• A is for AGE: Not polite to ask
  • B is for BIRTHDAY: May 28--in less than 2 days!
  • C is for CAR: I like the Prius and the totally-mini electric cars; don't own one
  • D is for DAD'S NAME: David
  • E is for EYE COLOR: Green
  • F is for FAVORITES: Color - green, Food - the edible kind, Drink - tea, Animal - cat
  • G is for GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL: 1998
  • H is for HAIR COLOR: usually red
  • I is for INSTRUMENT(S) PLAYED: Some Piano, not much penny whistle, almost no guitar
  • J is for JOB: Foodtail right now; freelance writer by the end of the year, or else
  • K is for KIDS: None yet, hope for three or so
  • L is for LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English and a little Swedish; I can say hello and thank you in German, French, Japanese, Cantonese, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, and I used to know Irish and Welsh
  • M is for MAJOR: Writing Popular Fiction; previously English / Creative Writing & Anthropolgy
  • N is for NAME: Many of them
  • O is for ONE WISH: To be a well-reviewed and influential writer
  • P is for PHOBIA(S): Dying too early, being forgotten, being left alone (in the wrong way)
  • Q is for QUOTE: The future is what we make.
  • R is for RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single; looking for my One True Guava
  • S is for SIBLINGS: One brother, one sister
  • T is for TALL: Not very, but I like my men that way
  • U is for UNDER MY BED: Nothing, for once!
  • V is for VOTING: Democrat / Bleeding heart liberal
  • W is for WHERE I'M FROM: All over the world, but I count Dunoon, Scotland as my hometown
  • X is for X-RAYS: Broken foot when I was 6, dental x-rays when I was hit by the car at 16
  • Y is for YEAR I WAS BORN: Guess
  • Z is for ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini, Monkey, Deer, Obsidian Blade, Birch (they all seem to be about the same, description-wise)
may 27 2011 ∞
may 27 2011 +