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A 19-years-old girl, with a lot of whishes even she herself sometimes can't remember, a lot of doubts and moments of reflections, and passions she can't cultivate because of her own laziness.
But, unexpectedly, she has a lot of optimism too.

alicegrey books (favorites)
  • "The giver" (se possibile la prima edizione), Lois Lowry
  • "La barca dei folli", Stefano Dionisi
  • "Il segreto dell'anatomista", Jordi Llobregat
sep 19 2015 ∞
apr 21 2016 +

From English to Italian - Completed:

  • Lyrics of "1989" by Taylor Swift
  • Lyrics of "red" by Taylor Swift
  • "The conqueror worm" by Edgar Allan Poe

From English to Italian - In progress:

  • "Shadowhunters, City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare
  • "The thinking woman's guide to real magic" by Emily Croy Baker
  • Lyrics of "Road between" by Lucy Hale
  • Lyrics of "Know-it-all" by Alessia Cara
sep 17 2015 ∞
apr 21 2016 +
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  • Never waste important chances
  • Be myself without thinking about the others
  • Visit a lot of places, and know a lot of people, that I'll remember
  • Publish something - a comment, an article, a novel, a traslation work, something.
  • Be surrounded by people who make me feel just happy, thankful, lucky and relaxed.
sep 17 2015 ∞
sep 17 2015 +
  • "Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting, silence: the train runs off its tracks." - Taylor Swift, "Sad beautiful tragic"
  • "I giorni passarono come ombre, i minuti ruotarono come stelle." "Days went by like shadows, minutes wheeled like stars." - Lee Masters, "Spoon River Anthology: Fletcher McGee"
  • "E adesso so che bisogna alzare le vele e prendere i venti del destino, ovunque spingano la barca." - Lee Masters, "Spoon River Anthology: George Gray"
  • "Corazon maldito, sin miramientos, sì, sin miramientos, ciego, sordo y mudo de nacimiento, sì, de nacimiento, me das tormento" - Inti Illimani, don't know the song
  • "Il sacro soffio [...] non si lascia afferrare a forza nè cogliere meccanicamente, ma allettare da bellezza mortale ed in essa avvolgersi [...]. Ma in una poesia i...
sep 23 2015 ∞
sep 23 2015 +
  • "Noi siamo infinito", per sentire l'appartenere a qualcosa, lo sbocciare di se stessi, l'imparare a non frenarsi più.
  • "The giver - Il mondo di Jonas", per ricordare cos'è sentire, cosa sono le emozioni, perché vale la pena anteporle spesso al pensiero, al razionale.
  • "L'attimo fuggente", per capire che sapore ha l'arresa, il lasciarsi sfuggire le occasioni tra le dita, il sentirsi pieni quando ci si libera dalle proprie catene, l'avere qualcuno disposto a insegnarti come fare.
sep 18 2015 ∞
sep 19 2015 +
  • "Tutti i figli di Dio danzano", Haruki Murakami
  • "Racconti agghiaccianti", Gustav Meyrink
  • "Dieci piccoli indiani", Agatha Christie
  • "Il canto dell'essere e dell'apparire", Cees Nooteboom
  • "Joyland", Stephen King
  • "L'ignoto ignoto", Mark Forsyth
sep 17 2015 ∞
sep 20 2015 +
  • Roma, Circeo, Napoli, Firenze, Genova, Milano, Trento, Trieste, Isola d'Elba, Pinzolo, Ovindoli, Bologna, Venezia e Burano e Murano, Brescello, Castiglion Del Lago. (ITALIA)
  • Sliema, La Valletta. (MALTA)
  • Cracovia (POLONIA)
  • Ramsgate, Londra (REGNO UNITO)
  • Grenoble, Parigi, Tignes, Annecy, Cole du petit San Bernard, Chambèry. (FRANCIA)
  • Barcellona (SPAGNA)
apr 21 2016 ∞
apr 21 2016 +
  • Whatever bloc-notes,and a pencil, so I could go on writing what I want - if I manage to, I would like to be in time to take a special bloc-note: the one a friend give to me, that's where I write the privatest things of mine and where my best memories are written down.
  • A small bottle, gift of the same friend nominated before, in which there are some little shells and stones from the sea, and two crumpled pieces of paper that contain advices and encouragements I should never forget.
sep 18 2015 ∞
sep 18 2015 +
  • "La coscienza di Zeno", Italo Svevo
  • "Tokyo blues", Haruki Murakami
  • "Il signore degli anelli - La trilogia", J.R.R Tolkien
  • "L'insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere", Milan Kundera
sep 17 2015 ∞
sep 20 2015 +