If Time And Money Were No Object: My wishes, hopes, dreams and prayers for twins would be answered. My family and I would probably not be living in the US. I love the United States of America, but since I haven't been outside our borders; I would like to live somewhere else, maybe Paris, Rome, Canada, or Australia. We would live in one of these countries, but we would travel, just about anywhere. I would be a photographer. I would take pictures of the places, people and animals that we discovered. I would develop the best, scan in the rest and make fantastic pictures. On the side I would also restore family pictures or any pictures that are important to my customers. I would be the co-owner of a tea/bookstore/record store. And on the other side, even though I am running out of sides, I would write children's books, detective novels, and poetry.

  • I had a job that I loved that paid well and allowed me to help people from afar
  • I was a trio -a group of girlfriends that I could travel/club and share with
  • I had a beautiful one story house
  • My twins were here
mar 19 2009 ∞
may 27 2009 +