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"Gods? Bah, there aren't any. Quit wasting time and fight for yourself. Only the strong and strategic survive here kid." | FE: Awakening 1st Gen. OC | Mostly Serious | Ran by: @Ike_eBara

listography TERMS



  • Sigh*

Robin Chrom? What are you doing out so late?

Chrom Oh, hi, Robin. Just...dueling with some unpleasant thoughts... Tomorrow we march to Regna Ferox to request additional soldiers. But there's something you should know first. ...Not everything Gangrel said was a lie. The last exalt, my father, waged war on Plegia for many years. The violence... It was a brutal campaign, ending only with his death 15 years ago. Plegia rightfully remembers their suffering, but his war was no kinder to his own people. As the fighting dragged on, our army became more and more diminished. Farmers who could barely wield a pitchfork were conscripted and sent to their deaths. Soon there was no food at all, and the kingdom began to collapse. I was young, but I remember those dark times. ...I know how they affected Emmeryn.

Robin Such an experience would change anyone.

Chrom Indeed. When our father died before her 10th year, he left her quite the legacy... Plegia's desire for vengeance... Our own people's unbridled rage... My sister became a target for blame from all sides. Her own subjects began to hurl insults—and stones. She still bears the scar from one... But she never let them see her pain. Only Lissa and I understood.

Robin It must have been so hard...

Chrom I cannot claim to know how she does it, Robin. I could never greet such hostility with warmth and patience. While our people mocked and vilified her, she reached out and healed them. She brought soldiers home to their families. She ended the war. And when Ylisse's spirit was mended and the people "forgave" her? ...She never resented them for it. She represents the best of the halidom—the part most worth protecting. She IS peace. But some men would take advantage of that. Men like King Gangrel. The day he understands peace will be the day death gives it to him. ...So perhaps I must be death's agent. Emmeryn would never order him killed, nor would I wish her to.

Marth Well spoken, sir.

Chrom Marth...

>Marth enters

Marth Good evening to you.

Chrom How did you get in here?

Marth The cleft in the castle wall, behind the maple grove.

Chrom There? But how would you...? Ugh.

Robin You know the place, Chrom?

Chrom Yes. I bashed in part of the wall while training the Shepherds. It's only a small hole, and I'd thought it well concealed, but...

Marth Your secret is safe with me. I come here only to warn you.

Chrom Warn us?

Marth The exalt's life is in danger.

Chrom What, Emmeryn? That's absurd. She's guarded at all hours.

Marth What if... What if I told you I have seen the future? Would you believe me? A future where Emmeryn is killed. Here. Tonight.

Chrom Seen the future? Have you lost your wits?

Marth Yes, I expected you wouldn't believe me. So allow me to prove it!

Movie: 'Foreseer' >Marth pulls out his sword and Chrom followed suit

Marth I'm about to save your life.

  • ..From him.

>An assassin rises from the bushes, Marth threw his sword upwards and jumped. He grabbed the sword and killed the enemy by slashing his back.

Marth I trust this proof will suffice?


  • ..Yeah.

>Another assassin rises from the bushes which caught Marth off guard. Marth slipped on the sword that the first assassin dropped and the second assassin's sword slashed across Marth's mask, letting loose Marth's long hair and revealing Marth's feminine face. Chrom sped past Marth and took care of the assassin. Then he turned to face Marth.

Chrom Wait, you're— You're a woman?

Marth And quite the actress, too. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't figure it out until just now.

> Explosion noise in the Palace. Everyone dashed into the palace.

>end movie

Start Battle

Validar Remember, I want the Emblem in my hand and Emmeryn dead on the floor. Let nothing distract you from either purpose.

Assassin As you will it.

>Cursor focuses on Gaius

Gaius Whoa, whoa, did I just hear that right? We're to KILL the exalt? I'm just here for the plunder. You know, line my pockets with some royal goods. The exalt's such a sweet lady... Sure, I'll rob her blind, but I'd never harm her!

>Cursor focuses on Emmeryn

Chrom Emm!

Emmeryn Chrom! Take Lissa and flee while you still have time!

Chrom No! We're not leaving you! Just stay where it's safe!

>Camera shifts to Robin

Robin The assassins should scatter if we can defeat their leader.

>Camera shifts to Validar

Validar Hmph! Two assassins and the little princeling was not even wounded? ...Wait. Some of these actors do not belong on this stage...

>Cursor focuses on Robin then camera shifts to Validar (If Robin is deployed)

Validar Ho ho! Can it be?! After years of searching... Tonight, fate truly piles the gifts at my feet!

>Camera shifts to Marth and show a cutscene of the Falchion glowing

Marth Falchion is gleaming...

Chrom What's wrong?

Marth It's not your concern.

Chrom Seems like nothing ever is with you.

Marth My apologies.

Chrom Just stay by Emmeryn's door. We'll handle the killers.

>'Player Phase' flashes

Emmeryn Chrom, please! Flee while you still can! You each have but one life, and I do not wish it weighed against mine!

>Battle Start

End of first Ally Phase >Panne appears

Panne I knew there was wisdom in slipping in with those rogues. Look how these man-spawn claw at each other like savages! I will repay my warren's debt and then wash my hands of their race.

Chrom Another assassin?

Marth Hold! Panne is not your enemy.

Chrom You know her?

Marth I know...of her. And I knew she would come here tonight.

Chrom Quite the prophet, aren't you?

Marth As you say. And I swear to you, Panne is an ally.


  • ..Good enough for me. All right, Shepherds! For now, we leave this Panne character be.

Frederick Is that wise, milord?

Chrom Marth has earned our trust. She enjoys her secrets, I know. ...Like her gender, for one. But she's also saved our lives. Twice. And that's enough for me.

Marth Chrom... Thank you.

Chrom Now, to the matter at hand: driving these scoundrels from our castle!

Chrom talks to Gaius Chrom Drop your weapon, or die where you stand!

Gaius Easy there, blue blood. I'm not here to hurt anyone.


  • ..Yet you run with a band of assassins?

Gaius Believe it or not, just trying to make a living. I'm a thief, see? Bust open doors, crack into chests...that kind of thing. This lot said they wanted to break into some type of vault. Nobody said anything about murder. I'd just as soon sit this one out.

Chrom Hmm... Then perhaps you'd be willing to prove your good intentions?

Gaius Beg pardon?

Chrom We need all the help we can get to save the exalt's life. You appear capable, and we could use any information you have about our foes.

Gaius Oh, right—those good intentions. Fine then, I'll prove my sincerity...if you sweeten the deal.

Chrom You want gold? ...Fine, you scoundrel. Let me just—oops.

>Music stops

Gaius Looks like you dropped something. What's in the satchel, mmm?

Chrom Nothing—candies from my little sister. I'm sure you—

>Music plays again

Gaius "Candies"? As in, sugar candies?

Chrom Well...yes, I assumed they'd be sweet? But—

Gaius IT'S A DEAL!


  • ..You'll risk your life for us if I give you...a bag of candy?

Gaius I said "sweeten the deal," didn't I? Don't get me wrong, I'll take the gold, too. Later. Unless you've got more of these. ...Have you got more of these?!

Chrom Um...I'll ask Lissa.

If Marth is defeated Marth Nngh, no! I must keep fighting...or what purpose have I served?

Chrom Marth, no! Stand down! You'll die if you don't! We'll keep Emmeryn safe, I swear!

Marth All right...nngh... A-as you wish...

If Gaius is defeated before recruited Gaius Nngh... Damn and double damn... I hate when things...go sour...

If Panne is defeated Panne I have misjudged the strength of these animals... I must fall back...

If Emmeryn is defeated Emmeryn Ah... I... Forgive me...

Chrom Emm? ...EMM?! No, no, no, no, no! Oh gods, nooo!

VS Validar (with Robin) Validar Well, well... Ha ha ha! Oh, I know you... Submit to me, and perhaps I might honor you with the truth!

VS Validar (Normal) Validar Emmeryn was supposed to be an easy target... You will pay for interfering in my designs!

Validar Defeated Validar No... This is...all...wrong... How have known the plan...


Chrom Thank the gods you're safe!

Emmeryn It is you I have to thank, Chrom.

Phila I beg your forgiveness, milord! I failed in my duty—they should have never made it into the castle in the first place.

Chrom Peace, Phila. You couldn't have known what was coming. Only Marth could...


  • ..Marth?

Chrom Yes, I would speak more with... Um... Robin, where's Marth?

Robin Hmm... An excellent qeustion. She was here a moment ago...


  • ..Not again!

>Scene change


  • .....

>Chrom enters and blocks Marth's path

Chrom Going somewhere? You have a bad habit of leaving without saying good-bye, you know.

Marth Yes, I'm afraid I have a few bad habits.

Chrom Good ones as well—you saved my life as well as both of my sisters. Is there a way I can repay you? Some favor I can grant?

Marth Hearing you offer is reward enough.

Chrom But there must be something...

Marth I already have what I came for: history has been rewritten.

Chrom And what future averted?

Marth After the exalt's untimely assassination, the Fire Emblem would be stolen. This, in turn, would lead to a great war, and soon to the end of mankind itself. ...But I'm sure that sounds like madness to you.


  • ..Strangely, no. It doesn't. Somehow I know I can trust you. And I hope someday to repay your favors.

Marth Perhaps one day you shall. Until then...

>Marth leaves


  • .....

>Scene changes back to the Palace [Note: This scene is not present in Classic Mode if Panne was defeated]

Emmeryn Brave taguel, there are not words to express my gratitude.

Panne So you know our true name?

Robin Sorry, what's a taguel?

Panne I am a taguel. The... The last taguel. We are shape-shifters. Most of your kind called us "beast" or "coney" in the midst of their hunt. I only helped you because my warren owes Ylisse a debt. Do not think us friends, you and I!

Robin I don't understand...

Panne Yes, it's precious little your kind seem to understand. It was man-spawn like you that invaded our warren and slaughtered my people.

Emmeryn What?! Is this true? Who would do such a thing?

Panne Ha! Do not act so shocked. You are all the same. Right down to your base desire to ruin and destory all you touch—even each other.


  • ..There is truth to your words, perhaps. I'm told that, in taguel society, everyone is treated as an equal. Mankind could have learned much from your warren. The words may come too late and mean too little, but I am deeply sorry. We have stolen your friends and family and made the world a lesser place.

Phila Your Grace—you had no fault in this!

Panne You claim to be blameless, and yet you would apologize? Pah! Your words are but wind.

Emmeryn I know... But they are all I have.


  • ..You seem sincere, man-spawn. You feel my pain as your own. ...I've never felt that before. Look at me. ...See what I am. I will never trust mankind. But you... Perhaps you truly are not like the others.

Emmeryn All I ask is a chance to earn your trust.

>Scene change

Validar Nngh... How?! My purpose is too be Aaargh...

>Mysterious figure enters

??? Validar.

Validar What? Who are you... Where did you...come from?

??? I am the power that compels you. You will not perish here. It is not written. You must live on to author a destiny greater than you know.

Validar I-impossible! It can't be you! It can't be...

??? I am the wings of despair. I am the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon, Grima...

>Scene changes to the Palace

Phila It will take time to investigate how the assassination plot got so far. We have no leads at present.

Chrom It was Plegia! I'm sure of it. They'd do anything for the Emblem. Emm, you can't stay here. Come to Ferox where it's safe.

Emmeryn And leave the people undefended? War is at our borders, Chrom. Do you expect Ylisse to stand against Plegia without a leader? They must know their exalt stands with them.

Chrom But if something happens to you? What then?

Frederick Your Grace, perhaps you might relocate to the eastern palace for the time being? The other kingdoms know nothing of it. You would be safer.

Chrom Yes, please. At least that. I can't leave for Ferox with you right in harm's way.


  • ..Hmm. Very well.

Chrom Thanks, Emm. I mean it. We'll escort you to the palace before we head north to the border.

>To world map

nov 18 2017 ∞
nov 18 2017 +