• buy a dollhouse, and start collecting miniatures again, especially Re-Ment and those ones people actually make)
  • shop for stuff on J-List, and fill my house with nice things from Japan
  • get useful kitchen items from asian markets--rice cooker, rice paddles, chopping board, pretty bowls and tea cups, a selection of chopsticks, one of those fryer-strainer things...
  • find a good thrift store on the edge of a nice area to get furniture and household supplies
  • see if WalMart still has those low bookselves for 25$, and if they do, get lots of them and use them for all storage needs, as well as for the books
  • arrange the books by color, white-pink-red-orange-yellow-green-blue-purple-black-brown AND the special books by collection, elsewhere
  • evenly space the tchotchkes along the top, or gather into little tableau--see which looks better
  • get a spice rack or three for my nailpolish collection to live on, organized
  • set up a craft area, and put everything away so that I can actually see what I have
  • set up a tea corner, where I can display all my tea, my teapots, and my teacups--then get more teapots and teacups
  • see if there's a way to put a rack or several shelves on the wall by the door, and line up my shoes on them like on the Piperlime Wall, so I can see them all and know what I have and where they are
  • get a coat rack--maybe one of those brightly colored ones from IKEA
  • see if those furniture delivery guys will also pick up smaller stuff (non-furniture) and deliver that, too
  • look up all the bus lines, and plan out trips
  • go through all my old paperwork, shred the oldest and least needed, and use it to start the compost; file the rest in a nice box that I can store somewhere until a repeat
  • work on replacing all the crap furniture and storage stuff with nicer versions--the plastic drawers with file boxes and wooden furniture, eg
  • always keep the pantry full of things i actually like to eat, and try to shop regularly
  • keep flowers on the table
  • keep a tray with a butter dish, honey, sugar, italian-spiced oil, sirarcha, soy sauce, chopsticks, napkins, etc on the table at all times
apr 7 2012 ∞
apr 7 2012 +