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My name is Taiwo ("tie"-whoa).
I am 18 years old.
I was born in Naples, Italy.
But I am Nigerian.
I am a writer & student.
Hair? Au naturale.
I use this listography mostly to keep track of goals. :)

listography TERMS
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Since I'm 17, here 17 are things on me. Plus, I see this number a lot.

  • I consider myself a young intellectual. (I may not be the most wise of people, but I'd like to think people shouldn't underestimate what I do know. )
  • I love music that can move me, (not necessarily make me dance, but help me enter a spectrum in which mind, body, & soul coincide to where I am in the moment of that song. Which is why I enjoy listening to peaceful numbers. Acoustic, dream-pop, and lyrically beast songs.)
  • I tend to not see what others see in me. At times I feel their perception of me is distorted and skewed. Tai is bold & Tai is brave. Tai is confident & Tai is courageous. No, I am not. But I try to be. Not for you, but for myself.
  • I've a place in my mind call Tailand Where only I exist. Me, Myself, & Tai. It's so real to me. Alot happens up there.
  • I've only a few good friends Why? People change. People deceive. I do see good in everyone. But my few very good friends have helped to create a balanced and mutual relationship between us.
  • I love God, he is essentially my best friend. I'm more spiritual than religious though. Cliché? Who cares. That is how I view myself.
  • I'm optimistic. I've no time to be negative. I see that there has to be some good to every bad situation. & if I can't see it. I ask God for a sign.
  • Miracles. I believe in them.
  • I think first Faith then hope are the best two ingredients to life there is. Without the other one, where can we go?
  • My biggest fear is being forgotten & knowing the inevitable. As much as I feel I won't be remembered, I want to feel as if I helped someone & affected them in some way. As far as the inevitable, it's due to my past & the people who've made me acknowledge that some good things are fated to end.
  • Mankind disappoints me. People have acquired this innate form of evil, selfishness, and greed. At times I wish the world could connect, but that's far from possible.
  • I'm learning to love myself & build more confidence. Meaning that I've days where I feel I can't amount to anything & I disappoint myself. I'm working on trying to make everyday a "Tai is amazing" day. It's slowly getting there.
  • I've come to believe that everything happens for a reason. I've a theory on that that I shared with my good friend, Pam.
  • I love Coke & Sprite together. Taste it, you'll have an orgasm in your mouth.
  • I'm a writer, & poet. A published one too. I feel I'm pretty good at my craft, but of course, I can be better.
  • I admire those who can quickly pick themselves up after any situation. Self-explanatory.
  • I'm trying to find myself. 100% not completed. But there is still more time. Yes, there is. Indeed.
jul 27 2010 ∞
aug 5 2011 +