• Pinocchio Place Preschool (there were murals of Pinocchio and freinds; someone brought in baby ducks; we had to sing "We Are The World"; it snowed once and we got to catch the flakes on our tongues)
  • Bob Hope Elementary (there was an eclipse once and they wouldn't let us look out the windows; the art teacher taught us ceramics; there were stairs that seemed impossibly high)
  • Kadeena Elementary School (my teacher stole my shoes once; no one told me where my class was and I sat in the playground and cried; it puddled up badly when it rained)
  • Kirn Primary (it looked like the horrible school in the video for The Wall; half the school was from the 1700s, half from the 70s; lunch was always bad)
  • Dunnon Primary (we each had a hook in the cloak room; we had singing and dancing lessons; there were stinging nettles in the playground; hug-kiss-torture was the favorite game)
  • Conway Middle School (a kid from Dunoon showed up there; all my classes were in portables; I had to walk almost three miles to get there)
  • Walker Junior High (the first boy ever to ask me out; I had a locker with combination 32-21-34; I sat behind a girl who wasn't allowed to cut her hair)
  • Westridge Middle School (all the bad kids kicked out of other schools were there; the halls were louder than jet engines between classes; my first day, my guide got suspended for fighting)
  • Dr Phillips High School (I never was put into Honors classes, even though I qualified; they gave us free Surge the year it came out; I skipped a lot of classes)
  • Valencia Community College (finally got my honors classes; took a creative writing independent study; went to and read at poetry jams)
  • Flagler College (met my LobbyGirls and knew how I wanted my life to be; moved away from home for the first time; joined Sigma Tau Delta; went to ICFA for the first time)
  • Seton Hill University (met my Troublemakers; started a novel with a real intention of finishing it; started a real career)

Grand total: 12 schools in 20-odd years.

apr 3 2011 ∞
apr 3 2011 +