-Fire Emblem: I've played half of 8, Finished 4/9/10/11/13/all of 14/15 and all routes of 16 except CS and I never will. Echoes is currently my absolutely favorite, I adore it so much. im really big on FE and I never shut the fuck up about it
-Xenoblade Chronicles, Future Connected, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Torna: The Golden Country, Xenoblade Chronicles 3
-Xenosaga Episodes 1-3
-AI: The Somnium Files/Nirvana Initiative
-Pokemon: Played all gens except for 2 and 7. Gen 5, best gen.
-Zelda: Played A Link Between Worlds, most of Majoas Mask, Hyrule Warriors, the original Zelda and Breath of the Wild.