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This is PP Entertainment's listography with information regarding all idols under the company. Lists are still being worked on and more information will be added soon.

listography TERMS


  • name: zheng xiao liu
  • height: 5'9
  • position: lead vocalist
  • ethnicity: han chinese
  • birthday: 10/8/97
  • family: Biyu (zheng xiao biyu) (older sister; solo idol)


  • zen was born to a very poor family. he lived with his older sister and their two parents. generally, his life living in this household was very stressful. even if biyu was older, he had been more pushed around because he was the male child and his parents had very high expectations for him; they often thought of him as nothing as a failure and disgrace (fun fact: zen was an "accident". they were initially displeased with having biyu, because they wanted a son. however, they didn't intend to have zen (couldn't afford to get rid of him)). his parents mistreated them, and verbally (sometimes even physically) abused them. when they felt them misbehaving, their punishments lead to very far measures. they complained constantly that they were why they were losing money, but sent them off, forcing them to find jobs to earn money. because of all the responsibility put on him, he was unable to make friends. one day as zen is walking home, he hears from a store radio that a company called pp entertainment is holding auditions in china for those who wish to become idols under their name. zen, along with his sister, had always enjoyed singing. when they felt upset, hurt, or stressed, they would always sing to convey those emotions. their parents didn't ever know of this. when the two tell their parents about this, they carelessly send them away, not caring (believing they'll save money without them). they said to them that if they didn't pass, they wouldn't be able to return home (and they thought they would fail bc they didn't know they could sing; they practically sent their own children away) zen, at the age of 13, leaves with a 19 year old biyu to travel to the nearest audition location. they worked extra hard to save money for their travels. both are accepted, the company very pleased with their voices, and train for 3 years and debut in 2013 (our time). zen is put into O3 as biyu chooses to become a solo idol.


  • he is extremely shy and soft
  • his older sister is Biyu (zheng xiao biyu)
  • he has a bad habit of biting his nails
  • he has naturally messy hair (especially when he grew it out), which is why it's usually in a ponytail
  • he's close friends with Aurora of 5STAR and has been friends it's her since he became a trainee
  • he gets along well with all members, especially NINJ.4
  • while zen is quiet, NINJ.4 is the loudest, most comical member, so when zen can't speak up he helps him
  • in the end, he relies on NINJ.4 a lot
  • minh and zen also get along very well; mother/son relationship
  • he has that "angelic" type of voice
  • he always has some form of dark circles; they aren't too dark but they're noticeable
  • he looks very serious based on appearance but he's the most gentle, kind member
  • he and his sister biyu always avoid questions about family and home
  • he has a very light accent; you'd need to hear him talk for a while before you'd notice it
  • he and minh are the early birds of the group
  • he cooks the best
  • he got the wushu
  • he LOVES shopping for earrings and is very happy whenever he gets the opportunity to (his and NINJ.4's ears are both decorated with piercing holes so they often shop together (also ross sometimes)
apr 29 2017 ∞
jul 10 2017 +