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ᴥ About Me ᴥ

  • Remmy (also: RemRem, Rem)
  • Canadian (West Coast!)
  • NB, DMAB; He/Him; Gay but also kind of homoflexible
  • Fanfic Writer
  • Multishipper/Polyshipper
  • I love all my friends and I need more friends

ᴥ Notes ᴥ

  • Hinata Shouyou saved me from depression twice
  • I say that as a joke but in all honesty, he did.

ᴥ Tips ᴥ

  • Please be direct with me! I worry a lot. It helps my anxiety if I can trust people to tell me if I've done anything to make them uncomfortable.
jan 3 2017 ∞
may 19 2017 +