• I was hit by a car when I was sixteen, over Christmas break (dislocated hip, lost tooth, broken nose, huge scratch down from top of forehead to bottom of chin, lost glasses, both sides of left elbow, left upper arm, left side of chest)
  • I was bounced around my boyfriend's car in community college when someone slammed into us diagonal on my side of the car (severe whiplash, maybe a slight concussion; the car had a bent axel and wouldn't drive straight)
  • I was hit by a car on the way to work when I was riding my bike (slammed into the side door and side mirror, went over the handlebars, hit my head pretty hard on the pavement)
  • When I was six years old, my friend jumped off the see-saw when I was at the top and I came down on top of my own foot (compression fracture just above my left big toe, cast for nine weeks)
  • On the way to work once, the bus I'd just gotten on, when I wasn't sitting yet, rearended a car that stopped suddenly before us, and I was slammed into the partition (whiplash, bruised hip and elbow)
feb 28 2013 ∞
feb 28 2013 +