- Jan 18 I almost forgot this list was only supposed to last a year. Today is the last day. This list has actually expanded into three seperate lists, due to episodes of long-winded rambling, etc. I've looked back and realized not much has changed. I am in college and doing well, whereas I was terrified of beginning college and looking for ways to avoid it a year ago. It does seem pretty far off looking back, and I will say that /I've/ changed to some degree. My relationships with people have changed. I've begun new relationships (not on the romantic front- that certainly hasn't changed). But you can't expect change to happen over night. I can feel change happening, slow as that damn clock in History class, and it's nice to know I'm still young and have plenty of time. I only hope that a year from now I've got a little more figured out, and I've changed a little more, for the better. The End.
- Jan 17 Tonight at CCF we started a series about The BEST Question, or something. The question is, Is this the wise thing for me to do? Not "Is it moral", "Is it right", or "What specifically does the Bible say?" All those are good, but sometimes they aren't specific enough. Asking "Is it the WISE thing to do", helps avoid those 'gray areas' in life, and just makes your life so much better. Of course it's easier said than done, but most things are. Pray for me as I read through Epshesians once again. Wow, I can honestly say this week is dragging. I realized tonight, it's really only the first day of the school week (Monday classes were cancelled for MLK), and it feels like I've been here all week long.
- Jan 16 Preparing for another week of school, hurrah. I would just like to say that, even though the Elantra broke down and I wasn't able to use it anyway, I am very thankful for my life right now. I just pray nothing else goes wrong. P.S. Welcome back, Lesley! Hope you don't have scabies.
- Jan 15 I am so productive today! Algebra homework? Done! Laundry? Done! Clean house? Done! Up to date on all social media? Yes, even that. Done!
- Jan 14 The members of my family collectively went to Wal-Mart 5 times today. That might be a record. I finished The Fault in Our Stars around 2 a.m. It did not disappoint.
- Jan 13 Me, Caitey, Ryne, Michael and Josh hung out in Terre Haute tonight. Casey was going to come but her car broke down. Too bad.
- Jan 12 I like my algebra II teacher. His name is Mr. Sharkus. Today, a girl raised her hand and said, "Can I call you Mr. Shark?" He said yes.
- Jan 11 Today is my parents 26th anniversary. Sunday was Herb and Caroline's 50th. Sometimes love works.
- Jan 10 Bah. This day started out stressful and ended up really boring. I got started on some homework and watched back episodes of SNL and read Paper Towns some more. Next year, I'll be 21 and I will not miss drinking the nauseatingly sweet elixir that is Strawberry Hill on Alaska Young Day. I'm marking my calendar (figuratively, because I don't have a 2013 calendar yet): Jan 10, 2013. Alaska Young Day, me, Strawberry Hill, whoever else wants to join me. It's a date.
- Jan 9 First day of the new semester. Realized today how bad my Tuesdays are going to suck. I have to be all the way across campus for History at 9:30 in the morning. That's about a twenty minute walk. Then I have a lecture in the PE Complex which is nearly as far away from my apt at 12:30 and math at 2:00. All of these are spaced just far enough apart that it wouldn't make sense to just go ahead to my next class, which means walking to and from my apt three times every Tuesday. Thursdays are the same minus the PE lecture. TFiOS comes out tomorrow and I'm sad to say I failed at preordering it. Am broke :( To cheer myself up, and to make up for the fact that I, once again, won't be able to celebrate Alaska Day by drinking Strawberry Hill, I'm instead reading Paper Towns for the second time and going to bed early. Yay me.
- Jan 8 Packing stuff up and doing last minute laundry for my return to Vincennes. In a way I'm ready to get out of here and back into my own routine, in a way I'd like to stay here and be taken care of for a little longer. But the choice is made up for me so I'm headed back. Not looking forward to starting new classes again. I have no idea where these classrooms are. I've never set foot in the PE complex, and I anticipate that I'll spend a good majority of tomorrow morning wandering around looking stupid while I find them for the first time. I hope my teachers aren't too tough. New year, new classes, new teachers, new experiences. Hopefully all better than last year's.
- Jan 7 So I was gonna go back and catch up on the days I missed, but I honestly don't remember what I did or thought specifically over the last five days, so I'll just recap: Bessie sort of went off the deep end and moved out of her parents' house, and into the home of her friend. I've spent the last three days dealing with that and all of the drama that ensued. The rest of my brain has been occupied with stressful thoughts of school and money and how I'm going to get money to pay for school, etc. It's been pretty neurotic. Also a small portion has been consumed with thoughts of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (which henceforth will be referred to as TPATH), writing and making plans for this band Michael and I are attempting to put together (bit of a damper was put on when our harmony singer/co-front woman went crazy) and of course the rest was dispersed among my various family members and their troubles and ailments. That about sums up my week. Now I have to go spend way too much money on school books I'll barely use.
- Jan 2 It's already going by too fast. I'll be back at school in a week. I've taken some time to reflect on the previous year and how it could have been better (based on my own actions, not cosmically). I made my resolutions, nothing out of the ordinary. I would've loved to put, Travel to India, or something but I wanted to make them all practical and attainable, things that actually matter to me, that will make me a better person when completed. Hopefully I'll stick with it. This is a strange time in my life but I have a feeling it'll be one of those I look back to a lot, a kind of reference point.
- Jan 1 First day of the new year is coming to a close. I have to say it was one of the most boring New Year's Days in a long time. But I wrote a decent song. I write a song while at Grandma's every year. It just always happens that way. I get so bored that I just lock myself in the sewing room and play guitar and write and read and eventually get inspired and come up with something. Feels pretty good because I've been a little discouraged in that department lately. Here's to an inspired new year.
- Dec 31 New Year's Eve :) Nothing super magical about it this year, but I think it's gonna be a good one.
- Dec 30 Everyone's still sick. Preparing for the trip.
- Dec 29 The annual trip to Grandma's is coming up very soon. I'm pretty excited to go, but seeing as we've all been sick, I'm not quite as excited as I normally would be. I'm glad I'll have a chance to get away from town, though, and potentially clear my head. I've been driving myself nuts over-analyzing things, and it'll be great to get out of this stuffy house where I can walk around the cul-de-sac streets of Lawrenceburg and not talk to my immediate family for a while.
- Dec 28 The Andersons invited Bessie and I, along with a bunch of other kids, over to their house today. We played cards, board game versio og Family Feud, ate pizza and generally had a wonderful time. Too bad Bessie had to be home at elevan. Also we got totally lost on the way but it turned out ok.
- Dec 27 I spent my Kohl's gift card today on a tank top/cardigan combo and went to Chili's with Mom and Reagan. Then I went home and fell asleep from 8:30 to 10:00. I'm keeping the weirdest hours. My life is so boring that's really the best I can come up with for today.
- Dec 26 Very sad today because my father more or less told me today that another car was out of the question, thus making a job this semester out of the question. Good news: I am great at Scrabble.
- Dec 25 Had a great Christmas. Lots of good stuff and good times. Starting to feel pretty worthless and getting a little stressed out about school. It'll be here before I know it and I've gotten far away from my routine and study habits. New classes, class rooms and teachers. I suck at new things. But I've still got a little time to enjoy, including the trip to Lawrenceburg and our late Christmas there.
- Dec 24 Christmas Eve :) Pretty good day. Got to see Reagan and my little cousins open presents and make fools of themselves over them. Ate way too much delicious food. Now I'm finishing some laundry, then heading to bed. Presents and church in the morning. It may not feel too much like Christmas, but I can't say I'm not happy it's here.
- Dec 23 Welst, tomorrow is Chistmas Eve. It honestly doesn't feel much like Christmas.It seems like it gets that way more and more every year. But that's ok. Gives you more time to think about "what it's really about". I'm still really glad to be on break and to spend time with my family.
- Dec 22 Christmas party at Josh's. Fun times, awesome food, RETARDED movie. It's all good though. #Bonnie&ClydeVsDracula
- Dec 21 Found out today that, not only did I get an A in speech, I ended up with a 3.9 GPA. It's a bit of a fluke, seeing as that C+ in math doesn't count towards my GPA until I complete Algebra II (they're consecutive courses), but I'm still really proud of myself, and next semester should be about the same, unless the classes I'm taking end up being much harder than I anticipate. Guess we'll see, but now I know about how hard I need to try, and have formed some decent study habits so we should be good to go. P.S. End of the semester, think it's time for another visit to the Virtual Time Capsule.
- Dec 20 Wow this break is making me appreciate school a lot more. So tired of being in my house. Been pretty worthless this whole time. Should probably do something productive today before I sink into a stupor.
- Dec 19 Got an A in psychology. Woo! Surely I have an A in speech, but my teacher still hasn't posted my final grade.
- Dec 18 So... One Mr. Logan Gambill finally got his act together and talked to me today. His grandmother talked him into showing me these pictures from a hunting trip the night before during which he and his cousins got bored and posed the dead raccoons they'd shot in various positions, such as drinking a Slurpee and changing a tire. Pretty freakin' hilarious. After a few minutes of small talk, we parted ways and Caitey and I went on to Terre Haute to pick up Josh, then on to Indy to pick up Ryne and go rock climbing. Favorite quote of the night: Caitey: "We are terrible pepole." Josh: "Well... it was terrible wreath."
- Dec 17 I've been sleeping, like, an insane amount. It's a little ridiculous.
- Dec 16 Good times at Pizza Hut with Caitey. Stayed up til four again. Not gonna want to go to praise team in the morning. Oh well, you're only young once.
- Dec 15 Christmas shopping 50% complete. Planning another road trip/adventure with Caitey. Mmm yes.
- Dec 14 Break is sucking so far.
- Dec 13 Not nearly as sure about being a teacher as I was. Meh.
- Dec 12 I often talk to myself as if I'm talking to another person. Sometimes with a specific person in mind, imagining what they'd say, sometimes not. It really helps me figure stuff out. Turns out that's a real psychological therapy technique, go figure. I was thinking the other day, and I posed a question to myself that literally took me by surprise. I was thinking about school and my future, as per usual, and the other side of me asked, "Why can't you just be happy?" If I'd been talking to a real person, I would have faltered. I'm always waiting to be happy, waiting to get stuff figured out. Obviously, happy moments in between, but I spend a good majority of my life being irritated and wishing for things to move forward and improve. But who says that what I'm doing right now is so bad, or that it will ever get better than this? I'm in school, I have an apartment with friends, plus I have an awesome family that I get to see every week. It can be extremely frustrating at times, but I've decided to be happy and enjoy this time. Even school. It's not so bad, and there are parts that I really like about it. Of course I'm going to still have those days. You know, THOSE days, where all of this will flee from my mind and I'll be just as annoyed and/or depressed as ever, but hopefully those will be the fleeting moments in a normally happy life, instead of the other way around. Well, that's my shpeel. Haven't had one for a while, so I was overdue. Tomorrow will be shorter and less philosophical, probably.
- Dec 11 Hurray for friends. Boo for Starbucks. Why you no stay open 24 hours, Starbucks?
- Dec 10 Boring. Boring. Boring. Watched a dumb movie. Boring. Watched Wayne's World. Bed.
- Dec 9 Christmas is fast approaching. I still haven't started shopping. Two finals down, two to go.
- Dec 8 One final down, three to go. Feeling pretty good about the one I'm taking tomorrow: Another in-class essay about what I've learned in the class. Then I get to go home, having only to come back briefly Monday and Thursday afternoon. I'm sure I'll be more than ready to come back by January though, seeing as I sometimes get overly irritated with my family when just visiting for the weekend.
- Dec 7 Spring schedule is set. It will definitely be easier to work around, so a job will be possible, and most likely necessary. I'm going to sleep now before my brain starts leaking out of my ears due to major meltdown from studying all freaking day and night.
- Dec 6 I have an advising appt. tomorrow morning, to sign up for Spring classes. I don't really know what Spring classes I want to take, but I do know that I'm slightly curious about Elementary Education. Is that cliche or what? Meh. Too big of a decision. How am I supposed to know that I want to do that if I've never done it? Too bad there isn't some all-knowing orchestrator of life who knows what course of action would have the best outcome for my life that could tell me what to do. Oh wait, there is. What are you doin up there, God? No disrespect, but what is the hold up?
- Dec 5 Meh. Confused.
- Dec 4 I just interviewed my father on the goings-on of the IRS, wrote and typed a three page + works cited persuasive research paper all in one evening. Not to mention I baked all freaking day, lead my church in Christmas caroling at the nursing home, did laundry, wrapped baked goods in cute cellophane bags for roomies, made personalized tags for each and every one, then attached those tags to the precariously wrapped bags. It's 2 a.m. I got up early for church this morning. My neck hurts. I have to get up early again tomorrow to get those stupid shots and get all my stuff packed up to go back to school, and I am too wound up to sleep. Meh. All considered, though, it was a good day. P.S. I'm feeling evermore drawn to an elem. ed. major. Let's hear it, God.
- Dec 3 All the Christmas decorations are up. It was a pretty annoying day up until then. After, Caitey and I watched Bridesmaids, which wasn't very good besides the part when Tim Heidecker first came on screen. I about died.
- Dec 2 Good day :) Except for the part when I forgot to tell my dad that I had alternate transportation and let him drive all the way from Terre Haute to Vincennes for no reason :( Sucky Daughter Fail. But then I went caroling with Bessie and Bekah, then to the Fowler Park Christmas Walk (pretty happenin'), and finally back to my house for an experiment: I heard you can burn oranges like a candle, but it didn't work out. We drank some coffee, ate some cheese and made plans for a Baking Day on Sunday. Good times.
- Dec 1 DECEMBER! Really? Already? What's time going to be like when I'm 40? I don't want to think about it.
- Nov 30 Once again, I had my Thought all typed out, tried to save it, and was informed that the list exceeded the amount of acceptable characters. Another one moved to the archive. It went something like this: Today was better than yesterday. One good thing about this point in my life is that yes, I have bad days, but they're just that: days. Singular, one at a time days. Whereas before, I could have a bad week, or even month. For a while, on and off, I would get overwhelmed with feeling like my life was pointless, there was no hope I'd ever amount to anything, yada yada yada... Then I said something about how, while I'm not in love with the idea of college and I'm not about to go after my Master's or anything, I'm glad I'm doing something. I then proceeded to say, Ok God, now's the time You throw me for a loop. And I'm sure He most certainly will.
dec 1 2011 ∞
jan 20 2012 +