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Guns and Roses - Complete

  • IwaOi, DaiSuga, TsukiHina, YamaKage
  • 215k. Magical Boy AU. I have literally no words to describe this wild ride. I'm really proud of it, though.

Sweet Sweet Money - Complete

  • SugaHina, IwaOi
  • 40k. I literally wrote this Sugar Daddy AU because 1) his name is Suga and that makes him a Suga Daddy, 2) I wanted someone to ruffle Hinata's hair. It's a comedy.

Rise // From the Ground Up - Complete

  • OiHina
  • 13k. Written for OiHina Week 2016, and a birthday present to myself. A small exploration of what their relationship would be like, and what they would see in each other.
jan 3 2017 ∞
may 19 2017 +