So, if you're wondering why I'm such a bitch all the time, here's some key things that are to blame for this so called 'bitchy-ness'

  • I'm EXTREMELY insensitive when it comes to others feelings. If certain things don't include me in it or don't affect me, then I could care less. **CORRECTION** IF thing s don't affect me or MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY in anyway, then I could care less.
  • I'm very conservative as my mother says. My beliefs, political, and religious, revolve around what my parents(a.k.a my mother) think. I will make a list saying what they are and it contains some 'triggering' things.
  • I've had a rough childhood, having to move a lot, being bullied in school for being overweight and just annoying in general, my shit father walking out for my mother's cousin, countless men who have harmed my mother emotionally and once even physically, the list could go on. I have a strong HATRED for human beings, so don't make it worse by trying to start shit with me.
  • Going back to the last one, I DESPISE PEOPLE. I don't care who you are, there's going to be something about you that I hate and some people, I just hate everything about them. This applies to friends, family and even my best friend and my girlfriend. There has not been one person that I have fully liked in my life.
  • Call me an edgelord all you want, but I hate living. I hate having to deal with so many idiotic people who automatically call out a person that has a different opinion than them and says they're horrible just for that. As a sad excuse for a human being myself, I firmly believe that if you and another person have different opinions, that you should try to understand why instead of calling them 'horrid' or 'stupid' because they don't think the same as you. Hey, if you don't agree with me on things, that's cool, doesn't mean I hate you anymore than I already do :^)
feb 22 2017 ∞
feb 22 2017 +