
  • "All of which raises the question: What compels people so adamantly to defend the goal of unlimited income growth when the getting of it arguably deprives other people of the right to live, demonstrably threatens the ecological integrity of the planet, and apparently sacrifices much that they themselves value in life?" 32
  • "If humanity is to seize control of its destiny it must arise aboce wishful thinking and tribal instinct... Human security depends on equitable development--not growth--within the means of nature." 15
  • "Most disciplines test their models against the real world and then adapt the models the better reflect reality. By contrast, the economists' myth is so entrenched that its devotees presume to force reality to conform to their models... So instead of adjusting theory to reality, reality is adjusted to theory." 20
  • "Remarkably, while developed countries claim to be financing the developing countries, the poor countries are actually financing the rich through low pay for equally productive labor, investment in commodity production for the wealthy world, and other dimensions of unequal trade. Little wonder that the North-South income gap has become a chasm." 29
  • "Of course, the capacity for self-delusion has a pathological side. Jensen(2000) maintains that 'For us to maintain our way of living, we must...tell lies to each other, and especially to ourselves... the lies act as barriers to truth. These barriers...are necessary because without them many deplorable acts would become impossibilities.' One result today is that only a small fraction of the human population is consistently capable of applying the basic rules of evidence to emotionally loaded information (Morrison,1999). People regularly persuade themselves to believe the unbelievable if they perceive it to enhance their perceived wealth, security, or social status. According to J. Raulston Saul (1965), 'We have all by our actions or lack of them--in particular over the last quarter-century--agreed to deny reality.'" 42
  • "Modern 'man' must consciously deconstruct his failing growth-bound materialist worldview and in its place create a society of material sufficiency in which people find meaning more in relationship and the development of social captial than in the accumulation of private goods." 44
  • Perkins
  • Greater Common Good -Boyd
  • Globalization and its Discontents -joseph (something or other)
  • Larry Summers
  • Jeff Sachs
feb 4 2011 ∞
feb 4 2011 +