has seen it!

Validar Then I pray today's spectacle lives up to her nightmares! The Awakening rite is not only for exalts and Naga, you know. With it, I'll arouse Grima! The fell dragon needs only a mortal vessel, which you so kindly brought along...


  • ..Oh, gods. He means me.

Validar You ken quickly, Robin. That's my boy/girl.

Robin No! Never! I'll die first!

Validar You carry my blood—the blood of the fell dragon. His soul slumbers within you. And now the time has come to awaken you both!


  • ..Wh-what?! I'M Grima? I'M the fell dragon?!

Validar The Grimleal have worked for generations to create someone like you... A vessel worthy of our master. Simply having Grima's blood in your veins is not enough... My father was not worthy, nor was his father before him. Even I was not able to accept Grima's most sacred gift. But you? You had all the makings. You were perfection!

Robin N-no...

Validar If your damnable mother hadn't been seized by weakness and fear... She betrayed us—stole you from your crib, and fled with you in the night! I know naught of your life thereafter; but all that matters is your return. That you are here is PROOF of your purpose! It is why you still draw breath!

Chrom [If Male] You've proven nothing but your own madness. This can be stopped. YOU can be stopped! [If Female] Robin... We are going to stop this. This can be stopped. YOU can be stopped!

Validar You may have killed me in some future past, but I am stronger this time! With the power of the Dragon's Table flowing through me, I am unstoppable.

Chrom You're not the only one stronger this time! Right, Robin? ...Robin?

Robin Nngh...

Chrom Stay with me, Robin! You're not beholden to this fiend! You can fight it! We've all seen how strong you are! We've seen what you're capable of! Don't let him shake your resolve!

Robin C-Chrom, I... I don't know.

Validar Enough! This sorry display ill befits the heir to our master's power. And you, Prince—your sad poem sounds lovely, but it will not alter destiny.

Robin They're more than just words!

Validar Be still now, my son/daughter...

Robin My life did not begin with you. It began the day Chrom found me in that field. I have been all over this world, and I have helped change it—for the better. I have fought and laughed and bled with my friends, and THAT is what matters! The ties we forged, the bonds we share—they are of a power greater than Grima.

Validar A ludicrous idea, as you will know better than anyone soon enough...

Robin We do agree on one thing: my life so far has all been in preparation for this moment... When I kill you or die trying!

Validar Heh heh heh. You have your father's courage, but your mother's judgment... Very well, pup. Come! Do your worst! Come at me with all you have! There is no damage I can do your body that the fell dragon cannot repair!

Start Battle Chrom This is it! Our final battle! You're one of us, Robin, and no "destiny" can change that. Now let's kill this dastard and be done with it!

>'Player Phase' flashes

Validar So long as the dark barrier stands, no other soul can reach us. You must face your grim fate alone!

>Battle Start

End of Turn 3 Validar Come, my Grimleal! Smite these infidels!

VS Validar Chrom Validar Heh ha, are you so eager to meet your end, little Prince? You WILL die here. Your future is already written.

Chrom I tell you again: I make my own future. And it's one you'll not live to see!

Robin Validar Robin, why insist on these games? You only delay the inevitable. And besides, the alternative? Have you considered what happens should I fall? These followers of Naga will spurn you now that they've learned what you are. Kill me, and you incur the wrath of the Grimleal as well... Would you truly choose to be so utterly alone?


  • .....

Validar Humans are weak, pathetic creatures... Your "bonds" with them will bind you. You are destined for a greater purpose! The GREATEST purpose! You are to be a GOD!


  • ..Not your god—not today.

Normal Validar Destiny is your master, one way or the other!

Validar Defeated Validar Heh heh... Even this...was meant to be...

Movie: 'Fated Clash II' Validar This isn't over... Damn you BOTH!

Chrom Are you all right? That's the end of him. Thanks to you we carried the day. We can rest easy now. At long last...

  • ..What's wrong?

Hey, hang on— This is not your— your fault... Promise me you'll escape from this place... Please, go...

>end movie

Lucina N-no... Father! No!

Validar With the five Gemstones in hand, my magic knows no bounds. Robin is powerless to resist me. Do you see now, Son/Daughter? Human bonds are leaves in the wind. They offer you nothing.

Lucina This can't be happening. We were supposed to change this! Everything I have done is...worthless.

??? The hell it was!

Lucina Huh? I know that voice...

>Basilio enters

Basilio Don't you put any stock in this destiny hogwash! Let the dead whine about their fate... As long as I draw breath, I choose to keep fighting! That's what life is all about!

Lucina Khan Basilio! I-I thought... We all thought you were—

Basilio Worm food, back in Valm? It almost went that way. But I scraped by, thanks to you.

Lucina I don't understand.

Basilio Once I took a couple hits from Walhart, I knew he was too strong for me. Normally pride would've had me dead before I'd even thought twice about it. But your warning gave me the courage to be a coward, hah ha! I played dead like a big, bald opossum! It wasn't hard. In truth I almost WAS dead. You saved my life, Lucina. Had you not said anything... I'd have stood my ground against that monster and died on the spot.

Lucina Oh, Basilio!

Validar This...does...not...MATTER! If you didn't die there, then you can die HERE!

Basilio Hah! You're no Walhart, snake eyes! Not as strong, or even as clever... For example: you STILL haven't realized that you've been tricked.

Validar What?!

Basilio Robin predicted everything that would happen here. He/She saw it in a dream. Saw this very fight with you.

Validar If you think—

Basilio Guess what else was in the dream? The five Gemstones. When Flavia gave my stone to Chrom, Robin saw what fate had in store. He/She knew Chrom couldn't bring the real Gemstones here to Plegia. That would be like swinging a big, juicy steak right in front of destiny's choppers!

Validar Gya ha ha! A worthy bluff, Feroxi fool, but ridiculous all the same. I've had your merry little band watched since Carrion Isle. Your every move! So I know Robin hasn't touched the stones—he/she hasn't been near them!

Basilio You watched our party, yes—the members your men knew about; the live ones. But they weren't watching dead men, were they? ...They weren't watching me.

Validar I... No, that's not—

Basilio Heh, looks like it might be finally starting to sink in...

Validar That is not possible! These have to be... They must be...

Basilio Why? Because of...DESTINY? PAH ha ha! Robin had your destiny beat days ago, when he/she came up with this plan. The expression on your makes all those long nights in hiding worth it. Hah!

Validar Damn you! Damn you to all the hells! None of this matters! Chrom is dead! Your fates sealed! Grima will— ...Eh?

>camera angle changes, Robin attacks Validar as Chrom stands

Validar No...

Lucina Father! You're alive!

Chrom Robin...spared me... He/She weakened his/her magic...just before the strike...


  • .....

Validar GRAAAAAAGH! Damn you all, and your stones! I won't need them to kill you!

Chrom Ready to end this, Robin?

Robin Let's do it. I'm ready to see what our true future has in store.

Chrom We will. Now. Together.

>map barrier shatters, Validar warps to a different spot, Basilio and Flavia appear

Basilio Chrom! Robin! We're yours to command!

Flavia Let's put this dastard down, for good this time!

VS Validar - Take Two Lucina Lucina Die, Validar!

Validar Impudent meddler! You have failed to change the future at every turn. What makes you think this time will be different?!

Lucina Perhaps it won't... But either way, it's no reason to spare your miserable life!

Normal Validar Rrgh... F-fools... Destiny!

Validar Defeated - Again Validar No...nngh! All...wrong...

Post-Battle Validar Why... Why would you squander your birthright... son/daughter...

>Validar falls

Chrom We did it! We did it, Robin! We've altered our destiny! We... We've won.

>mysterious figure appears, turns into Robin's appearance

Robin You!

??? You may have altered the course of history, but not its destination.

Robin What do you mean?!

??? It is still written that Chrom died here at your hands. Or, perhaps to be more precise...mine.

Chrom Who are you, really?!

??? I told you. I'm Robin. The Robin that murdered you and became the fell dragon, Grima. When this "Marth" of yours decided to come back in time...I came with her.

Robin Another version of me? But how...?


  • Sigh* I can be so daft sometimes... It's really quite simple. I am you. Our only difference is the decisions we've made... Those vivid dreams you have—those are my memories. We share those memories because we share the same heart...Grima's heart.

Robin Th-the headaches... The voices... It was you!

??? Your recollection begins the day I entered this world. I intended for us to unite then, the first moment I found you. But your heart was still too weak to contain Grima's power... The shock of my attempt wiped your memory clean.


  • .....

??? I knew if Lucina managed to rewrite history, Grima would never be resurrected. And I, in turn, would cease to exist. So I had to step in, now and again, to keep my future secured. Like when Validar was killed in his attempt to assassinate Emmeryn... But that is the past, now. We have our future past to think of. All that remains is for you to become Grima, as I did. Then you and I will become as one, and we can reclaim my power.

Robin We are not yet the same?


  • ..You were supposed to choose godhood over your pathetic band of servants. But if you'll not claim the sacrifice laid at the Dragon's Table... I will claim it in your place!

>a dark aura appears around ???

Robin What?!

??? Myeh heh ha ha ha! The fell dragon and I are one! And though my journey through time has diminished my power...the life force here shall renew me!

>Robin runs off, ??? glows bright

Movie: 'Grima's Return' Chrom All right. Now what?

Lucina Grima. It's all over...

After Save Screen Lucina That's Grima! That's the demon who destroyed my world. And now he is among us...

Frederick The terrible size of it...gods! For once the legends spoke true. We can't face him, not in a straight battle—he'd kill us all!

Chrom If only we still had the Fire Emblem, we could ask Naga for her power. Then at least we'd have a chance.

Lissa But Validar took the Emblem!

Chrom And it was lost inside the Dragon's Table... I know.

Robin What, you mean THIS Fire Emblem?

Chrom The Emblem! But how...

Robin I stole it from you once, remember? The least I could do was steal it back.

Chrom [If Male] Robin, you old dastard. You never cease to amaze! Quickly now! We must complete the Awakening before Grima catches on! [If Female] Robin, you sly cat. You never cease to amaze! Quickly now! We must complete the Awakening before Grima catches on!

Frederick It's said the first exalt paid tribute to Naga at a site on Mount Prism.

Chrom Do you know where, exactly?

Frederick Yes. There is an altar at the peak of the mountain. If milord would perform the Awakening, it must be done there.

Chrom A small hope is better than no hope at all. Hurry, everyone!

dec 26 2017 ∞
dec 26 2017 +