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A bunch of random basic facts about me B^)

  • 17 (March 22), Aries
  • Biracial (White/Asian)
  • Really fucking short
  • ENFP
  • pure neutral with some chaotic good traits
  • Slytherin
  • I have ADHD and anxiety issues so if I act overly anxious or scrambled as hell, that’s likely why

Also keep in mind that I may take forever to reply to dms, I get quite a bit and sometimes I may be feeling antisocial af (please don’t take it personally, I prefer to talk to people when I’m in the right mood to)

I mainly do this on my spam now but just know that sometimes I may tend to ramble a lot and even overshare, but please don’t mind that lmao sometimes I like being open and people seem to find my stories interesting or funny soo

Be aware that I tend to subconsciously exaggerate how I feel a lot too, idk why I just do lmao (I also may overreact sometimes without meaning to)

It’s also a bit easy for me to change my opinion on certain subjects too. If I ever say something that confuses or particularly bothers you, feel free to talk it out with me. I don’t bite unless you’re rude (˘◡˘)

dec 15 2017 ∞
jul 2 2020 +