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  • If I were a bird, I'd be a Swan.
  • If I were a body part, I'd be the Iris.
  • If I were a book, I'd be " The Nightingale and the Rose " by Oscar Wilde.
  • If I were a cardinal direction, I'd be the South.
  • If I were a color, I'd be Midnight Blue.
  • If I were a constellation, I'd be Scorpius.
  • If I were a star, I'd be Antares.
  • If I were a day of the week, I'd be Thursday.
  • If I were a sin, I would be Pride.
  • If I were a flower, I'd be the Rose.
  • If I were a fruit, I'd be an Apple.
  • If I were a gemstone, I'd be an Emerald.
  • If I were a geometrical shape, I'd be the Circle.
  • If I were a glimpse, I'd be the waves crashing against the crags in the moonlight.
  • If I were a letter, I'd be K.
  • If I were a mammal, I'd be a fawn.
  • If I were a mental sensation, I'd be ecstasy.
  • If I were a month, I'd be November.
  • If I were a mythical creature, I'd be a Mermaid.
  • If I were a number, I'd be Seven.
  • If I were a part of speech, I'd be a Pronoun.
  • If I were a phase of the moon, I'd be Waning Crescent.
  • If I were a physical sensation, I'd be a Frisson.
  • If I were a planet, I'd be Pluto.
  • If I were a scent, I'd be Jasmine.
  • If I were a sea creature, I'd be a box jellyfish.
  • If I were a season, I'd be Autumn.
  • If I were a song, I'd be " Poison and Wine " by The Civil Wars.
  • If I were a sound, I'd be music from a Violin.
  • If I were a spice, I'd be Cloves.
  • If i were a syntactic expletive, I'd be Bloody.
  • If I were a taste on your tongue, I'd be Bittersweet.
  • If I were a textile, I'd be Silk.
  • If I were a time of day, I'd be Twilight.
  • If I were a tree, I'd be a Sandalwood.
  • If I were a vegetable, I'd be Chilli Pepper.
  • If i were a word, I'd be Eternal.
  • If I were an element, I'd be Fire.
  • If I were an emotion, I'd be Kindness.
  • If I were an herb, I'd be Cannabis.
  • If I were an insect, I'd be a Butterfly.
  • If I were a musical instrument, I'd be the Violin.
aug 2 2012 ∞
dec 4 2016 +