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I’m not exactly the type to get angry when asked why you’ve been blocked (unless you’re being rude of course) and depending on how you appear most of the time I’d just unblock you, truth be told depending on my mood I block freely on here and may even block people who I agree with, but their delivery or way of going about the matter just came off unnecessary, rude or obnoxious to me. Or just flat out annoying.
Most of the time when I see a user again I don’t remember why I blocked them and just unblock. Unless they have certain stuff on their profile that gives me a good idea on why I blocked to begin with. Or I stopped caring about whatever irked or annoyed me enough to block you to begin with.
If we’re in the same community and I have you currently blocked, that’s either because you mistreated somebody I knew or I saw how you handled a situation or topic and was pretty irked by it. Even if I sided with your point or reasoning, if you’re annoying or needlessly aggressive I’d prefer to maintain my peace this way. Depending on the offense I’d eventually stop caring then unblock you especially if you appeared to change.
It’s rare that I actually permanently block somebody. It’s also rare that I block anybody who I know, am mutuals with or frequently interact with and I often avoid resorting to that unless I’m forced to. In those cases, it has to be a strong moral and personal line that you’ve crossed and it’ll be harder for me to unblock you if desired.