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These are people who mean a lot to me. There are a LOT of these so buckle up butter cup. Also these are in no order at all after Rei so nae taking offense if you far down the list

  • Rei Ling Wei: Now let me preface this with the fact that yes, this one is sadly no longer of this world. But the effect she had and always will have on me cannot be overstated. I love that girl with more than I can ever explain, she was just the best friend I could ever have... We had so many memes, we were closer than I can describe... There is not a day goes by when I dont miss her.
  • Sophie: For four and a half years this human has been mah besto, may partner in crime, and it is all based on a mutual love of fanta abd a mutual hate of rude bastards. She is marvellous and recently since we started using whatsapp there hasnt been a day when we dont talk and I have never been happier. Getting to meet this one soon too, cannae wait
  • Eilidh: My best yuginerd. Pretty much the reason I am in this fandom. My go-to wigmaker, my canon Tsukikage, co-owner of so many personal memes, chocken human... the list goes on I stg but yee Eilidh is a cool.
  • Becca: part of 3ms Network, lover of cats (to the point where the rules state that we have to share all of the cat memes we ever see). Becca shares the opinion that tea and cats are the best things to exist. Probably my best friend who I actually get to see with any degree of regularity XD
  • Andy: Everything is Andys fault. 15 years ago he taught me how to play Yugi. The Aberdeen Lexicon, 3MS Network, Vanilla and Peas. Whenever I get married He will be my best man and I fear for this because that will be fucking chaotic. We have been friends for 15 years and as you can imagine there is so fucking much memeitude and randomosity that you could write a book on it (and we did. And then we lost it.)
  • Tails: My friendship with Tails can be summed up with one word. Serendipitous. Everything about our early friendship was just a bunch of happy accidents. I seem to just find the coolest people by accident and it is the best. e have not known each other long but we still talk most every day and I aint planning on having things change any time soon.
  • Fiddle: Okay so I met Fiddle on a pokemon egg website, she had a Sora sig and I commented on it and then we were like WAIT YOU ARE IN SCOTLAND and then before long she was assimilated into the Crewgioh. She is the Fusion to my Xyz and aye she is like a bowl of frosties cause she grrrrreat
  • Dave: My "sister" I have known her since she was proper smol and she is cool af and even if she doesnt always think so herself she is brilliant ily Dave and always here for u
  • Kim: Yet another fucking miracle I am so happy with. Met on Miitomo and then she fucking found me and she my other smol sistah. It is just a shame I did not know her when I actually played Undertale
  • Middy: P much canon Yugo. Smol bean. Wonderful. always a pleasure to talk to and part of the Bean Squad. Cannot wait til the end of July so I can meet her for reals.
  • Rinnii: Another of the bean squad. Other half of Middy. Sassy Yusaku. Meeting her at the same time I meet Middy, gonna be a blast. Whya re all my beans so wonderful I want to squish hug them all.
mar 24 2017 ∞
jun 30 2017 +