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This is PP Entertainment's listography with information regarding all idols under the company. Lists are still being worked on and more information will be added soon.

listography TERMS


  • name: kim eunseok
  • height: 6'3
  • nationality: american
  • ethnicity: korean
  • birthday: 6/19/92
  • position: leader; vocalist; dancer


  • eunseok grew up in the states with his parents and 3 siblings: eunhyun, eunyeon (5STAR [one of my girl groups]'s marsi), and eunsoo. he is the oldest brother and always tried to set a good example for the others. since he was young, he loved singing. him and eunyeon were both the musical siblings in the family, him being a singer and her a rapper. during early highschool, he fell into an unhealthy and destructive relationship with a manipulative girl which caused him to ruin his own image and relationship with others. one day, he finds out that the girl had been cheating on him for how long. she played his heart, and used him. she never loved him, never cared. realizing all the things he sacrificed just for this girl and how much of an idiot he was, he went through a severe depressive state. he locked himself in his room, cried, even began to drink alcohol. he forgot everything about himself, didn't see anything except for worthless garbage. all this, lead to having to go through therapy and rehabilitation for a long time. while recovering and trying to find himself again, he began to sing again, and started dancing as well. he found himself enjoying it, and he was finally beginning to see who he was again and what his best aspects were. that's when he found his condition to be getting much better, and thought about pursuing a career with his talents. coincidentally, he had been street casted by PP Entertainment not too long after. he auditioned, was accepted and trained to later become part of o3, PP's first boy's group, as their leader.


  • he has a very calm and quiet personality, often keeping an emotionless expression. despite that, he is a very caring leader
  • because of his constant stoic expression, the uncommon sight of him smiling and/or laughing makes everyone very happy
  • he has dimples
  • he's the tallest member, and constantly bumps his head against the door frame.
  • he went by the name "jason kim" when living in the US, but decided to use his real name when becoming an idol to show a "new him" and "fresh start"
  • he's considered the dad of the group whereas MINH is the mom.
  • when the members wake up in the morning, MINH wakes him up first; he's a light sleeper and has the problem of waking up in the middle of the night.
  • he speaks english and korean fluently, as well as a conversational level of spanish. he's currently learning multiple other languages to be able to more properly communicate with fans.
  • Eunseok has done lots of collaborative work with YANA of LNG even since predebut so they're relatively close. fans suggest there's more going on though... ;)
  • he gets very uncomfortable when seeing any form of alcoholic beverage remembering his past; he heavily advises being cautious of how much they/they will drink to the members.
  • ^a deleted scene in a variety show displayed him getting infuriated and frustrated when someone tried to make him drink. the outburst was very rare and unlike him, and all the members said he's never gotten mad like that before, but they all understood why. zen said he was scared and unsure what to do.
  • he didn't want fans and others to know about his past but after records of him being in rehab leaked he decided to explain it thoroughly, despite it being painful to recall. he advised fans to "not let a relationship consume and control you like it did him." and don't make rash decisions.
  • as some speculated the reason for why he doesn't express much personality is linked to his damaging past, it was later confirmed by Marsi of 5STAR (his sister). she said she was too young to notice much back then but after discussing it with their sister and parents she said she did notice that ever since he returned from rehab he's been more stoic ever since. she said when looking through memories he was much more lively back then.
apr 29 2017 ∞
jul 14 2017 +