• I roamed the countryside like a wild thing for a lot of my early childhood, despite landmines in Asia where we were.
  • I was convinced there were fairies in the little creek just past the edge of town in Scotland.
  • I never wore shoes if I could help it.
  • I never brushed my hair if I could help it.
  • I was sure there were dragons in Japan.
  • I don't remember a lot of supervision-- I'm sure mom would say differently, but as far as I'm concerned, I basically raised myself. I never felt ignored or unwanted, though. I always felt loved-- I just assumed I was trusted enough to take care of myself.
  • I spent almost all of my early years in this weird limbo: too American to be local, too foreign to be American; American citizenship, but I didn't remember ever living here.
  • Most of my memories are at least slightly contaminated with the stories I told myself about how things happened. Sometimes they're WAY off what other people remember.
  • I don't remember being seven at all, despite that being the year when we went to Hawaii in the hottest summer they'd had in a century. I do think it impacted by subconscious though: I keep wanting to go back there.
  • Almost all the boys I remember being friends with by name grew up to be gay, including the first boy who ever asked me out.
  • Because of all the traveling we did, I find planes very soothing. When I'm stressed, I want to fly somewhere.
  • I blame globe-trotting for my weird PoV, my strange political and spiritual ideas, and my lack of respect for authority.
may 9 2011 ∞
may 9 2011 +