• Ingrid's 2nd channel videos; she's interesting to listen to.
  • Source Code. I watched it a week ago today and my mind is still on it.
  • Priscilla Queen of the Desert. See above.
  • My Sims and creating an extensive neighbourhood family tree that spans several generations.
  • Planning, planning, planning... (and never actually doing anything about said plans)
  • Skyrim. Five years of waiting is nearly over! As of today, it's exactly 11 weeks away.
  • The end of school. Which is, coincidentally, also exactly 11 weeks away.
  • The catharsis that will likely occur at some point around May next year.
  • Universities. I applied last Sunday and I should get into a decent one if I continue to do okay from hereon in.
  • The concept of participating in an exchange in perhaps my second or third year.
  • Slacking. Which is bad. Very, very bad.
aug 25 2011 ∞
mar 16 2015 +