[100%] I'm flying high as a kite man, either that or I really am super high, if you need a pick me up from me or need some help and advice 100% is the time to ask for it

[90%] I'm doing pretty good, I'm not super pumped and excited but i'm super happy!

[80%] I'm feeling good, probably listening to some good music and talking to some good friends, i'm probably chillaxin and calm.

[70%] I'm good, this is my happy neutral, where i'm not hyper or anything. Just being chaotic good.

[60%] I'm doing okay, i'm not emotionally dead or neutral yet, but i'm getting there.

[50%] I'm neutral. This is how I am most of the time so if i'm at 50% don't worry too much, but if you're someone super close to me watch out for that shit going down

[40%] Neutral eh, if someone asked me how I felt about life at 40% i'd just say. "Whats the point we all die eventually?"

[30%] Getting worse, we're past my usual emotions of 70-40% and are beginning to roll into the dumps, i'm not lost yet though, if i'm at 30% please send me pics of cute snakes, bats, or pictures of any of my ids happy and that will get me back up to 50% usually

[20%] I'm bad, probably not crying or having a panic attack but holding that shit in so it doesn't spiral out of control.

[10%] I'm doing horrible and feeling horrible. Please someone fuckin message me and make sure i'm okay at 10%

[0%] Seriously fucking shitty. Like 10% but worse.

aug 21 2017 ∞
dec 12 2017 +