• you are pretty nice
  • like have you seen your face you have dimples and your hair it's like I don't understand how you can look like this. I could simply look at you a long time if you'd let me.
  • you listen to the right kind of music
  • your spotify starred playlist contain not only my top 3 songs in the world but also 100 more songs I like.
  • you like sherlock and you know doctor who and you know who benedict cumberbatch is without the helpful brackets
  • you like videogames
  • you like legend of zelda
  • i like to kiss you
  • you smell good
  • the first time I stayed the night you tried to make me pancakes that were way to big and had no sugar in it.
  • you watched the first episode of game of thrones with me
  • you don't smoke
  • you sometimes seem interested in me
  • you study english
  • you talked about improbable scenerios where I have to be acrobatic to get away from lava
  • you listened to me talking about Chimp Hansen
  • you showed me fight club
  • you kissed my forehead
  • you still wrote after our first "date"
  • you are intelligent
  • you look cute when you sleep
  • you snore in the soft and nice kind of way.
  • you cringe in your sleep sometimes
  • you listen to me even if all that comes out of my mouth is babbling and clutter
  • you like my proposal list of things we could do, even though it contained making out, painting and staring at each other
  • I like the feeling you give me when you hug me
  • I Like that you touch my face when we kiss
  • I like that you'll always be shorter than me.
  • you sort of make me feel wanted even thought you don't. it's hard to explain because you don't say things like "I'm happy that you are here" but you laughed when I asked, if you want me to leave and said something like you don't, but then again you went on saying you wanted to sleep and I don't understand you please speak clear. Also in the morning you were like "I'm going to meet with a friend for skating in one hour" which required me to say "oh, okay then I'm going to leave like soon' or something and you didn't the fuck offered me breakfast like asdfghjk. Breakfast is important to me. You know that. We talked about great breakfast the day we met. It's nearly an one hour drive, how could you let a girl (I can't refer to me as a woman) go without breakfast, you dvarve.

Further note. This list is old. I have send our conversation to me as mail I ever want read it again because it got some funny moments and weird and I'm a nostalgic person. But I ended our friendship on facebook (and in reality, too) and you didn't even give me a last goodbye. Today I'm deleting the conversation on whatsapp because no reason to keep it, and I sometimes find myself checking when you were online. You can now find yourself as archived.

apr 14 2014 ∞
may 4 2014 +