• Italy: House with terraza floors right by the artichoke field. There was a wall around the yard that I could walk on, a mud pit behind it, a porch that had a fire on it at one time, a big wall between us and the next-door neighbors, little red bugs on the stones, venus flytraps at the bottom of the yard, and a hotel with a rabbit hutch up the road. We were protected by the Mafia there.
  • Japan: Third-story apartment. The ceiling cracked during a typhoon, the porches overflowed into the house during storms, we were right next to a sugarcane field that burned off twice a year and smelled like melting cheese, there were flying ants or termites that would swarm, we would play in the parking lot downstairs, the landlord's wife would pack extra yogurt drinks in his lunch for us.
  • Japan: On-base, the green townhouse. Bedrooms upstairs, livingroom downstairs, kitchen had two doors that were never closed, front door was metal and super-heavy, back porch went to a shared lawn that ended in a wall we could climb, only green one in the complex, next door on one side was a kid named Charlie Brown, on the other was two girls named Heather and Mariah, playground across the street with a sandpit we could dig down to water in, hibiscus we could drink the nectar out of everywhere, big red-clay hill with woods at the top and a farm on the other side, ditch with tadpoles at the bottom of another hill.
  • Scotland: Long-stay B&B. We had a different room than mom and dad but they shared a door, the keeper's daughter was mean, we slept on bunk beds, watched The Equalizer a lot there.
  • Scotland: Slanted-roofed vacation cottage. Roof went almost all the way to the ground, everything was varnished light wood, whole place surrounded by chestnuts that we used to collect in the fall, rode the bus to school and once walked all the way home, separate room from Andy, watched the Olympics there, really too small for five.
  • Scotland: Old house built of stone and slate in 1700s on Edwards Street. Deep windows, wall-heaters, heavy velvet curtains to keep out the cold, kitchen was on the street and front of the house faced the garden, kitchen door always stuck, livingroom had glass doors, bedroom had shag carpeting, super-high celings, no closets, bathroom was entirely tiled in mirror, shower had a sliding door, fridge was super-small, second-to-last house on the street, last house had a spoiled girl with lots of toys.
  • Scotland: House that friend moved out of on Milton Ave. High ceilings, almost at the end of street, a block from school, a block from downtown, big yard with hidden places where snow would stay, birch trees, daffodylls, drystone wall with half topped and half raw, across the street from an office with a big open parkinglot, behind there was a high, steep hill we would ride our bikes down, behind that was a greenspace between the hill and the main street with a burned out building & a shack & a long-gone-wild garden, bedroom had pink carpet and pink rose wallpaper, rooms were not heated but had radiators.
  • Orlando: Briar Creek. Apartment, backed up to a Pizza Hut, had a swimming pool, at the front of the complex.
  • Orlando: Apartment that got turned into a condo. Upstairs, got robbed once, everyone else moved out before us, backed up to a movie theatre and a comic book store, full of roaches, would read by the hall-light when I was supposed to be sleeping.
  • Orlando: Apartment across from Westridge. Bus stop was on the other side of the street, got hit by a car there, roaches even worse, got consecutively more ghetto, got attacked by kids once, drug dealers on the doorsteps, someone would do mean things to kittens, laundry mat would get stolen from, several break-ins, across the complex from Aunt Kathy, Texaco on the corner, backed up to a Food Lion that became a Shop N Save, would have rolling brownouts in the summer, AC never seemed to work.
  • St Augustine: Flagler college, third floor. Tiny slanted-ceiling room with one too many room-mates. No AC and it got really hot, right on the front of the school, right next to the haunted room, my closet was under the eaves and sometimes weirdly cold. Lived with Denise and Bitchface.
  • St Augustine: Flagler College dorms, third floor. Double room with a dormer window, faced the unused garden and Cordova street, bathroom had creepy green tiles that looked like faces, bathroom closet became clothes closet, room closet became office, got internet there, got first real computer there, lived with Denise.
  • St Augustine: Flagler College dorms, third floor. Single room, super-tiny. No bathroom--had to walk through someone else's room to get to it, or break into the shared bathroom up the hall. Always cold. Lived alone.
  • St Augustine: Flagler College dorms, lobby. Blue walls and yellow trim, super-high ceilings, Big windows on the front of the school, shared bathroom with Sarah, kept stuff in the shower for storage, lived with Jaqui, then with Chelle, too. Jaqui would make bread in the morning and could cook anything in a hotpot. Used a public phone until they took them all out.
  • St Augustine: Upstairs apartment by the tennis courts. Wood floors, bedroom had no insulation so was always way hot or way cold, used to be a living room, landlady was horrible, hurricanes took out the power and cable there and broke windows, had to boil water for baths because heater broke, lived with Hayden, then also Sean.
  • St Augustine: Big House. Renovated Victorian, checkerboard floors, walls in the bedrooms made of concrete, my room very dark, little room off the front, lived with Hayden and Sean.
  • St Augustine: Little House. Cottage right nextdoor, yellow with blue trim, tile floor, super-efficient AC, my room on the front of the house, open floor plan, less than 600 sq feet, lived with Hayden, had no door on my room, no bathtub b/c bathroom was a repurposed hallway.
  • St Augustine: Back to the Big House. Lived with Hayden, Cynny and Audrey, then with Jonathan and Mandy, then just Jonathan, then just Hayden. My room has been the sunroom, the little front room, the big front room, turned little front room to office, finally decorated everything.
may 27 2011 ∞
may 27 2011 +