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Jusr another Sailor Warrior fighting through the vast stories to find the ultimate novel. Not much can be told about the werisome life that HeLL leads -as in me, oh look speaking in the popular third person-
As you can tell I am not very interesting I mean for fuck's sake im eating a damn sandwich trying to figure out smart words to fill out this gimmick of a resume.
HeLL. 15. Bulgaria. Fighting...

listography NEW NEWS
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  • Deadpool: The Circle Chase #1-4 (1993)
  • Deadpool: Sins of the Past #1-4 (1994)
  • Deadpool: Agent of Weapon X #57-60 (2001-2002)
  • Deadpool: Funeral For A Freak #61-64 (2002-2002)
  • Daredevil/Deadpool '97 Annual (1997)
  • Deadpool Team-Up Starring Widdle Wade (1998)
  • Deadpool/Death '98 (1998)
  • Cable & Deadpool #1-50 (2004-2008)


X-Force #1-2, 5, 10-11, 14-15, 21-24, 46-47, 56, 71, 73, 76 & 100 (1991-1998) Marvel Age #126 (1993) The Avengers #366 (1993) Secret Defenders #15-17 (1994) Silver Sable #23, 30 (1994) Wolverine #88, Annual '95, Annual '99, 154, 155 (1994-2000) X-Calibre #1-3 (1995) Heroes For Hire #10-11 (1998) Contest of Champions II #1, 3-5 (1999) Heroes Reborn: Remnants #1 (2000) Gambit #17-18 (2000) X-Men Unlimited #28 (2000) Black Panther #22-23 (2000) Exiles #5-6,12-13,67-68 (2001-2005) X-Men: Millennial Visions #2 (2002) Agent X #13-15 (2003) Identity Disc #1-5 (2004) X-Force (vol. 2) #4-5 (2005) Weapon X: Days of Future Now #3 (2005) Ultimate Spider-Man #91-94 (2006) New X-Men #22 (2006) (Featured on cover only) Marvel Team-Up #25 (2006) (single panel cameo) White Tiger #5 (2007) Wolverine: Origins #20-25 (2008) Marvel Comics Presents (vol. 2) #10 (2008) Wolverine Unleashed #148-150 (2008) Marvel Zombies 3 #1 (2008) Weapon X: First Class #2 (2009) Thunderbolts #130-131 (2009) X-Force/Cable: Messiah War #1 (2009) X-Force (vol. 3) 14-15 (2009) Cable (vol. 2) #13-15 (2009) Marvel Zombies 4 #1-4 (2009) Ms. Marvel #40-41 (2009)

  • 1998 Annual Starring Deadpool and Death (July 1998)
  • What If Venom Possessed Deadpool? #1 (February 2011)
  • Deadpool/Cable #26 (February 2011).
  • Deadpool Family #1 (April 2011)
  • deadpool classic
  • marvel universe vs the punisher
  • masacre
  • fear itself
  • uncanny x force
  • longshot saves the marvel universe
  • deadpool vs the punisher
  • avenging spiderman
  • marvel now what?
  • marvel zombies
  • Superior Spiderman
  • mighty marvel women of marvel
  • the astonishing spiderman
  • deadpool mgc
  • Galacta: Daughter of Galactus
  • breaking into comics the marvel way
  • deadpool vs the marvel universe
  • Dark Reign: Deadpool/Thunderbolts
  • Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu One-Shot
  • Marvel Spotlight: Deadpool
may 4 2014 ∞
may 7 2014 +