• Aug 22 So many things... so many dumb people ruining my life... wah.
  • Aug 21 Tired... hate...
  • Aug 20 First day of school tomorrow. This time last year I was freaking out. Couldn't sleep, couldn't think of anything but. This year- eh. I'm much less prepared than last year, but it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Even the beginning of second semester scared me. Maybe it's because I've got Caitey to help me and show me around. I don't know, but it gives me hope for the future, that things that scare me and stress me out now will seem like every day nuisances in a few years.
  • Aug 17 My ex co-workers of my farming days dropped by tonight for a chat around the fire pit. I didn't know Luke very well in the first place. I guess I know him a little better now I guess. He's a lot like Nick. Who I also don't really know that well, but whatever. We mostly talked about video games and Star Wars... Michael was there, too. I didn't do a lot of the talking. Anyway, we had fun once we got past the awkward silences.
  • Aug 16 The search for a car continues.. We test drove one last night that I thought was perfect, but Dad didn't agree. I'm not sure he ever will. But I've about exhausted all options in the area. Hoping something new crops up.
  • Aug 15 Month half over... exactly two weeks until birthday... Less than a week until school starts... This time of year is always very stressful for me.
  • Aug 14 It may be a form of self-sabotage, but it gives me the tiniest bit of pleasure that my "cool" video that would "help me out" has considerably less views than many of my 'un-cool' videos. Hope it's doing better on his channel. Also, Lesley, I hope your kidneys are back in ship-shape soon. If not, we'll just have too make you a kidney cake. Remember Missy's? Good times...
  • Aug 13 Our total at Taco Bell today was $13.00 even... on the 13th... Also, I watched this web chat thing about Taylor Swift's new album because I can't resist, and she debuted her new single. I have to admit I was expecting something new and different. Why? Why would I expect that? It wasn't different. It was a pop-y, up tempo break up song called (I'm not making this up), "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together." Yeah. And it has that talking-during-the-instrumental thing going, like Story of Us and Better Than Revenge. So yeah, I guess the entire album is about break ups, and it isn't even different musically. Oh, and the single is number one on iTunes already, but who's surprised? Really, no one?
  • Aug 12 Sang a song I wrote for special music today, always nerve racking. Then the pastor asked me if it was one I'd written from the pulpit :/ My first thought, Was it that obvious?
  • Aug 11 Man, I love the Anderson's bible study. This is the first time in a long time I really feel like I'm learning and getting deeper. Plus the fellowship is awesome, because the Andersons are awesome.
  • Aug 10 Digging this cleaning the church business. It's a pretty good gig.
  • Aug 9 Well, I didn't sort out my financial aid mess as much as I'd have liked to. God will provide one way or another. It was good to see best bestie and make cupcakes just like old times. Bed time.
  • Aug 8 I passed every area of the Praxis with above-average marks! Now I just have to sort out my financial aid issues and I'll be good to go. Easier said than done.
  • Aug 7 Well we lost the last game last night, meaning me came in second place in the softball tournament. Nothing to sneeze at, but it would have been really gratifying to win against that particular team. They're team was stacked, they pulled people in specifically for the tourney (s'posed to be against the rules) and were caught lying about the attendance of on of their players who had just told one of our players that he had literally never been to that church, and wasn't attending any church at all. Afterwards, Dad said that was his last game ever, but he has said that a few times over the last few years, so we'll see. The truth is, almost everyone has forgotten why we even do church softball league. I wouldn't be too disappointed if it was his last game.
  • Aug 6 Shot my first 'music video' today. I use the term lightly here. Denver directed and filmed it. He's supposed to be uploading it to my channel soon. As long as I don't look like too big of an idiot I'll be okay with it.
  • Aug 5 Music didn't go so well in church today. Mostly my fault. Very frustrated.
  • Aug 4 The game got very heated tonight. Some lady from the opposing team got bowled over (ON ACCIDENT) by one of our players and threw a fit. I mean, tears, screaming, insulting, the works. For the rest of the game there was a lot of hostility from their side, not to mention some through-the-teeth lying. The ump made three calls in their favor, in my opinion because he didn't want that lady jumping down his throat again, and we ended up losing. We're playing another team from the same church tomorrow night and I'm nervous for everyone. It just seems that the whole idea of the CHURCH softball league has sort of gone out the window.
  • Aug 2 Ow my whole body hurts. Been swimming and exercising a lot this week. It's a good sort of ow, though. Received financial aid today, so that's a load off my mind. Things are looking up.
  • Aug 1 WHAT? August? Three short weeks 'til class begins, and just four until my 21st.
  • July 31 I forgot there was a July 31st, and was thinking it was August all day. I spent two hours trying different things on Garage Band, trying to get a couple of songs worked out for this crazy music video project with Denver, to no avail. Very frustrating. But I've lost 6 lbs. without trying too hard and Mom got me some Jr. Mints so I guess I'm okay with the world.
  • July 30 The last five days have been so boring I didn't even feel the need to write about them. I watched Batman, Nazarene team won a couple of games (including a landslide victory over Northwood tonight) and I went swimming a couple of times. That's about it. I'm actually looking forward to school, despite my weird schedule and really hoping I'll enjoy my classes. That's all IF I pass the Praxis, but I feel pretty good about my chances. Also, it is officially less than a month 'til my birthday and I'm feeling old.
  • July 25 Praxis test and vomiting yesterday, dental appointment today. Turning out to be best week of my life. My tooth huuurrrts.
  • July 24 Praxis test COMPLETE! Feel pretty good about, know for sure how I did in 10-15 days. The weird thing is, I was freaking out about it all last week, to the point of stomach knots and heart palpitations. Then yesterday, an eerie calm settled over me that I thought would be short lived. Then this morning came, and this afternoon, then it was time for the test and not a hint of anxiety. Surely I passed. Surely. I'm gonna feel real dumb if I didn't. But, freaking out never helped anyone do better on a test, and there's nothing I can do about it now so... feelin alright.
  • July 23 Niiiight swimming. That's my Michael Stipe impression. Also, went for a night swim.
  • July 22 Skipped a few days again due to the giant ball of stress that has lodged itself somewhere between my lungs.
  • July 18 I wanna sell stuff on Etsy. I just need to be more creative...
  • July 17 Today was sort of rough.
  • July 16 Got some recording done today :) Sounds pretty ok right now, only about a quarter of the way done. Though more accurately, knowing me, I'll get to the point I'm thinking of as "done" now, and by that time will have thought of a dozen other things and it will go on forever until I just have to tell myself NO!
  • July 15 Dad was asked to lead Bible study tonight because the pastor was gone to District Assembly. He talked about wisdom and what it means and how to put it into practice. He did a really good job. He really is a good public speaker. He said no one would have said that 25 years ago, so maybe there is hope for me after all. Though honestly, I'm not terrible, at least compared to the chumps in my speech class. Anyway, I've been trying to spend more time in the Word, and the extra Bible study (the Andersons', the college age one, Sunday nights) has really helped. Sometimes I forget how important it is to spend *time* on these things, especially in the company of other Christians. It's not something you can get out of the way quickly, like chores. And it shouldn't feel like chores. Tough if you let yourself slide, sometimes it feels like a chore getting back to where you need to be.
  • July 14 It's my wayward cousin's birthday today. Also, Bible study at the Andersons' was awesome. Good times. I didn't realize how much I missed those crazy kids. They're all so intelligent and nice and their cats are adorable.
  • July 13 Friday the 13th. Don't do anything stupid today.
  • July 12 Withholding judgment! WITHHOLDING JUDGMENT!
  • July 11 Welst... saw Brave today. That about sums it up.
  • July 10 How is the year past the half over mark? And why am I so bloody emotional lately? The PRAXIS looms ever closer (two weeks from today exactly) and school is just after that. My shame-enducingly lazy Summmer is coming to a close and I haven't got much to show for it. But then I didn't expect to. It's been nice. Guess I shouldn't count it as over just yet. And I shouldn't be so depressed about school. I think I might actually enjoy it this semester. I'm not taking a single math class, I have two classes with Caitey and I'll be in Terre Haute, a city I know quite well and that is much less boring than Vincennes. "It's time to start looking on the bright side/ even if it burns my eyes."
  • July 9 So... I haven't done Listography for ten days and I don't really have an excuse, except that after missing a few days I didn't feel like catching up so I just kept missing. So I'm not going to catch up. I'm just going to say that I've seen a few movies, hung out with a few friends, went swimming a few times and discovered that Mad Men is a pretty cool show.
  • June 29 Well, I was supposed to be canoeing today, but seeing as camping didn't go quite as planned (see below) we ended up watching a movie in Terre Haute instead; Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer. It was pretty sweet. I'm a pretty big Lincoln fan as it is. Also, had the pleasant surprise of ice cream with Lesley and Caitey. Then we ended up sitting at the park a while and catching each other up on our lives. Good times, especially compared to the night before, though it will be a great story to be recounted for years to come.
  • June 28 Camping... hot... bugs... RACCOONS... a skunk... giving up camping in middle of night... IHOP... Josh's... sleep.
  • June 27 Colleen passed her boards. Nurse in the family.
  • June 26 Looking forward to camping this weekend. Bible School continuing to be exhausting but enoyable.
  • June 25 Colleen's b-day was fine and drama-free. Bible School on the other hand, not so much. We have some little hellians. It's still a good time though. Makes me think maybe I'll be a good teacher.
  • June 24 Well, it was a simple, uneventful birthday for Colleen. That'll happen as you get older. It was the first night of VBS, too. We had an all-time low record of kids; 18. Bleak. On the other hand it made it really simple for the adults. I always have a good time interacting with the kids. Made some super cool bracelets that spelled COURAGE and had lions on 'em, seeing as we're learning about Daniel. Yeah, I made one. Reagan made friends, Kit cried and Grace was an angel. Wade tried to escape (what else is new) and Jason was his usual awkward self. Two kids broke their bracelets, and Lauren and Kim (who were both helpers, not students, let me point out) both misspelled and messed theirs up. Ah, Sullivan.
  • June 23 Tomorrow's Colleen's 26th birthday. Ugh, we're getting so old. Not cool. Got her presents today and spent the day cleaning and making a cake. I have a feeling things will take a turn for the worst tomorrow and end up as dramatic as they always seem to at family gatherings (especially where Colleen is involved).
  • June 22 Faced my fears and watched Signs tonight. Wasn't that scary... maybe a little. I might've woken up paralyzed in fear a couple of times but I was in that weird, in-between sleep phase and obviously wasn't thinking rationally so give me a break!
  • June 21 Bible study tonight. Bekah and Joey came. It was all about marriage and the marriage bed, so a little bit awkward, but I guess necessary. The bible isn't really 100% clear about such things, but then I guess there are a lot of things in the bible that aren't 100% clear. That's what the Holy Spirit's for, I reckon. Anyway, afterewards, Michael, Joey, Bekah and I drove to McDonald's and rocked out to The Darkness, what else. Good times.
  • June 20 Watched Rock of Ages with Caitey tonight. Kind of raunchy, kind of funny. Probably won't ever watch it again.
  • June 19 We won another game! I am so glad too, because the other team (mostly their fans) were super obnoxious. C'mon guys, it's a church league!
  • June 18 Urrgghh. Found out that dumb test I've been stressing out about is going to cost $130 that I DON"T HAVE. Why should I have to pay that much money to take a test? "Hello sir, I'm afraid you're required to cut off your own arm. That'll be $130." That's what it feels like to me.
  • June 17 I spent a good part of my evening importing Beatles' albums into iTunes. I found it lacking. It's crazy to think they've always been my favorite band. I'll go through short phases where I won't listen to them for a while and forget why I like them so much. Then I remember an old song I haven't heard in forever ("Blue Jay Way", "You're Going to Lose That Girl"), or learn of some cool story about why a song was written (while meditating in India, while eating a box of chocolates, Ringo said something funny, etc.) and get pulled back in. My favorite songs have changed over the years, and even my favorite Beatle (but it's been George for a while now), but those songs trigger memories like no other songs can. Plus their movies are hilarious and they have so much cool merchandise. It'd be easy to fill up your house with rugs, blankets, shower curtains, dishes, posters, art prints, candles, replica instruments, clocks, various knick knacks, and of course albums, all featuring the Beatles. I am thoroughly convinced that anyone who "doesn't like" the Beatles, hasn't listened to or learned enough about them.
  • June 16 McCormac's Creek pool is super classy and has adult swim time. I never knew the wonder of adult swim until today. One minute we were treading water, avoiding misbehaving children and obnoxious parents, the next a whistle blew and everyone under the age of, like, thirty-five cleared out (aside from me and Caitey, of course) and we had the pool practically to ourselves. Seriously, there were like five adults in an Olympic-size pool. It was awesome.
  • June 15 Went swimming at the lake again today despite our better judgment. It wasn't so bad once we were mostly submersed and close enough to the water to not be able to look at the full picture for what it is: a hole dug in the ground with dirty, sewage-poisoned water dumped into it. Also there was a whole flock of geese floating around. Later (after a scalding shower), Caitey and I got smoothies and rented a movie and hung out with Josh and made plans for camping. I really slacked off on chores this week and I need to call about taking that scary, impending test but I found no motivation to do any of those things this week. Also, I should probs make some new YouTube vids, but... see above. Go me.
  • June 14 No one came to bible study tonight (besides us Kennedys, that is) but we had fun anyway.
  • June 13 Today was Dad's 24 year service date at the IRS. We got him a cake and played the Beatles' "Taxman" when he walked in. It was good times.
  • June 12 When I got to the softball field, I thought our team would have to forfeit. We had seven players, most of which were over forty. Then the pitcher shows up, we barely have enough. Ok, we're going to get massacred. The game is off to a rocky start. The crazy lady playing catcher talks Caitey into subbing in for her. Someone's girlfriend shows up, subs in for the new catcher, who's in her late sixties. We're holding our own. An awesome hit from Caitey, a few more awesome hits from various players, and a few blatant mistakes from the outfield of the opposing team and we win, 17-7. WHAT? A highly entertaining game outta nowhere.
  • June 11 Signed up for classes and got my student ID today. It took over an hour to get my schedule straightened out thanks to the commuting situation, and when I got a home I realized there was a problem with the schedule anyway. So I'll be contacting my advisor tomorrow. Ugh. College is such a headache. You'd think they didn't want you to go.
  • June 10 I have GOT to get a new guitar. grumblgrumblegrumble
  • June 9 What a fine Treat Yo Self Saturday. Cupcakes, cashew chicken and smoothies. Got to talk to Bessie for a few and read pretty much all day. I'm having a very stress-free Summer and I'm afraid I'll have a nervous breakdown come Fall. Oh well, gonna enjoy it while it lasts.
  • June 8 Caitey and I made some jalopeno poppers tonight but couldn't eat them because they were so unbearably hot. We also went swimming for a bit at the lake, which was overrun with rednecks and bratty children, go figure. A while later Michael and I had a jam session in my room (that's where you play musical instruments in a casual, unstructured setting, not where you make delicious fruit spreads). Sometimes it really annoys me that we're not famous. Especially when considering some of the people that ARE famous (looking at you, Miss Cyrus).
  • June 7 I love how Ze Frank gives voice to those weird, somewhat subconcious thoughts I never fully think through. Then, when I'm watching his videos, I'm like, 'Omygosh I know, right?!' Like today, "...and why do I make tiny, involuntary noises when I remember something embarrassing I did?" Totes do that. Which is weird. I also make uncomfortable facial expressions, cover my face with my hands, and shake my head as if to snap myself out of it. I've noticed I tend to experience emotions, especially negative ones, very strongly, and respond to them quite irrationally. Luckily, I just don't experience emotions all that often. I feel pretty neutral most of the time. But if I'm angry with you, or heartbroken, or stressed out (which happens more often than any other emotion), look out; I might throw a McDouble at you (speaking from experience), or cry because you said a kind word, or shut down and become incapable of coherent thought. I guess I wouldn't change that though, even if I could. I've also noticed that I like feeling things. I like discovering new feelings. It's really cool when you think about it. I've been walking around feeling things for twenty years now and my concious mind, or my soul, or whatever is responsible for making me ME, is still able to respond to situations and experiences and people in whole new ways. It's a good life. I wish I didn't have to remind myself of that so often.
  • June 6 There's something mystical about the town of Robinson where romantic interludes are concerned. Then again, none of the romantic interludes brought about by the mystic powers of Robinson have ever panned out, so maybe it's cursed.
  • June 5 Watched Napoleon Dynamite with Bekah today. I don't think she thought it was as funny as we do, which is sad. Every single part of that movie is humorous to me. Every camera angle, every line, every tone of voice, and don't even get me started on the facial expressions. I don't think she gets it. Too bad.
  • June 4 Wow today was really boring.
  • June 3 I will never understand people, but I would sooner understand people than myself.
  • June 2 Another night hanging out with Bekah and Adam. I saw The Avengers again because Bekah hadn't seen it, then we met at McDonald's and ended up at the park. Good times. This morning our church had it's year kick off thing, which consisted of us walking around the church and praying in certain areas for designated concerns. One room was children and youth, one was our community, and so on. It was pretty cool.
  • June 1 I watched O Brother, Where Art Thou? tonight with Moms. I'd never watched it straight through, but I still considered it one of my favorite movies. Having now watched it all the way through, I can say it's still one of my favorite movies. "WE THOUGHT---- YOU WAS--- A TOAD!"
  • May 31 A great way to end the month. The Andersons came to bible study this week, along with Bekah and Adam, then everybody came over for games. (It was too rainy for a fire.) We had a really good discussion about absolute truth at bible study; whether it existed or not and what it was exactly if so. Bekah and Adam ended up staying 'til 2 am, talking about horoscopes and potential band names and listening to music (namely Weird Al and The Darkness). I'm just really glad to have so many good, Christian friends. They're actually hard to come by and I'm very fortunate.
  • May 30 Went swimming for the first time this year. We went to Amy's house and it was actually really fun because both Caitey and Michael came with. Later we watched the conclusion of Hatfields & McCoys which was a little bit depressing but still good. Excited about tomorrow; haven't had a big group of friends over in forever.
  • May 29 So.. been single for three years exactly today. I'm ok with it. If I'd really wanted to change that, I had a few opportunities to do so. No one special enough has come along to make me want to un-singleize myself. Like tonight, I played bocce ball with Caitey and ate chocolate cake and watched Hatfields & McCoys on History channel and didn't have to worry about making sure my boyfriend wasn't bored or left out.
  • May 28 The men are back. So is Reagan. Fun times be over.
  • May 27 Spent some quality time with Moms tonight. We ate at China Wok, watched some movies, then went on a walk and ended up at Colleen's house. On the way there we literally got stuck in some tree sap on the sidewalk and had to pull our flip-flops out with our hands. Mom almost fell down. Can you imagine the ordeal that would have followed!? Michael and Dad will be back from Lawrenceburg tomorrow and life will return to normal. Which is good, I guess.
  • May 26 Our girl's night we'd been planning was a bust, but our pastor's wife ended up coming over and watching The Vow with us, which wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought it might be. And Mom found my Bob Dylan tee yaay! Then that weird guy at Wal-Mart complimented me on it, asked if I played any Dylan tunes and said we should jam together some time. Ok man. Sure thing :/
  • May 25 We cleaned a lot today and did some shopping. I bought these adorable shoes that I'll probably never find anything to wear with, and some purple shorts which... ditto. But I felt like mixing it up and I really liked them. So now they're mine.
  • May 24 So Bekah and Adam were the only ones able to make it tonight, but we had a blast. After the bible study we roasted giant marshmallows and had the strangest conversation about male uteri. They stayed 'til one in the morning and my abs were killing me from laughing so hard. I'm not sure what your internet situation will be like, Lesley (surely you'll have internet access?), but good luck and don't let a rock fall on you head, though I'm sure that bandana will make all the difference.
  • May 23 So, Colleen's ok. Reagan's asleep. Today turned out alright. Also, watched Glee and it kind of broke my heart, too. RIP Finchel.
  • May 22 Didn't do much today. Did some cleaning, died Reagan's hair with blue Kool-Aid and walked to TroSno with Caitey. When we got back Mom and Dad had a fire going. We sat and talked for a while, then Reagan started acting bratty and Mom had to put her to bed. Surprisingly I wasn't bored at all today. It's really been a nice Summer so far. I'm just becoming increasingly worried about finances and especially the Italy trip. It's looking like I won't be going. Sad times.
  • May 21 Caitey and I have been playing tennis lately. We suck badly, but it's a rollicking good time. A couple of show offs took the court next to us tonight. One of them immediately took his shirt off and the other happened to very loudly state that he was joining the ISU tennis team. It's a shame Caitey and I didn't notice any of it...
  • May 20 What a lovely evening. The solar eclipse proved to be a bit disappointing, as it was very cloudy, but we still had a great time at the Bluff. It's been a lovely Summer so far.
  • May 19 So much music! Caitey and I discovered an unknown band called Party Box. Apparently, Patty-from-Kerns' son is in it and they're kind of legit, have a produced, jewel-cased CD and everything and they're kind of good. Also, The Silent Comedy have been discovered and have peaked our interest. I'm also compiling an Eclipse Party Playlist and another for myself with a mix of some of the new music. I've also been practicing singing a lot and I can really tell that my voice is improving. That's always exciting. Gotta be up early for the church breakfast in the morning, better turn in :)
  • May 18 So.. I love Downton Abbey. Currently Caitey and I are trying to establish if the episodes currently on Hulu are the only ones, or if others exist or will ever exist. Man, I hope so. It's like crack if crack wore charmeuse gowns and had a personal driver and a mother that wanted to marry it off ASAP.
  • May 17 Oh man I had a good time tonight. It's gonna go on my Favorite Parts of 2012 List.
  • May 16 RAAAWRR THE AVENGERS! Pretty fantastic. Heard it was the highest grossing movie at the box office of all time. Now, it's not the greatest movie ever, but it was highly entertaining and quite hilarious. Had a good time with Mickey, too.
  • May 15 Cook out :) Also, watched Ocean's 13 with Mom.
  • May 14 Saw Dark Shadows with Caitey tonight. Good times. We also had lunch at Red Lobster, dessert at Starbucks, and did some shopping at Kohl's. Have a lot of things we want to do this Summer, and probably not enough time or money to do half of them.
  • May 13 It's Mother's Day. I had special music at church (a song I wrote, was super nervous), then we went to Wendy's, then I slept a lot and went back to church. Then I discovered that Joey Richter was in Jackson, made a Wall of Stuff on my North bedroom wall and went to Tro Sno. Now I'ma watch Ocean's 13 with my momma. Super good day.
  • May 12 All moved out. Felt kind of weird because I knew I was leaving for the last time. I had some good times in that apartment. Overall though, I'm glad that chapter of my life is over and that I have new exciting things to look forward to. Speaking of, I applied to College of the Ozarks today :D It's sort of my dream school. I don't think I'll get in. I mean, I have a good GPA, but they almost exclusively take students in need of financial aid. 'But Tara,' you say, 'you're very much in need of financial aid. You don't even have a job!' Good point, but unfortunately they only look at my dad's pay stub and don't take into account that there's no way he could stretch that over two or three college tuitions. Luckily, they included a little space on the application (on which the fee is waved!) for me to describe any reasons I should be considered in financial need other than what FASFA could tell them. It's kind of late in the year anyway, so like I said I probably won't get in, but I figured I should at least try.
  • May 11 Went to watch Reagan's dance recital tonight. It was pretty lame but she did the best out of her group honestly, and she's pretty adorable. Finally moving everything out of the apartment tomorrow.
  • May 10 Been watching the first season of Modern Family. Good stuff. Still bored.
  • May 9 Bored.
  • May 8 Hung out with Bekah today. We went to the Christian Book Store so Bekah could semi-stalk this guy that works there that seems to be in to her. Then we went to Guitar Center and played some Neil Young with a trucker and I totally fell in love with this amazing guitar, not that I need one. I bought a CD at Best Buy, though they still didn't have any Avett Brothers (gonna have to break down and buy online). After all that plus dinner at Arby's we watched Breaking Dawn (I know, I know) at my house, which totally sucked but a little less than the first two. Friday's looking promising, but Thursday's pretty bleak; we still haven't found anyone to come to the Bible study :( I think this Summer will be alright after all.
  • May 7 Lots of songwriting lately. Love it when that happens.
  • May 6 Family went back home today. I must say it's so good to not have to go back to Vincennes tonight. That wretched place without a wisp of conditioned air, not a moment's respite from the infernal heat. I'll probably be really bored this Summer, but right now it's nice to have nothing to do.
  • May 5 Happy Cinco de Mayo. Times like these I wonder, "What does my family say behind MY back?" Hmm...
  • May 4 Family's here from Lawrenceburg. Staying 'til Sunday. Colleen's grad party is tomorrow and we're all getting ready for that. Pretty sure it'll be disastrous but Mom says I should have a more positive outlook. Just wasn't born that way.
  • May 3 So, a baby wondered onto our doorstep today. I guess people think that's ok now :/ She was like a year and a half old, wearing a tee-shirt and a diaper, no shoes. We asked her where her house was and she pointed at our house, "Dis my house!" I was like, "No, sorry. 'Fraid not." I asked her where she was trying to go. "My Gwamma's." "Where is your grandma?" I said. "In the stweet." How nice for your grandma. We finally found out she belonged to the neighbors who have like seven kids, even though this particular one didn't belong to them, she was just there for whatever reason. But they claimed her. "Oh, we didn't even notice she was gone!" lol. NOT.
  • May 2 When will I learn not to procrastinate? Things went fine with the case worker today. She's supposed to visit our house just to make sure we aren't cracked out weirdos living in a shed that her crazy family pawned her off on. Understandable. I've got a lot more studying to do, but I don't want to stay up too late. Have to be up by 6:30 to make sure I'm not late for class. Crazy history prof. says she's locking the door at 8 sharp and not letting anyone in. If you don't take the final, even if you have 100% on everything, you fail. If I oversleep I might have to go jump off a bridge or something.
  • May 1 New month. Crimony, the year's nearly half over. Got to go rock climbing today with Caitey, Ryne and Josh. We made stir fry at Ryne's for dinner, then went to Climb Time Towers (which sounds like a totally epic level of Mario or something). Afterwards we devoured a Colossal Sundae, then another Colossal Sundae, then Josh and I crashed and fell asleep in the car, leaving Caitey to drive home in sleepy silence. She was ok with it. Tomorrow's Reagan's therapy appointment that the case worker is attending. Still not sure what this means for any of us.
  • April 30 It's quite possible that the CPS will be getting involved in the situation with Reagan. This could be good or bad. No way to really know yet.
  • April 29 Colleen graduated from the nursing program today. Super glad that's over. Mom and I watched Ocean's 11. It was her first time. I love it more every time I see it. I had a good time thinking back to when we were all obsessed with the movie: Calling each other our character of choice, even going as far as to reassign our contact lists. Sometimes I like the thought of growing up, most of the time I miss the good old days. I'm getting better at growing older though. Which is good since I'll be doing that for the rest of my life.
  • April 28 I went to Terre Haute with Mom and Michael today. Bought a new dress. I have a lot of them now. I REALLY want another Avett Brothers album. Think I'll have to break down and buy one online. Anyways, then we had a frustrating praise team practice and later Mom and I watched Bridget Jones's Diary. It could've been better. I didn't have any deep thoughts or revelations today. I'm just trying to relax a little before finals and the impending job search.
  • April 27 Spent some time with Reagan today. She can be pretty sweet when she wants to be. Then went to Terre Haute with Caitey, met Josh and Ryne. Ashley tagged along for dinner which was... interesting. Then we watched The Rum Diary which was about as good the second time. I just love Johnny Depp.
  • April 26 One final down, three to go. I just realized how bad this Summer is going to suck.
  • April 25 Should be studying for math final but.. only need a 45% to pass...
  • April 24 I edited the video Michael and I did over the weekend today. It's still too long, but I think it'll have to stay that way. I'm afraid it's boring. I like it, but then I like talking to Michael. I am getting better at editing, though. So that's good. Math final Thursday. Just need a 45% on it to pass. Surely to God I can do that. Knowing me, I still might screw it up somehow. Wish me luck on that.
  • April 23 It hit me today how little school I have left. This is a good thing.
  • April 22 I didn't get much done this weekend, but I didn't really have that much to do, anyway. Michael and I spent the afternoon together while Caitey went to accept yet another award. Mom and Dad went with her. We drove over to Linton and ate Taco Bell in the park. Then we attempted to make a web video which I may or may not be editing and uploading at a later time. This week was Missions Week at church so we had our missions lesson. It was about truly accepting people of all lifestyles. Sure one is fine, but what if they start bringing in all their crazy friends? Are we still ok with that? Food for thought.
  • April 21 I got to see my best ever bestie for a few short hours this evening. We tried to figure out our lives: it wasn't very effective.
  • April 20 I'm not even sure how I made it through the day.. just a haze of boredom.
  • April 19 I tried to Live My Best Life Today but I just ended up really bored again.
  • April 18 Learned to play a few awesome songs today so that's exciting. That's all the excitement I had today. Oh and I made a grilled cheese. Yay me.
  • April 17 Ohmygosh I'm so bored. Should probs be studying but really sick of doing that. Not looking forward to... life.
  • April 16 Pretty fed up with a few different areas of my life right now. Namely school. Specifically math. Also love life. All of the above make me wanna curse.
  • April 15 Almost done with that crazy paper. Starting the next one tomorrow. The end is within sight!
  • April 14 Some Friday the 13th I had. I'm starting teaching the Pre-K Sunday School class tomorrow. I'm kind of excited, but also very apprehensive. I mean, it's Reagan, Andrew and Wade. They're all fun and adorable, but do I want to be held responsible for their tiny lives? It's Reagan, Andrew and WADE!
  • April 13 What is this life!?
  • April 12 Little bit high on life right now.
  • April 11 Austin is a cool dude. But I need alone time. I am an introvert. He is not. This does not compute with him. Luckily I'm going home tomorrow. Really excited to be done with school. Not excited to be looking for a job.
  • April 10 Such an uneventful day I'm not even sure what to say about it. Besides what I just said. School is going alright for now, but I'm starting to stress about finals. Also, I'm supposed to find out about trasferring my transcript this week. Need to get on that.
  • April 9 Spent a good majority of my day with Austin. He attempted to help me with my math homework but we both kinda suck. Getting really burnt out on school and ready for it to be over. Just a few weeks left, though. Rawr.
  • April 8 A very good Easter. Got a Starbucks card that I promptly used on a trip there with Trenton. I wrote the majority of an 8 page research paper and got groceries for the week. Also had a strange but interesting conversation with Awkward Blondie. Aside from all that, I can't go on without saying that I reallreallyreally appreciate God's immense love and Jesus' ultimate sacrifice. Wow. I mean, I really suck sometimes. There's no other way to say it, I just do. But Jesus so doesn't suck. I'm disappointed that Colleen couldn't bring herself to get up before noon and make it to church on one of the two Manditory Church Days of the year, but I'm praying extra hard for her, and I know Jesus loves her more than I do. Anyway, better get to bed. Have a paper to finish in the AM.
  • April 7 Got to watch The Hunger Games with Mom tonight. It was pretty good, I must say. Also, we got free popcorn cuz they had a deal where you bring a canned good and get a free small popcorn. Love Eagle Theatre. And forgot how much I really like Peeta :)
  • April 6 Finally watched The Descendants, then had a heart-to-heart with Mom about all kindsa stuff from my psychoanalyzation methods to love to family issues. Probably should've been doing homework instead, but you can't put a price on mother-daughter bonding. ("You can't a put a price on __," is what I say whenever I'm doing something instead of something I should be doing.)
  • April 5 Well, the math test didn't go too well, but home now and got me a hot fudge sundae.
  • April 4 What an awesome day. Classes went well, got to sleep in, no one hogged the bathroom, Hilary cleaned the kitchen, Austin came over and we played guitar, then Trent and Hil and Kristie came in and we all hung out. Have a make-up test in math tomorrow, but since my history test got moved that's the only bad thing I have to do. Then I get to go home at 4, since I get Good Friday off :)
  • April 3 Holy cow my test was moved and my butt is saved. I was pretty convinced for a couple of days that I was going to fail out of college and amount to nothing but then I remembered I tend to blow things out of proportion and calmed down.
  • April 2 Blisters on my feet from another exceptionally long walk. Test tomorrow that I'm pretty sure I'mgonna bomb, but it was good to be social for a while.
  • April 1 Happy April Fool's Day. Just Punk'd Michael. Told him his favorite rock star died.. by choking on a peanut. Ha.
  • Mar 26 I'm in Florida and a Thought a Day isn't gonna happen this week, as you might've already noticed. P.S. I keep typing in two or three letters of a web address and looking expectantly at the screen, waiting for autofill to take care of the rest, only to remember that I'm on a foreign computer. My homework is also suffering due to lack of reliable computer and internet service. Other than that, though, I'm having a wonderful time. Coming home Saturday and already planning our next trip, on which I'll be dragging the sisters along :)
  • Mar 22 Power Point is done. Huzzah. Sucks that I can't see the Hunger Games with everyone tomorrow but you really can't pass up an opportunity like this. Excited!
  • Mar 21 A very productive, if a bit boring, day. Knocked out that blasted history presentation, here's hoping I don't make a fool of myself. After I get that and math class over with I'm meeting Mom and some people from church to go to this Sunday School training thing. I reckon I'll be teachin' the youguns every other week. Going home after that so I can have some time to do laundry and pack. English Friday, then off to Florida! I'm excited :)
  • Mar 20 Well, it was good to see my bestie while it lasted. Can't believe I'm going to Florida. I think it'll be a blast, as long as I don't get too freaked out about school. Life is pretty great right now, except I have a Power Point presentation due day after tomorrow that I haven't actually started on. I'll knock that out tomorrow, then I should be caught up. I'm really going to have to stay on top of things if I don't want to die of anxiety. Hopefullly the relaxing properties of Florida will counteract the stress it will surely enduce. Btw, totes scared that STUPID wasp out of my room. It took several minutes and a mop handle but I did it.
  • Mar 19 Today was quite pleasant. I got a lot done, I sat outside in the beautiful weather, I made myself dinner and watched The Office. It would be perfect if that STUPID wasp would get outta here!
  • Mar 18 Music was a bit rough this morning. Then didn't get back to Vincennes til 10:30. I have a Power Point presentation for History due this Thursday that I'm kind of freaking out about. I've never actually used Power Point...
  • Mar 17 Well it's St. Patrick's Day. The highlight of it was sitting at the computer staring at AttackOfTheCute.com and going, "awww...!", for about twenty minutes straight, with my mom and brother chiming in as they passed by now and then. Oi.
  • Mar 16 I was supposed to go rock climbing today but we cancelled AGAIN and played frisbee gold at Demming instead. Which is fine by me, because it was gorgeous outside. Then we played that fun board game at Josh's and ordered a pizza. Good day :)
  • Mar 15 I should've taken my Mom's warning and... wait, what is the past-tense of beware? Anyways, she told me to beware the Ides of March. I didn't. Not only did I get caught in a downpour without an umbrella or a jacket and get soaked on my way home from class, but I was also wearing a shirt that then became partially see-through. If that wasn't enough, I started singing and talking to myself while browsing the internet only to discover that I was not alone as I had believed, but that my roommate was sleeping under that mass of blankets on her bed. I was alerted to her presence when her phone rang and she sat bolt-upright, nearly giving me a heart attack. Being the human version of the Socially Awkward Penguin as I am, I hastily retreated to the bathroom, then sought shelter on the porch. The best part is I started off the day watching a Rhett and Link video on YouTube about most embarrassing moments. As I watched this I thought to myself, I don't really have nay embarrassing moments... I will forever remember The Ides of March 2012 as the day I broke that trend and made a fool of myself- two-fold.
  • Mar 14 Happy Pi Day! I had a very social day (unfortunately, it did not include pie). It was nice after having been holed up in my room watching Hulu and slaving over stupid history all week. Test for that tomorrow :( Also, a math test. But then just English on Friday and home! Man is it hot in this room.
  • Mar 13 I had a completely normal, non-embarrassing conversation with my neighbor guy today about guitar. Also, a cute guy in my math class came and sat at the picnic table I was studying at outside the math buliding and talked to me for a while. Also, the pigs were relentless with their honking and yelling on the way to and from class. Either 1. I have some crazy-awesome Mojo working in my favor (although getting leered at by strange passers-by isn't at all a favor) or 2. Spring fever is in full swing. But probably both.
  • Mar 12 A fairly productive day. I have vaguely established the topic of my research paper and finished my math homework. Unfortunately, I have a math test tomorrow. Not excited. On the bright side, the weather keeps getting better. The high is 75 today. Of course it's gonna storm later in the week, but at least it's going to stay warm. Enough rambling about the weather. I have to get some sleep so I can be in a good mood for the History Nazi in the morning.
  • Mar 11 Back at school now that it's 70 degress outside. Really didn't accomplish anything over Spring break. Ready to finish this semester off and get on with Summer.
  • Mar 10 Went to Taco Bell tonight NOT to try the Doritos Loco Taco, but my idiot brother got one. He said it pretty much tasted like a regular taco. I also had a cookie from Kern's for the first time in forever. Mmmmm. Chocolate Chip.
  • Mar 9 I bought 3 new dresses at Plato's Closet today :) I also bought a bunch of charms and things to make necklaces and earrings at Hobby Lobby. I then spent the rest of the evening constructing a necklace and playing the grown-up version of dress up. It's pretty much like regular dress up, only instead of pretending to be a princess or a fairy, you try to be the most attractive version of yourself. Now I just need a cute pair of casual wedges and I'm set.
  • Mar 8 I've been looking for this movie, An Invisible Sign, which is about this elementary math teacher who falls in love with the ruggedly handsome, smart-ass science teacher at the same school (which is pretty much my dream minus the math) for the past two days, and it is nowhere to be had. The only place I could find it was on NetFlix, and not on Watch Instantly which is the only package we currently have. My life is bogus.
  • Mar 7 Finally- some fun. The weather was beautiful today, so Caitey, Josh and I played Frisbee golf at Demming park. Then we got bored with that and decided to play who-can-hit-that-tree. It was way more fun. Then we went to IHOP and I finally had a waffle with a butt-load of whipped cream, which I have been craving for over three weeks. I discovered a Hankler-fish in the wild, Josh gave me some super old, really cool playing cards that he found at a yard sale, and we played this new game he bought which I forget the name of, but was really fun. Tomorrow will probably make up for all that fun by being extra super boring, but life is pretty sweet right now.
  • Mar 6 Looking into studying abroad next year. Possibly going to Italy to study music and take some generals that would count towards my major. Caitey's pretty sure she's going, and I'm going to try to get in on that. She of course will be studying art. Four months away. Never been gone so long. But if it's at all possible it'd be totally worth it.
  • Mar 5 Also, I'm sick on Spring break.
  • Mar 4 I can't believe it freaking snowed on my Spring break.
  • Mar 3 I applied to ISU last night. For the Elementary Ed. course. I'm extremely nervous about officially declaring my major. I hate making decisions and this is probably the biggest decision I've ever had to make. I've been praying furiously that if this isn't right, that God would show me a definite sign. No sign so far, and I do feel like it's what I'm supposed to be doing right now. Still very scary for a commitment-phobic person such as myself.
  • Mar 2 Went bowling tonight with Bekah, Michael, Caitey and Ryne. It was a pretty good time. But, I found out I somehow have a C in FITNESS of all things (A's in everything else), so that kind of put a damper on the evening for me. I hope there's some sort of mistake, because that makes no sense to me. I'm going to have to bust my butt after break to bring it up to an A. It might not even be possible but I'll die trying because if not, I'll just die of embarrassment that I got a C in health Xp (<-- dead).
  • Mar 1 Today was lovely. My history quiz turned into a take-home quiz, I understood everything Mr. Sharkus said in math and he let us go early, then I got to go home early because my English teacher likes to cancel class whenever possible, not to mention the amazing weather. So, yeah.
  • Feb 29 Happy Leap Day! As it turns out, that girl-proposes-to-the-man thing is for reals. Looked it up. Legend has it that St. Bridgett made a deal with St. Patrick that women could propose to men once every four years, on Leap Day. And if he refused, he owed her something like money or a gown. Sounds like a fair deal to me. I think Vincennes has a serious case of Spring Fever. I had so many guys yell, honk and nod at me today, and I only walked to and from Humanities. It litereally takes four minutes to walk there from my apartment. In related news, my cute neighbor boy is back. I saw him picking broken bottles out of the gutter that someone had carelessly tossed there in front of our house. He also has a car decal that says Jesus and a cross hanging from his rear-view mirror, not that that means anything, but still. It was a very nice gesture to remove the unsightly booze bottles from our curb.
  • Feb 28 This week has been so easy, especially considering it's Midterm week, and especially especially as compared to last semester's Midterm week. But alas, I'm feeling a bit sickly. It might be as a result from the changing weather, which I am NOT complaining about :)
  • Feb 27 Is it stupid that I want to get dressed up and go dancing with all my friends? Yes, yes it is. But the fact remains.
  • Feb 26 I went to the county-wide Revival this evening. The pastor was a yeller, but sometimes it's good to see people get fired up. Personally, I don't usually respond as well to that style of preaching. I find it easier to hear what God's saying when things are little calmer and quieter. Either way, it was a good service and I'm just gald to be plugged in as much as possible. It's sort of like exercise: Even small amounts of it here and there is good, even if it's not super-intense or your favorite type. Sorry, I have that junk on the brain due to this stupid PE assignment. Seriously though, I'm really trying to get healthy both physically and spiritually. Feeling pretty decent about both. One more week of class then a whole week off. Hurrah!
  • Feb 25 I might be working at the Whosever Will daycare this Summer. I have an in. Also, turns out they hire teachers without a full degree as long as they're "on track" to becoming a teacher. Only, that would of course interfere with my own schooling. Anyway, it's something to keep in mind. Things are still pretty sticky family wise. There's a lot of bad and a lot of good going on right now and it's very confusing. Spiritually, however, that's just good :)
  • Feb 24 Watched Courageous and didn't hate it. Also went to J. Gumbo's and the mall with Caitey, Ryne and Michael. Pretty glad for my family.
  • Feb 23 Caitey's birthday. Lots of food. Home early b/c my teacher's on crack and canceled class all week. Not that I'm complaining. More bad news though. Aunt Sarah's other daughter (who is completely dependent on her, can't walk, talk, or go to the bathroom) has a blood clot and has been in the hospital. She's going home now, which isn't actually a good sign. They might be preparing for her to die. My mom's going over there on Saturday. It's been a really rough week. Hell, it's been a really rough year, so far.
  • Feb 22 Beat my head against my math homework for a little over two hours. Finished now, but not optimistic about the test tomorrow. Fortunately, it's an early weekend, due to the fact that my Friday class is canceled. So I'm headed home tomorrow. Not that being home will be much of a break. Maybe I'll get to do something fun this weekend, though. It is Caitey's birthday tomorrow. Anyway, I think Hilary has a cake in the kitchen for her birthday so Ima go check that out.
  • Feb 21 I got a text from Michael tonight that said, "I have bad news. Ruthie died." Ruthie is my second cousin on Grandma's side. She had Downs Syndrome and was in her late fifties, which is really unheard of. My great aunt Sarah took great care of her. I didn't know her well but she was so sweet and really brought joy to my aunt's life. Honestly though, it's probably a good thing she went before Aunt Sarah did, because she would not do well with anyone else. All the same, please keep our family in prayer.
  • Feb 20 Back at school and glad to be. I hope I can finish all this homework without dying. I am feeling very stressed and apathetic at the same time. That is a contradiction but I don't care. See? Apathetic.
  • Feb 19 Very good service at church this morning. Just what I needed. Skipping guitar tomorrow b/c English is canceled, so I'll get to hang with Mickey and Reaggers a little more before I head back.
  • Feb 18 Things have been weird on the social front these days. Bessie's practically out of the picture, Colleen's even worse (and she's my sister, for cripe's sake), and I am running out of friends. Luckily there's Bekah. We went to Terre Haute today, then came back to my place and she helped me finish a track on Garage Band that I'd been working on. We did a cover of Laundry Room that I am super proud of. It is by far the best thing I've recorded. We promptly stuck it ona CD with a few other songs and listened to it in the car on the way to MacDo's, giddy as school-children (I don't discriminate). We're debating what to do with it. We could just wait till I have other songs and make a CD, make a slide show for it and put it on YouTube, make a video for it and put that on YouTube, just stick one picture as a placeholder and upload that, or do the lyrics video thing. Anyway, it will be heard. Good day :)
  • Feb 17 Home again and super bored. But got to hang with my two younger siblings today. We had Jiffy Treet and it was amazing as usual. It kinda sucks that I don't get to see Reagan more often. And Michael for that matter. He'll be gone all weekend. But I was raised with him and therefore am not missing out on his childhood, like I am with Reagan.
  • Feb 16 Based on yesterday's caveman-like Thought, consisting of a string of letters to describe the noise I imagined my brain to be making at the time due to utter frustration, tonight's Thought of the Day shall be especially eloquent and poignant (not exactly sure what poignant means, though, so no promises on that one). Seeing as midterms fast approach, I have been simply swamped in homework. My brain isn't holding up to the amount of activities my schedule suddenly demands. I've been trying these past weeks to get a music blog up and running, but my altered state of brain has hindered my attmepts. I look forward to yonder weekend, when I shall enjoy a brief respite from the daunting tasks that will await my return. In the mean time, one could find me at the mall with my bosom friend Bekah shopping for my dear sister's upcoming birthday, or relaxing with my mother, as the men-folk will be on holiday this joyous week's end. That is all, thank you and goodnight.
  • Feb 15 Rawrgrrawr.
  • Feb 14 I watched The Woman in Black with Caitey, and then did something thoughtless and selfsih. We'll leave it at that.
  • Feb 13 Happy Galentine's Day! I didn't spend it with my gals over brunch or anything, but there's always next year. Tomorrow I'm going to see a movie with my delightful sister, which is much preferred to spending it alone in creepy apratment, as previously stated.
  • Feb 12 I had to miss the Grammy's tonight. Not pleased.
  • Feb 11 Had an unreasonable amount of fun with Michael and Bekah tonight. We took some really random, spur of the moment pictures and laughed our heads off. I also made some Valentine's for my roommates. I was struck in the middle of all of this that I'm really blessed. It's easy to stop and look around in tough times. You can see the situation for what it is because all you're thinking about is a way out. In good times, you're preoccupied with how freaking good everything is and forget to take the situation for what it is. I love it when God stops me and reminds me to be thankful.
  • Feb 10 Today was much better than yesterday. I'm actually ahead in English, can you believe it? I watched 'In Time' with Caitey and it pretty much sucked. Then Michael and I wasted so much time on Iwastesomuchtime.com . Go figure. But we laughed our heads off and had a good time, so there's that. My mom says I should go ahead with the teaching degree since I obviously want to do it, but I'm still pretty nervous to declare that as my major. Guess I'll wait and see how algebra goes.
  • Feb 9 I fell on the stairs and hurt my knee today. It was stupid.
  • Feb 8 Two of my roommates are sick. I learned to play Blackbird. It was a very boring day.
  • Feb 7 V-Day plans with Caitey. Only trouble is we'll probably end up seeing a couple movie, which not only means it will nauseatingly romantic, but also that nauseating couples will be doing nauseating things all around. Perhaps we'll do something else... In the mean time, I need to find out about this CCF dance and see if I can drag Bessie and Bekah along. Fun times :)
  • Feb 6 Bleh today was totally boring. Also, I realized Valentine's Day is a week from tomorrow. I wouldn't make a deal out of it at all, believe me, but I'm pretty sure all but one of my roommates have dates, and the other one will probably be in class. I so don't want to spend Valentine's Day alone in my creepy-ass neighborhood. Need to make plans ASAP.
  • Feb 5 I hung out with Bessie today. It was weird. I hadn't heard from her in a month, and she randomly calls me to tell she hadn't "dropped off the face of the earth" and wanted to know if I wanted to hang out today. I invited her to church and she came out to lunch afterwards with my family. I then had the almost imponderable joy of visiting her lovely and ambitious boyfriend, she said sarcastically, and his lesbian roommate, oh, and also her two kids (the lesbian's, not Bessie's). She briefly stopped at my house, gave me a hug and told me to message her on Facebook and left. Things are so different now. We don't have much to talk about. The part that really kills me is the way she's been to her family. I can handle her binge drinking and smoking and sleeping over at her pothead wrestler boyfriend's house. These are all typical twenty-one-year old things to do, as much as I disagree with them. But the fact that she's shut her family out, and thinks that now that she's moved out they should have nothing to do with her, that's what gets me. It's true that they can't tell her what to do, but they can be concerned and check up on her. Not only is she not making good choices, she's ruining her own ability to make wise choices in the future by cutting off the only source ofcaring and half-way wise people in her life.
  • Feb 4 It's Mickey's birthday. We went bowling in Terre Haute tonight b/c everyone in Sullivan County decided to have a birthday party at Patrick's and also the bowling league guys thought it'd be funny to ruin Michael's day and go ahead and have their competition tonight. I'd like to say that for the record, I came in first in bowling tonight, even ahead of Michael and Ryne mwahaha. We got coffee at IHOP after that, and called it a night. I have to say I'm very thankful for that chump. He can be annoying and super frustrating, but he's my baby brother and I'm glad we're as close as we are.
  • Feb 3 What an awesome day. Good thing #1: My only Friday class was canceled. Good thing #2: Bekah and I had lunch together. Good thing #3: We also went to Charlie's Candy and Record Cellar. Good thing #4: I bought an album recommended by a guy who told me the album sounds like the Civil + Mumford and Sons. He told me this when I asked for an Avett Brothers' albums, which he immediately knew where to find b/c he's a fan (they didn't have the Avett Bros. album). Good thing #4.5: Record Cellar has a Frequent Customer card that they stamp every time you buy an album, and the twelfth one's free! A free album, who does that? Good thing #5: Bekah and I played guitar at the bandstand at Gregg Park. Good Thing #6: Praise team went awwwesooome. Good thing #7: Mom asked me if I'd lost weight cuz my face looked thin. Freakin' awesome day. AWESOME. (Didn't feel like I'd used it quite enough.)
  • Feb 2 Merry frickin' Groundhog Day. Does Phil ever NOT see his shadow? Now we have six more weeks of Winter to look forward to, but today sure doesn't seem like it. The day after tomorrow is my little brother's 19th birthday and I can hardly believe it. Once again, his bday is going to be totally boring because he wouldn't tell us anything he wanted to do or even to eat. The only thing he did say was that he wanted a Wayne's World cake, but of course my mom never got around to ordering it from Tyler, so even that's not going to happen. Feel bad cuz his 18th even sucked, and that's kind of a big year. Anyway, I wish I could pull off some last minute scheme to make his birthday awesome, but it never works out like it does on sitcoms.
  • Feb 1 It's about time. I was sick of January. It was such a lovely day today. Sunny and sixty. Can't beat that, especially in February. Really want to get to Subway for Februany, but alas I have no car. On the bright side, Bekah's coming to pick me up Friday and we're going to Record Cellar and Charlie's. Should be a rockin' time. As far as thoughts go, today was a generally thought-free day. I did some homework and read out on my front porch. I watched some Raising Hope and the latest episode of Glee. I made bowtie pasta with chicken in tomato sauce. That about sums up my thought process for today. How un-philosophical of me.
  • Jan 31 My roommates and Zach are drinking Disaronno right now. It's Kristie's 21st. Happy 'drunking' as Reagan would say. I mispelled Disaronno the first time. Not a drinker.
  • Jan 30 Today was not as productive, but much more fun. Luckily, I'm pretty well ahead in homework. I just hope my evil History teacher doesn'tspring a pop quiz on us tomorrow,cuz I didn't quite finish the reading. Or read more than three pages, exactly.
  • Jan 29 Another productive day in the life of Tara Kennedy: Lead music at church, did two loads of laundry, arranged and sang a special w/ Mom for evening service, packed to go back to school, went grocery shopping and finished my math homework in the nick of time. All that and I had time for a nap, too.
  • Jan 28 My eldest sister can be a bit inconsiderate at times. She kept us waiting to go to Terre Haute so we could take her to work at two today, only to text us at the last minute to say someone else was giving her a ride. Besides that, it was a good day. I go some books I've been wanting to read for a while at the library with ma moms. Then we went to Best Buy so I could look for an Avett Brothers album I've been wanting (they didn't have it), and she could compare MP3 players/iPods. Neither of us bought anything. Then ma bestie came to hang w me and Caits and to say goodbye until March or something. Which will be here before we know it. Yikes. Also, I'm thinking of transferring to ISU next semester/maybe going to China then or next year. Lots of big decisions to consider.
  • Jan 27 Made some nom-nom monster cookies with ma bestie tonight and had a total geek-out over classic literature and Pokemon. Then Joshy stopped by for milk and cookies. Then Michael and I interchangeably laughed our heads off and freaked out over Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie. Pretty good day.
  • Jan 26 Back hurts for no reason, but on the bright side Say Anything is like the best movie ever (sarcastic font).
  • Jan 25 Today was productive AND fun. Finished math, english and guitar homework. When I say guitar homework, it should really be in quotations, b/c it is also what I do for fun in my spare time. Anyway, Trent and Cam came over and hung out with me, Hil, Liv and Katy. It was pretty hilarious.
  • Jan 24 Had an amazing National Peanut Butter Day with my best friend tonight. Sometimes I forget how much fun we have. (KITTEN PUNCH.)
  • Jan 23 I'm trying to ration out the last of The Book Thief since it's all I have to read until the weekend, but it's proving difficult. It's very good.
  • Jan 22 Wow some weather we're having. Tonight Hilary's phone rang and not ten seconds after she answered did mine ring, as well. My call came from Dad to give me a weather report and ask what our tornado drill plan was. Hilary and I both said at the exact same moment, "Yeah, there's a basement..." I then realized her father was doing the same thing mine was. There was a tornado warning just across the river in IL, and severe thunderstorms down here all night. It was a bit scary but inspired some weather-related lyrics that aren't too shabby, and we didn't even have a tornado.
  • Jan 21 One of my best friend's is lying to my face and running her car off the road, my sister is playing beer pong with minors and posting the pictures on Facebook, then turning around and tagging my entire family, a bunch of her delinquent friends and her crazy ex-boyfriend in a post about how her life has been really hard but she's going to "be a better person because of it", and the rest of my family has cabin fever and are at each other's throats. What is my life?
  • Jan 20 Had an amazing time bowling tonight. Really haven't had that much fun in a long time.
jan 20 2012 ∞
aug 28 2012 +