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"Gods? Bah, there aren't any. Quit wasting time and fight for yourself. Only the strong and strategic survive here kid." | FE: Awakening 1st Gen. OC | Mostly Serious | Ran by: @Ike_eBara

listography TERMS


Aversa So, Captain, let me be certain I understand your report... Not only did you NOT confirm that the Ylissean party carries the Fire Emblem... But you can't be certain Prince Chrom is even among them? ... Is that the gist of it?

Soldier Y-yes, milady! The air was thick with sand—even their number was difficult to ascertain.

Aversa Perhaps if you had gotten closer, Captain. Here, let me show you...

>Aversa approaches the soldier; camera tilts upward

Soldier N-no! I'm sorry, I— Huargh!

>camera shifts to show the soldier fall

Aversa Apology accepted

Gangrel Do try not to kill ALL the soldiers, my dear. We'll need a few for the welcoming party. The Ylisseans will be here soon—Chrom and the Emblem among them, I'm sure. That bleeding-heart prince would never put good sense before his sister!


  • ..And when they arrive?

Gangrel It will be a massacre worthy of their legendary father!

>scene change

Spy The exalt is to be executed at the castle on the morrow. I heard if from the king's own lips, sire.

Basilio This is it, then.

Chrom Exactly as you predicted, Robin.

Robin So far, yes. But tomorrow will be the true test...

Flavia Chin up, there! Show some confidence! It's your thinking that's got us this far. The plan is risky, but only as much is called for.

Chrom We'll find a way to see it through, Robin. Don't worry. This time tomorrow, we'll be swapping stories with Emm on the road home.

Robin I hope you're right.

>scene change

Validar Master Grima, Exalt Emmeryn is to be put to death on the morrow. Events will soon be back on course.


  • .....

Validar Ha ha, yes, I should never have doubted the truth of your words. The yoke of destiny cannot be cast off! Even as they resist, they write your future with every step, O great one!


  • .....

>scene change


  • ..AAAAAH!

Lissa Robin? Hey, Robin! What's wrong? Was it a nightmare?

Robin Is...that what it was? Y-yes, it must have been... I'm sorry, what brings you here, Lissa? Was there something you needed?

Lissa Frederick says it's time to march. And we can't start the plan without our master tactician!

>scene change

Gangrel Good people! Warriors of Plegia! Welcome! Welcome, one and all! Your anticipation electrifies the air! We ALL remember the crimes of Ylisse... Would you have their witch-queen answer for them? Here? Today? NOW? YEEEEEEEEEEEES! Finally, we will have JUSTICE! EXECUTIONER! If you would be so kind...

Robin Flavia!

Flavia I've got him!

>an axe flies toward and hits the brigand behind Emmeryn; the brigand falls off the cliff


Start Battle

Chrom Take out all the soldiers first! We'll deal with the Mad King later!

Gangrel Oh will you now? Bwa ha! We've been expecting you, Little Prince. Men: Kill him. Kill his sister. Kill his troops and his friends and anyone else you find! KILL THEM AAAAAAAAALL!

>Battle Start

End of first Player Phase Tharja So we're to kill or die here, simply because the king commands it? Pfft. What do I care of these Ylisseans? We're given no reasons to fight, only orders. What's the point? Besides, I've always been quite good at choosing who to hate on my own...

End of first Enemy Phase Libra Exalt Emmeryn! No! Gods speed me to her side!

End of Turn 2 Campari Where is the damn wyvern brigade?! Hurry! Close off their escape!

Chrom talks to Libra Chrom You there! Who are you? Why do you fight alone?

Libra Good heavens! You're Prince Chrom, brother to Her Grace the Exalt!

Chrom You know me?

Libra Know you? Of course, sire! All Ylissean clergy do. I must thank the gods for uniting us! Oh, dearest and most heavenly fa—

Chrom With all respect, now is not the time for prayer—it's action that's called for.

Libra Ah, too true! We hurried here to help as soon as word came of the execution.

Chrom We? Then there are more of you?

Libra Alas, there were. I lost many brave comrades along the way. In truth, I was starting to doubt the purpose of my struggle... But no longer! Pray, sire, let my axe serve you and your party!

Chrom Your love for my sister is clear. I would be honored to be joined by such a formidable woman of the cloth.


  • ..Man, sire. Man of the cloth.

Chrom You're a... ...You're not a woman?

Libra No, sire. Women are clerics. I am a priest. Well, technically a war monk, if you care to split hairs...

Chrom Oh. Yes, well, I'm... I didn't mean to imply... Well, this is rather awkward.

Libra Oh, it's all right, sire. You realized your mistake quickly enough. It could have become much more awkward. ...... MUCH more...

Chrom Right! Let's stop there.

Chrom talks to Tharja Chrom You there! Are you with the Plegians? You seem reluctant to fight.

Tharja Death comes for all of us eventually. Why invite it early, fighting for a cause I don't believe in?

Chrom So...I should take that as a no, or...

Tharja Let's just say I'm keeping my options open. I mean, long live the king and all, but I'd like to keep living as well. And I have a bit of a rebellious streak, I'm afraid. A...dark side.

Chrom Then perhaps you would rebel now and fight for our cause?


  • ..You would trust me? What if this is just a ploy to plunge a dagger in your back?

Chrom My sister, the exalt—I think she would trust you. And I'm trying to learn from her. Besides, I already need to watch my back, whether you're with us or not.

Tharja Well, that's odd... Usually when I bring up the backstabbing bit the discussion is over. All right, then—consider me your new ally. ...For now.

Libra defeated as Ally Libra No... Oh gods... Please finish...what I have started... S-save her...

Tharja defeated as Enemy Tharja Nngh... Curses! Literally: curses...on you...till the end...

VS Campari Campari You'll never save your precious exalt, scum!

Campari Defeated Campari Urgh... Killing me will only...feed Plegia's rage...


Chrom Robin! Their wyvern riders have fallen! The skies are clear! I'm giving the signal!

>pegasus knights rush in

Phila Your Grace!

Emmeryn Phila! I'm so glad to see you're safe! But how—

Phila Khan Basilio's men freed me. Come, we must hurry!

Gangrel What? Pegasus knights? How did they... That damned Ylissean tactician does NOT play fair!

Aversa Heh heh heh... Yes, well. Neither do I.

>archers appear, surrounding the pegasus knights


  • ..Risen?! Oh gods, no! Chrom! There are Risen everywhere!

Chrom Damn! Not now!

Gangrel Bwa ha ha! Oh, did an army of living corpses just APPEAR out of the blue?! Truly, the heavens smile upon mighty King Gangrel this day! Bwa ha ha ha!

>Battle Scene: an archer attacks and defeats Phila

Phila Risen... How... Y-Your Grace, I... Forgive me... Uhh...

Emmeryn Phila!

Gangrel Exeunt one pegasus knight! Bwa ha ha! Watch how they fall, one by one!

>the risen archers attack and defeat the pegasus knights

Robin No no no...

Chrom We've lost...

Gangrel I believe this is what they call a reversal of fortunes. Now...grovel before me. Plead! Beg for your worthless lives!

Chrom I'd give up my life before I'd beg for it from you.

Gangrel Oh, now THAT is a good line. A fitting epitaph for your tombstone, perhaps? But it's not just your life in the balance. The exalt still stands upon the block. And I have a dozen bows trained on her. All it would take is one word from me...

Chrom Emm! Hold on, I'm—

Gangrel ARCHERS! If this Ylissean pup so much as twitches, let fly your arrows!

Chrom I... I'll kill you!

Gangrel Go ahead! I welcome it. Just know you were responsible for Big Sister's bloody demise! ...And what of the rest of you? Eh? Who wants the honor of killing the exalt? ...No one? Bah! Your merry band isn't quite so headstrong anymore, is it? Pathetic!

Chrom Damn you!

Gangrel Now, now, my boy—no one needs die today. Not you. Not the exalt. Not your friends. Just lay down your sword, and give me the Fire Emblem.


  • ..I...

Robin Chrom! You can't trust him!

Chrom Of COURSE I can't trust him! I'm not an idiot! But if I just say no, he'll kill her! The gods are cruel, damn them! My sister or my duty... A problem with no right answer, yet I must choose!

Sacrifice Emmeryn? Yes Robin I know it's hard to admit, Chrom, but it's the only choice. Compared to the lives of thousands, one person, any one person, is—

Chrom DON'T! Just...don't say it.

Gangrel What's this? You'll let your sister and ruler die, all to save some old family trinket? Oh, so delicious! I can't WAIT to hear what your people have to say about it. "THE EXALT IS DEAD! LONG LIVE HER MURDERER!" Your halidom will collapse before you could even begin your rule...

Chrom We'll see, when the time comes. But first, I'll see you dead.

No Robin That's right. Don't give up! There has to be a way...

Chrom If there is, I can't see it... Ah, gods!

Gangrel I will count to three! Throw down your weapons, or your exalt becomes the world's largest quiver. One! Two! Thr—

Chrom Gangrel, hold! ...You win. Everyone, lay down yo—

'No, wait!' Emmeryn No, wait!

Gangrel SILENCE!

Chrom Emm...

Emmeryn King Gangrel, is there no hope you will listen to reason?

Gangrel You mean listen to more of your sanctimonious babble?! I think not. No, all I want to hear now is the THUNK of arrows, and a SPLAT as you hit the ground. Take one, long, last look from your perch. You do so enjoy looking down on people... Then prepare to meet the ground, and your maker! That is, unless someone were to give me the Emblem... NOW!


  • .....

Chrom ALL RIGHT! All right... Emm, I know you won't approve, but this is my final decision. MAYBE someday we'll face a crisis where MAYBE the Emblem would've helped... But I know for a fact that Ylisse needs you, today! The people need their exalt... And we need our sister. If those dark days should come, we'll face them together.

Emmeryn Chrom... Th-thank you. I know now what I must do...

Chrom Emm, what are you—

Emmeryn Plegians! I ask that you hear the truth of my words! War will win you nothing but sadness and pain, both inside your borders and out. Free yourselves from this hatred! From this cycle of pain and vengeance. Do what you must... As I will do. See now that one selfless act has the power to change the world!

Chrom Emm, no! No!

Movie: 'Emmeryn' Emmeryn No reaction... Was I wrong, then? Chrom... This is some torch I'm passing you... So be it. Chrom... Lissa... And all my people...

  • ..Know that I loved you.

Chrom Emm...

>end movie

Robin Oh gods...



Gangrel Bwa ha ha haa! Well now! ...How disgustingly noble. And so lovely a fall! Here I thought death to be an ugly thing. I've never seen one fall so gracefully, in fact. ...And I've seen many fall. Ah... So ends Emmeryn, Ylisse's most exalted! But how can we ensure everyone remembers this beautiful moment of her sacrifice? Perhaps we should gather up her body and put it on display! Bwa ha ha...

Chrom Gangrel! You die today!

>Basilio and Flavia rush in

Basilio No, boy! I secured and escape route! We have to flee!

Chrom B-but...her body... I have to...

Basilio You have to RUN! Now do it! Robin! Don't let him do anything stupid!

Marth No! No... I'm too late... Our bleak future is written once more... And darkness awaits us all.

>To world map

nov 18 2017 ∞
nov 18 2017 +