- ✔ find a new au pair family
- ✔ read books
- ✔ play video games (Zelda ♥)
- ✔ get your old room ready to move the stuff from upstairs in it
- download music and put it on your iPod
- clean the car
- plan a roadtrip with lena
- ✔ go to work and make money
- go to hanover and buy swimwear (ew!)
- ✔ and a dress for prom
- get the commitee shit together
- talk to herr hahn about chaos and dance lessons
- upload all the stuff for Kleiderkreisel
- crafting
- make lists for all the festivals
- work on your blog
- tidy up your phone
- set everything for august (england)
- book a flight
- Put your school stuff together in one cupboard
- actually pass the exams
- ✔ play guitar
- plan dublin
may 11 2014 ∞
jul 31 2014 +