Dipper pines what can i say im dipper! im the same age as him. i do the same things as him, i act like him, talk like him and yeah i am dipper! doubles ur valid but pls no doubles.

Otis milburn i relate to otis a fuck ton! im a awkward dumb bitch and so is he! doubles are iffy..

Jason Dean okay this is kinda cursed but i relate to him alot and i relate to his backstory alot as well. (i do not condone his actions) no doubles please.

Lars barriga again i relate to him a fuck ton!! no doubles please..

Finn the human! new selfhood baybee hes been me for a while i was just meh on kinfirming but here we are! doubles iffy

Richie tozier! okay kinda cursed but listen we are both fucking dumbass kids! so yeh! doubles iffy (regan ur good tho)

Kai Anderson american horror story kin? fuck yes. i relate to kai a fuck ton (except i dont support alot of trumps opinions and views hes stinky) but yeah doubles iffy

Tony (skins)

Freddie (skins)

apr 24 2019 ∞
aug 9 2019 +