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"Gods? Bah, there aren't any. Quit wasting time and fight for yourself. Only the strong and strategic survive here kid." | FE: Awakening 1st Gen. OC | Mostly Serious | Ran by: @Ike_eBara

listography TERMS


Chrom Are you ready, Robin?

Robin As ready as I will ever be, Chrom. Let's finish this!

Start Battle >Grima sends out an attack

Chrom Hrrngh! *Huff, huff* ...Wh-what... What manner of magic...

Basilio Magic? *huff, huff* That was a...damned...catastrophe... He's weakened us all... He's too...strong...rrgh...

Frederick It cannot end like this... I won't have...all our for naught...

Lucina No... This darkness... The future is upon us! Oh gods... F-Father...

Grima And so it ends, Robin. See how frail these humans bonds of yours are? How short lived? How pointless? You have all thrown your lives away, and the result is the same!

Robin We're not dead yet!

Grima Detail, details. *sigh* But yes, I suppose it's time I got you all off my back, so to speak—permanently.

Robin No...

Grima No, you don't want this, do you? You do have a choice, you know. It doesn't have to be this way. You can still save all your friends... Become one with me, and we shall spare their lives. ...Refuse, and watch as I rend the flesh from their bones!


  • ..I...

Chrom No, Robin! Don' it...

Lissa He's/She's lying... It's...a trap...

Grima NOW! I will have your decision! Will you save these worms? Will you JOIN ME and become a GOD?

Submit to Grima? No Robin Do you think me a fool? You'll kill them anyway!


  • ..Well, of COURSE I would. I only thought you might want to leave your comrades with a heroic, selfless image. ...But so be it. Leave them with the final memory that you were their undoing!

Robin Aaarrrrgh!

Chrom Robin!

>Robin is absorbed into a black portal

Robin Where am I?

Grima Where your god wills you to be. Now if you will excuse me... I have some fleas on my back to take care of.

Robin No... I won't let you!

Yes Robin All right! I'll do as you wish! Just...let them live.

Chrom No, Robin! Don't—

>Robin is absorbed into a black portal

Grima Yes, at last I have you... Once our power is joined... THE DRAGON'S MIGHT...WILL BE MADE WHOLE.

Robin First, let my friends go... You promised to spare them.

Grima Oh come now, we both knew that was never going to happen... But I am not altogether cruel... I did spare you the pain of damning them openly.

Robin You...

Grima In truth, I simply don't understand why you care so deeply for the creatures... No matter. Your soul is mine now; you cannot escape. Your mind will descend into the shadow of my own!

Robin No... I won't let you!

'You still DARE resist ME?!' Grima You still DARE resist ME?! Then perhaps I should end you first!

>Grima attacks Robin

Robin So dark... A sea of black... I final strategy... No cards left to play... He/She has...won... Ah... I c-can't see... I can't hear... I feel...nothing... ...... ...Nothing... ......

??? ——ve to ————ack!


  • ..... ...Huh?

??? Yo— ha——— fi— back! ——ghting!

Robin I...hear something... A voice...

??? Fight ba—! —ave to keep ——ing! Fight back, Robin! You swore to do so, remember? Now keep your damn word!

Robin C-Chrom? Chrom! Chrom, I can hear you!

Grima What?! No! You are mine now! The dragon's grip cannot be broken!

Lissa Come back to us, Robin!

Frederick I know it would take more than this to stop you, sir/milady!

Sully You gonna let that ugly snake get the last hiss? Come on!

Virion History is watching, Robin! The bards would sing of your triumph!

Vaike On your feet, soldier! Don't make ol' Teach give ya a lecture!

Stahl Wake up, Robin! Only I get to oversleep!

Miriel Arise from your hypnopompic state! You are sorely needed here!

Kellam Hello? Can you hear me? ...Perhaps if I shout? AAAAAAH!

Sumia Robin, remember all the days we spent together!

Lon'qu [If Male] Answer us, Robin! [If Female] ...A-answer us, Robin!

Ricken Please, Robin! You're too important to me!

Maribelle Get up right this instant, or suffer a swift smack of my parasol!

Panne Do not rob the taguel of one of our last true champions!

Gaius Up and at 'em, Robin! One dragon oughta be a piece of cake!

Cordelia We're all right here by your side!

Gregor Gregor will snap you out of it! Gregor does with the YELLING!

Nowi I thought I was your favorite dragon! Forget about Grima!

Libra The gods gave you to us. I do not believe they wish you taken away!

Tharja Get up, Robin! No one goes down without my say so...

Olivia Please, Robin! I still haven't shown you my new dance!

Cherche Minerva wants you back, and so do I!

Henry I know the darkness is warm and delicious... But too much of a good thing is just bad!

Lucina You have earned my trust and my love, sir/milady. Now return to us!

Say'ri Aye, awaken! You cannot leave now, with my debt to you unpaid!

Basilio Pull it together, lad/lass! Death is overrated, believe me!

Flavia You don't bow to dragons. You break 'em!

Donnel I need ya to come on back, y'hear?!

Anna Robin, you can't close up shop on us now! We still need you!

Owain Heed not the dark's eerie call, friend! Summon forth the strength inside you!

Inigo I can think of nothing worse than dying alone. ...No, seriously. I can't.

Brady Come on, bud! No givin' up now!

Kjelle This is a test, and by the gods, you're gonna pass it!

Cynthia Come on! You can do this! You need to fight with us!

Severa If you don't come back, I'm never going to forgive you!

Gerome We lost to the fell dragon once. Do not grant fate a second victory!

Morgan (M) Mother! You mean everything to me! I can't lose you again!

Morgan (F) Father! You mean everything to me! I can't lose you again!

Yarne You're going to be okay, right? ...I need you to keep me safe.

Laurent It is inconceivable that our rollicking adventures might end at this juncture.

Noire Blood and thunder! Return to us now!

Nah You'll return. I know you will.

Tiki You are not Grima, nor is he you. Remember that, Robin!

Gangrel One nip from a dragon and you're down? Get up, you craven schoolboy/schoolgirl!

Walhart Rise, Robin! Show this god that man is made of sterner stuff!

Emmeryn Robin... Robin... Robin!


  • ..... ...Robin!

Aversa Oh, Robin, no taking the easy way out—I haven't finished with you yet!

Priam True champions find victory in the darkest hour! Show us, Robin!

Robin I can hear them... I hear my friends!

Grima Stop this at once! SILENCE those wretched voices! You are all powerless! Frail! Insignificant! You are NOOOTHING!

Chrom Return to us, Robin! Your bond with us is stronger than even the fell dragon's might!

Robin Chrom! I'm coming, Chrom! Hold on!

>Robin breaks free and returns

Naga Children of man, take my power! Rise now, and face the fell dragon!

>Naga heals everyone

>Battle Start

Pass a certain point on the map en route to boss Naga Hear my words, Awakener! Grima's servants will beset you to no end. Dispatch him as soon as you are able! Once the fell one is weakened, a choice will await you... If Chrom lets fall the final blow, Grima shall survive but return to his slumber...

Chrom So be it.

Naga If Robin strikes in Chrom's stead, both her life and Grima's are forever over. Only in this way may the fell dragon be destroyed for good and all.


  • .....

Naga The final yours.

VS Grima Robin Grima



  • .....

Chrom Chrom I come to end you, Grima!



Lucina Lucina I lost to you once, monster. I shall not lose again! Die now, that our future can live!



Normal Grima

  • ..I AM...GRIMA... I AM...DESPAIR...

Grima Defeated Grima


Chrom Now, Robin! This is our chance! I'm going to finish it!

Let Chrom land the final blow? No Chrom

  • ..Robin?! Wait, what—



Robin For once, I'm glad you and I are the same. Now I can give my life to protect those I care for...



Robin I would and I will. The evils you would visit on this world are unthinkable... In some way, I—we share the blame. It's only right we meet our end together!



>Robin attacks Grima; Grima fades away; Robin starts to fade away

Chrom Robin! No!

Robin Thank you, Chrom. For...everything... Tell the last thoughts were of them... May we meet again, in a better life...

Chrom Robin! No! Ah gods, NO!

>Robin waves and fades away

>scene change

Chrom The war is ended, my friends. Never again will the fell dragon trouble our world. I owe you all far more than words can ever repay. Especially Robin, who gave himself/herself to save us all. To save all the worlds to come.

Lissa P-poor Robin... *sniff* After everything he/she did for us...

Chrom Don't cry, Lissa. We'll see him/her again. I'm sure of it. Remember what Naga said? That Robin would survive if our ties were strong enough. This isn't over. I believe Robin is out there...somewhere... And I'll find him/her. If it takes me the rest of my days, I'll find him/her...

Lissa You're right! He/She has to be out there somewhere... And we'll find a way to bring him/her home. Even if we have to search every open field in this whole stupid world!

Frederick I believe the same, my prince. Robin is too strong to simply disappear. It falls to us to look after the realm until he/she returns.

Sully Robin had damn well BETTER come back! If that blasted dragon truly got him/her, I'll be the one breathing fire!

Virion He/She made a noble sacrifice, and I know my nobility! And I know Robin shall someday return!

Vaike Robin has gotta be out there somewhere... How do I know? Hey, you don't question the Vaike!

Stahl I can feel it, too. Robin is out there, waiting for us. Though I surely will miss him/her in the meantime...

Miriel While statistically unsubstantiated, I have what laymen might call a "hunch." This hunch corroborates most of the statements made thus far.

Kellam Robin, I know you're out there... I know you're not gone... And no one knows more about being lost and found than me!

Sumia I wish he/she could have stayed with us long enough to see me grow stronger... But all the more reason to work hard between now and his/her return!


  • ..He/She lives. I know it. Some people just aren't the dying sort.

Ricken If Chrom believes he's/she's all right, then so do I! Maybe I can work out some new magic to bring him/her home...

Maribelle If he/she returns to us now, I might even consider making him/her tea. ...Myself. Do you hear that, Robin?! ME, making TEA! You should be honored!

Panne Let us honor Robin's regard for his/her warren. He/She was a true taguel. And a true taguel would not leave family behind... I feel he's/she's out there!

Gaius If Robin's anythin' like me, he/she won't check out just 'cause a job is done. Gotta collect on all the sweet rewards, right?

Cordelia Too many times now have I watched loved ones give their lives for me... I must hold on to faith that this time will be different.

Gregor Oy, Robin! You daring to make Gregor celebrate alone?! Gregor not rest until he drink you under table! Har har!


  • Sob* *sniff* Robin's not gone! He's/She's just...misplaced! I'll wait a thousand years for him/her if I have to!

Libra Naga has a way of sending a ray of light into even the deepest darkness. May Robin find that light, just as he/she became that light for us.

Tharja He/She had better march back here and try again! I only send people off on my terms! ...Or in a casket.

Olivia There will be one less set of eyes on me as I dance... It feels wrong... Please come back, Robin! Please be out there somewhere!

Cherche Minerva says she still feels Robin is of this world... Also that he/she smells delicious, but that's neither here nor there...

Henry Hey, Robin, everyone's dying to see you alive. We're sick to death of death! That reminds me of a good one: two Risen, a wyvern, and a priest walk into a bar—

Lucina We have won our future, but we are in debt to so many sad memories... I pray at least one of those sadnesses will yet be undone.

Say'ri I swear my life and blade to defend this future you have won, Robin. If you can hear me, swear that you will help me do so!

Basilio He/She did what he/she had to do. That's the mark of a true warrior! He'll/She'll be back. I'd bet my sweet brown arse on it!

Flavia Bah! Leave it to Robin to take responsibility for all of us. If he/she cared for us that much, I hope he/she knows how we still need him/her.

Donnel Thanks to you and the others, I was able to change... And I've got more changin' to do! I wants ya to see it.

Anna You've done so much for me and all of my many, many sisters. You're an extra-special customer. ...I hope we meet again.

Owain I feel a soul straight and true pulsing in the darkness. The hero...will return!

Inigo No tears today. I know he'll/she'll be back. I'll just have to wait, and...try to smile...

Brady I won't cry! He'll/She'll be back! I know it! And in the meantime, I'll write the finest song about him/her that ever was!

Kjelle I am glad for our victory, but I wish it did not mean so sad a farewell... I still have so much to learn. Come back and teach me.

Cynthia Now I know what it really means to be a hero... But heroes always come back to fight again...don't they?

Severa Fool! Why did you sacrifice yourself?! I refuse to accept it! Return, Robin, or face my wrath!

Gerome He/She showed me that I have a future. That destiny can be defeated. We have to believe we can alter destiny once more and bring him/her back.

Morgan (M) Mother... You can't leave me now. Not like this... I believe in you. Come back!

Morgan (F) Father... You can't leave me now. Not like this... I believe in you. Come back!

Yarne All this death... No more! Please, you've... You've got to come back...

Laurent The world is vast and full of potential unexplored! I shall devote myself to discovering that art which might reunite us.

Noire No, this is all wrong... He/She can't be dead! He's/She's out there. We have to be patient and believe!

Nah This is all wrong. We can't just leave Robin for dead. I'll wait until the end of time for his/her return!

Tiki Robin put others before himself/herself. No one can question his/her character. But his/her work is not done. He/She is still needed here.

Gangrel Damn you, Robin! I joined this fight to meet my end, not secure yours! I'll chase after you to the ends of hell...and if you're there, well I'll drag you back!

Walhart How we die defines how we lived. This can be said of Robin. But I expect there are more pages yet to be written of a man/woman so nearly my equal.

Emmeryn Robin... Come back... I need you... We...need you... This world...needs you...


  • ..Robin. 'Twas a life lived grandly. ...... But was it lived to its end? I trow you are yet meant for more...

Aversa What? Robin, dead before me? Preposterous! Return, milord/milady, and you will have my service...

Priam Robin could not have arrived at his/her decision easily. But I won't accept it. This can't be the end of his/her story...

Chrom Robin has secured for us all the most precious gift: a future. Now it falls upon our shoulders to protect what was given. I vow to give my all to healing the damage this war has wrought upon the realm. When Robin returns, I want him/her to see what his/her sacrifice bought. Robin...if you can hear me... You will always have a place here with us. Remember that. Always.

>Turn History, Credits Reel, Character Endings

Movie: 'Second Meeting' Extended Ver. Lissa Chrom, we have to do SOMETHING.

Chrom What do you propose we do?

Lissa I... I dunno...

Chrom I see you're awake now.

Lissa Hey there!

Chrom There're better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Give me your hand. Welcome back. It's over now.


Yes >Chrom attacks Grima; Grima fades away

Chrom He's...he's finished. ...We did it! And without sacrificing the life of another friend! Can you believe it, Robin?

Naga Grima has returned to slumber.


  • .....

Chrom He may rise to threaten the world again, but he'll never destroy it. One such as I, or the first exalt before me... One will rise up to challenge him. Shepherds... Friends... The war is over! The fell dragon's era of chaos has been averted! The Risen will trouble our world no more! You all know that I'm a simple man, never one for speeches or song... But you need to know this... All that is good and brave in me and what I have done is because of you! We have weathered a sea of horror, but we did it as one. And, finally, we have come to the inviting shores of a bright future. Together.

Lissa Wooooo! I can't believe we did it!

Frederick Exceptionally well fought, my prince! At long last Ylisse can know lasting peace.

Sully Nothing like kickin' the crap out of a dragon to make you feel alive!

Virion Virion the Grimslayer... Ah, such a noble ring to it!

Vaike Yes! We won! We won! We... Uh, hey—has anyone seen my axe?

Stahl Anyone else hungry? Because I'm starving!

Miriel Let the scholars remember: there is no weapon more proficuous than the heart!

Kellam Hip hip hurrah! ...Huzzah? ...Hello? ...Anyone? ...Never mind.

Sumia We owe our victory to the world's finest captain and prince!

Lon'qu Laying it on a bit think, aren't all of you? ...Well, I guess it any time called for it, it'd be now.

Ricken Captain Chrom! How'd I do? I was great, wasn't I?

Maribelle I never doubted us for a second! ...Well, maybe a half second.

Panne The taguel have won more than peace... We have won a new clan.

Gaius And so ends another contract. ...Sweet, sweet victory.

Cordelia My good prince... My joy has no bounds...

Gregor Today Gregor not be stingy! Treat everyone to special bear dinner!

Nowi All this happiness is so contagious! I could just...c-cry! *sniff*

Libra At last, we have won Exalt Emmeryn her peace...

Tharja Stop grinning, you shameless fools! ...You want to make me smile, too?

Olivia Today's dance will come from the heart!

Cherche Whew! Quite a battle... Perhaps time to settle down for a spell.

Henry Oh, NICE! I'm still bleeding in, like, twelve different places! Look at all that blood...

Lucina It's over... I'm finally free...

Say'ri Chon'sin's struggle has ended. Mercy on you all, my good friends.

Basilio Har har har! We whupped 'em but good! Now, to feast! Bring the meat and mead!

Flavia The names of Chrom and Robin will long be remembered in Regna Ferox.

Donnel Look, Ma! Look, Pa! I done done it!

Anna Well, it's back to business, I suppose. Drop by our shops now and again, okay?

Owain Farewell, O dire beast! Now it's your turn to suffer in darkness!

Inigo Huzzah! Now I'll finally have more time for the ladies...

Brady Well, heck. We actually did it. We saved the world!

Kjelle My long training has finally proven its worth.

Cynthia Truth and justice win again! Woooooo!

Severa I never doubted us. We were born to win.

Gerome We have wrestled destiny itself into submission!

Morgan (M) Mother! Now we have years to share stories with one another.

Morgan (F) Father! Now we have years to share stories with one another.

Yarne H-holy moly! I might make it outta here alive after all!

Laurent Well, how delightfully fascinating this all was.

Noire Is... Is all the scary stuff over?

Nah Our journey through time was worth it, wasn't it, Mother?

Tiki The world has been plucked from the maw of darkness!

Gangrel Really now, I just can't seem to die... Where's the messy end I was promised?

Walhart I stand justified! Man alone is the ruler of his domain.

Emmeryn Chrom... Everyone... Thank you...

Yen'fay Say'ri, your strength has led this world back to light.

Aversa I suppose an end is an end. ...But now how will I fill my days?

Priam Our strength in body and mind have set the world on a better course.

Chrom I know some of you will be returning to your homes and families. This is good, though I will be most sorry to lose you. But ours is a fellowship that cannot be weakened by time or distance. As we walk toward a new and brighter future, let us think often on each other. And let's never forget what we have accomplished, here, today. Together.

>scene change


  • .....

Chrom Still feeling guilty, Robin?

Robin Huh? Oh... Hello, Chrom.

Chrom Don't bother trying to hide it. You're wondering if you should have sacrificed yourself.

Robin How can I not question it? I could have ensured my bloodline never threatens us again. But instead...

Chrom I won't lie: your death might have spared the world future grief. Perhaps. ...But I know for certain it would have robbed the world of someone very special.

Robin I'm just one man/woman, Chrom.

Chrom And the good you bring to the world will more than make up for it. You made the right choice, Robin. Everyone agrees.

If Robin is married and spouse is alive [Note: Robin will smile and respond with "......" after their spouse's quote.] [Note 2: Chrom does not have extra dialogue if married to Robin.]

Lissa And did you forget you're my HUSBAND?! You promised me we'd be together forever!

Frederick Indeed. Good wife, without life lacks purpose. I wish to be with you until the end of my days.

Sully I know how you feel, Robin. And you and I are both stubborn! But I want you here with ME, you dumb lug! So deal with it!

Virion You have always endeavored to keep your friends alive. But you must keep yourself alive as well! For your friends...and your true love.

Vaike Yeah, Robin! The Vaike swore to make ya happy for all time! Ya don't get to bail out early.

Stahl Robin, I am so lucky to have you. I could not bear to let you go.

Miriel Robin, just having you close transforms night into day. You wouldn't deny me that, would you?

Kellam That's right. You make me feel...well, like I exist. I need you, Robin.

Sumia If you had met your end atop that dragon, I...I could not bear it. I need you here, with me! We have so many more books to read!

Lon'qu Your place is here. You completed me when no other woman could.

Ricken Robin, these hardships have made me a stronger man. You can't leave me before our life together can truly begin!

Maribelle That's right. You don't get to die until I say you can! I was promised a lovely future, and I intend to collect.

Panne Would you wish more years of loneliness upon me? You are my every joy. I want you here.

Gaius I still have a few sweet rewards left for you, my love. Don't go running away just yet.

Cordelia The day you proposed to me was the happiest of my life. I want nothing more than to keep you close until the end of my days.

Gregor Always so quick to help others before your own self! It not so bright, but Gregor love you all the same! Har har!

Nowi You're not going anywhere unless you take me with you! We belong together!

Libra You're a good woman to put the happiness of others first. But many of us are made happy just by your presence.

Tharja Forget saving the world—I just want you. Gods have mercy on anyone who interferes!

Olivia Robin, I've dreamed of spending all my years with you. I'm glad you didn't take that dream away.

Cherche Minerva would be heartbroken to lose you... All right... I...would be heartbroken to lose you...

Henry Just DYING to die, aren't ya! Yeah, well over my dead body! My bloody, crumpled corpse... All bruised and broken... Mmm...

Lucina You saved our future—no small feat. We will use it to find a permanent solution for the fell dragon. And we shall do so together.

Say'ri Come with me to Chon'sin, Robin! Let us watch the blossoms return. We have still many years yet to fill with happy memories.

Basilio You don't have to shoulder the world's problems alone, Robin... Besides, if you go, who's gonna take care of me?! Gahar har har!

Flavia If you're going to sacrifice yourself, you'd damn well run it past your wife first! ...I'm actually a surprisingly good listener.

Donnel Wanna visit my village, Robin? I'm gonna need to introduce the love of my life to Ma, after all!

Anna Why don't we travel the world together? You might find your answers on the way. Oh, and don't worry about the cost. I'm independently wealthy.

Owain My sword hand fears not the demon that threatens to one day rise again. As long as the scions of Naga live on, we need not fear evil.

Inigo Hey, now, how about a smile for old Inigo, eh? You're beautiful when you smile. And I want to look upon it every day.

Brady Don't worry, Robin. I'll get you through your worries. I'll get stronger and make you happy no matter what.

Kjelle You can't give up, Robin. To sacrifice yourself is unthinkable. We swore to find a path where no one has to be left behind.

Cynthia Heroes have to put other people first, but I still don't want to lose you. I love you! And a dead husband is frankly no good to me at all!

Severa Are you stupid or just selfish? What about me? If you let yourself die, you'd let my happiness die with you.

Gerome You changed our future and gave me a brighter one. With you, I feel I have a choice in shaping the events to come.

Yarne You should have told me this was troubling you. I'll never stop fighting for you, no matter how many folks try to kill me!

Laurent You assume you and the fell dragon both must die, or neither. I say we find another way! Together!

Noire The thought of losing you scared me beyond belief... P-please stay with me. I need you so much.

Nah If you must go, Robin, I promise to wait for your return. A dragonkin like me can wait a thousand years, if need be.

Tiki I love you, Robin. And I would have both you and our world safe and at peace.

Gangrel You seriously considered ending your own life to save...them? Grgh. Whatever book of fairy tales did you pull THAT idea from? You are mine, Robin, and I will slaughter any who try to take you!

Walhart You and I were born to transcend gods, Robin, not die with them. Should the fell dragon return, we will simply destroy it together!

Emmeryn Robin... We... We belong...together...

Yen'fay I know how it feels to believe one's life is worth sacrificing. But was it not you who taught me the error of that thinking?

Aversa I care not for any of the other pitiful creatures of this world, my love. Only you. I would never forgive you for leaving by choice. I would chase you to the very hells!

Priam You and I will find a way to destroy the fell dragon without felling you. Promise me, Robin.

If Robin's children are recruited and alive [Note: Robin will smile and respond with "......" after each child's quote.]

Owain Sorry, but you're not going anywhere, Father. You and I can destroy the fell dragon by awakening the true power in our blood!

Inigo Smile, Father! Think of all the women left to woo in the world. Ha ha ha! I jest, I jest! ...But seriously. Do try to smile.

Brady I promise to f-fight, Dad. D-don't look at me l-like that! I ain't cryin'! *sniff*

Kjelle You taught me about warfare, cooking—all sorts of things. I want to learn more, Father.

Cynthia Father! Promise we'll be together always! Pinky-swear it! Come on!

Severa I know I'm not the most lovable daughter, but... I was hoping you'd stay with me anyway.

Gerome You showed me we all have the strength to best our fates. Don't tell me now that it was all a lie, Father!

Morgan (M) Don't worry, Mother! We'll find a way to make things right! I know it seems crazy, but look at all you've accomplished!

Morgan (F) Don't worry, Father! We'll find a way to make things right! I know it seems crazy, but look at all you've accomplished!

Yarne Daddy, you're all right! Oh, please don't leave me again! Everyone out here is trying to kill me, you know!

Laurent Father, I have done research into this fell dragon. I believe there are other ways to secure peace besides your demise.


  • Sniff* *sob* *cry* Father! Fatheeer!

Nah I don't feel it's my place to make demands. But I wish you would stay alive for me, Father.

Lucina I cannot imagine a future without you, Mother. Not anymore. You need to live—for me, and for all those who love you.

'Don't you see?' >Chrom CG

Chrom Don't you see? You belong with us. We want you here to share our present. ...And help create our future.

>Turn History, Credits Reel, Character Endings


dec 26 2017 ∞
dec 26 2017 +