• October 22: Studying. All of the studying.
  • October 21: Helped decorate the offices for faculty appreciation day. Oh my gosh, it was so much fun.
  • October 20: Man, it's been a long time. I've just been so crazy busy with school that I haven't even thought about Listography. I will try to be more faithful to my listing!
  • September 10: My kidney just keeps randomly hurting. A lot. I'm just tired of dealing with it.
  • September 9: Kidney flared up again today.
  • September 8: Had an amazing day at SOS! Me and Lancaster demolished a house together, which was awesome. We had a great team. Favorite moments: Lancaster comforting one of the boys after he hit himself in a delicate area, smushing down the dumpster, and one of the boys confessing his love to me through song. That same boy hit himself in the face with a hammer, so that was hilarious. Afterwards, the summer staff went out to eat and just spend time talking. It was a lot of fun. I forgot how much I love hard manual labor: You feel so accomplished at the end of the day. Of course, I may not be able to move tomorrow, but today it is all worth it.
  • September 7: Study, study, study.
  • September 4: Good day. I got a lot of my concerns about international student teaching worked out and figured out Praxis requirements. I now feel much better about my life. Well, 10 minute break is over. Back to homework.
  • September 3: WENT TO THE SAFARI PARK OH MY GOODNESS! Mom got attacked by a cow and a llama spit on her. I fed a giraffe. It was a good day.
  • September 2: Good Sunday with mommy.
  • September 1: My mommy came to town today!!!
  • August 31: Spent the evening going over different teacher residencies. Part of me is like, "Yeah, this would be an awesome opportunity!" and another part of me is like, "I JUST WANT TO BE DONE WITH SCHOOL AND START ACTUALLY TEACHING." I'm going to apply for several different ones, but really: I just would love to not be taking notes and tests anymore, but rather actually molding young minds.
  • August 30: Thursdays are so, so long. I have class straight for 11:00 am to 10:00 pm. BUT that means that I only have one class a day on MWF, so that works out well.
  • August 29: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA!!! Today Russ called to let me know he didn't have a spot for me in Commons this semester. Which kind of sucks, what with investing all of last year in my girls and guys. Plus, Rob is gone, so that makes it even harder. I was kind of the last one that knew them. But it will be okay. Apparently God has something else for me to be doing this year.
  • August 28: Tuesdays are a good day for me. Always have been.
  • August 27: Feeling all sorts of overwhelmed today. I don't even know why. I don't have that much work to do or that many classes to attend. I think it's more anticipatory knowledge of how awful things are going to be soon. Seminar and research are both going to be tons of work. And I'm confused about immunology, so that's just lovely. I don't know why I'm so freaked out about it today, but I really, really am.
  • August 26: Nothing exciting today. Went to church and then did homework all day. This is oddly familiar.
  • August 25: Had an AMAZING day! I went to Memphis with Megan and got to see Andrew, Abbey, and Christina. Ate some delightful Caritas and Jerry's. Got some awesome vegetables and chocolate milk from Urban Farms. It was wonderful. Er mer gerd I love Memphis!
  • August 24: After attending research class today, I realized that I don't have time to do anything else, let alone stage manage. So that makes yesterday's thought void. I get to go to Memphis tomorrow... I'm pretty much the most excited ever.
  • August 23: Mr. Burke asked if I would like to stage manage this show. The answer to that question is of course yes, but I don't know if I can. I'm doing research this semester and seminar. And immunology is kind of obnoxious. So anyway, I don't know what to do. It would be my absolute last chance to work with the theater (I'm going to Thailand in the spring) so I want to take advantage of it... I haaaate decisions.
  • August 22: Turns out, I'm quite good at subcutaneous injections on mice.
  • August 21: My immunology class is going to be insane. Cool, but insane.
  • August 20: Spent the day finishing up SOS journaling. Tomorrow class starts! I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. And... I'm a huge nerd so the prospect of starting classes again is actually exciting to me. Plus this is my last semester in class (next semester is student teaching) so I'm excited to be almost done with this stage in my life.
  • August 19: Learned an interesting fact that led to an intellectual breakthrough today. Apparently birds are tetrachromates, which means that they can perceive a broader range of color. Basically, they can perceive another primary color that most humans cannot. It is hypothesized, however, that some humans can also see this color, but don't know it because they have nothing to compare it to. They suggest that women are more likely to have this ability than men (I don't really know why... research wasn't that intense on my part). WHICH COMPLETELY MAKES SENSE. You know how boys can never distinguish pink well from red or purple but girls usually can? MAYBE WE CAN SEE ANOTHER COLOR THAT THEY CAN'T. Not gonna lie, the world makes a whole lot more sense to me now.
  • August 18: Discovered an amazing thrift store today. A lady just started it... She runs it out of a storage unit. I have decided to intentionally be her friend. Also, I love the farmer's market. I will be buying all of the things there. I'm just really excited to get into a normal routine. Also, I'm realizing more and more how introverted I am. I absolutely love having everyone around and I am SO excited to see them again, but I am also worn out from the large amount of social interaction. So I will soon need some alone time, but until then I am so excited to have Glenae, April, and Megan back.
  • August 17: Glenae got here today! And April came to visit, so the apartment is turning into a regular holapalooza! I like having people around. It's making me excited to get back into the swing of college life... for the last time... blarg. I can't believe how close I am to graduating.
  • August 16: Headache gone. Hooray! Today I have to spend the day cleaning the apartment and preparing for April to come stay over the weekend and for Glenae to move in!
  • August 15: One of my meds seems to have "severe, intense, awful headache" as a symptom. Maybe it's supposed to make me feel better about my kidney because my head hurts so much? Also, I felt so crappy that I couldn't do anything at all. Which didn't seem like that big of a deal until I realized that I watched an entire season of Dr. Who today. Wow. Also, Tara: I would love a kidney cake. Also probably be completely repulsed by a kidney cake.
  • August 14: I have spent the whole day laying around on pain medicine. It's all of the fun.
  • August 13: Today was nuts. Jana came over and got dinner, which was fun. She ended up staying really late. Then, around 1030, I suddenly started to have severe pain in my right side. I went to the ER and it turns out that I have a kidney stone :/ But through it all, I was reminded of God's power. For example, today I found out that my final got moved to tomorrow so I was freaking out. I tried to move dinner with Jana but couldn't so she ended up coming over. Then the movie didn't work right so it took us longer to get it set up. Then she needed a shower and all those kinds of things. So everything ended up taking a lot longer than normal, which was annoying at the time. But if everything hadn't been crazy at the time, Jana wouldn't have been at the apartment when I was in blinding pain. I would have been in the ER alone all night, if I got there at all. I am so grateful that God knows everything and that he orchestrates everything for my good. I just wish that I would not be in pain anymore :]
  • August 12: Got to spend the day at NBC and with my brother. Then drove back to my fabulous apartment and got some rest. All around a good day.
  • August 11: Another great day! I went to the farmer's market with Noah, his mom, and the Shemwells. Then I went to the zoo with Sarah, Noah, and Christiana. It was just so much fun to be at Kid's Best without the stress of actually being one of the summer missionaries. It felt like there was life outside of that job, which it never felt like while I was there before. I wonder if I'm maturing or if it would feel like the whole world again if I were there. I don't know. Glad to be home, but ready to be back in Jackson. I am SO tired of driving!
  • August 10: It was AMAZING to be back at Kid's Best. I loved seeing my kids again. It felt a lot like going home. It was so much fun. I want to live there forever, but I think that I would hate it once my kids were gone. Bob offered me a job for next summer with an exciting new program he's working on. We shall see. We. Shall. See.
  • August 9: Sorry I've been so unfaithful on this over the summer. I just have to get back into the habit of actually doing this. And doing other things that are important. I'm still in a kind of post-SOS limbo, but I'm working on getting back into the swing of things. Excited to see Tara and Caitey tonight and my kids tomorrow!
  • August 1: Wow. I don't know how it can already be August of my senior year. On a minimal scale, I can't believe my summer at SOS is over. On a larger scale, I can't believe that I'm going to be a SENIOR in COLLEGE. I'm getting ready to be a real life person.
  • July 31: I do not like dissecting human people.
  • July 30: I have currently been waiting 30 minutes for my professor. I absolutely don't want to stay, but I want to miss out on important information less. What to do, what to do...
  • July 29: It has been an entire month since I last updated this. So much has happened! I finished my roof. I had four teams, some of which were tough, others which were less tough. I fell a little more in love with Memphis. I fell more in love with the idea of being a teacher. I realized that I like it when the seat belt locks up in a car. I got along with my CM. I also fought with my CM. I missed Tara and Caitey. A boy told me that he liked me but couldn't date me right now (obnoxious). More importantly than all I did, God moved in the lives of the staff and campers. He reminded me of things that He's been trying to teach me for a long time. I am really excited to get back to Union, back to real life, but I'll miss this place and these people. I like it here, but I'm ready to get out into the real world and stop being in sweltering Memphis heat all the time.
  • June 29: I randomly decided to come home this weekend. I really need to get away from my beloved SOS and get some perspective. On that note, I had an excellent time hanging out with Tara and Caitey tonight. They are always great for reminding me who I am and where I come from and that my entire life isn't wrapped up in how well I can fix a roof or reach my campers. There were things before SOS and there will be things after. I really needed that reminder today :) Plus, I just love Tara and Caitey.
  • June 23: So, I've decided that in order for everyone to stay properly updated on my life, I'm going to write a blog summarizing the week each Saturday. I wish I could write on here every day and keep up with everyone, but honestly I just have NO time. So mosey over to my blog for entries for weeks 1 & 2 and (soon, like later today) 3.
  • June 16: The internets continue to suck. This week was much tougher than last week in that my team was AWFUL, but I feel like I'm learning a lot while being here. So that's a good thing.
  • June 7: The internets here at SOS are worse than the internet in my dorm at Union. That, combined with the fact that I only have one day off per week and have NO free time during the week, have led to me neglecting my listography. To be fair, if they would make an android app for it, I would surely use it. Anyways, here's an attempt of a summary of the past two weeks: Staff training week, ropes courses, trust falls, homesick, deep conversation, falling for Memphis, square dancing, campers, roof in a rain storm, Miss Faye (best homeowner EVER), fight with my CM, making up with my CM, falling off the roof (almost), deshingling, ply wood. So that's the last two weeks of my life.
  • May 24: God is weird. I didn't know that I cared about Bangladesh (being there was ROUGH experience) until I looked at a missionary's blog. My heart broke when I saw the people, the clothes, the kids... And I realize: My heart just yearned to be there. YEARNED. To be in a country that pretty much hated while I was there. What does that even mean?!
  • May 23: Went to Terre Haute with Tara and Caitey today! Had pie and bought some felt, with which I constructed a Star Trek cell phone pouch. I did it in red though so my phone is probs going to die. Then I had a pizza party with the 1st-3rd graders at church. Finally, I realized that I am going to SOS on FRIDAY so tomorrow is my LAST DAY at home. I had a small panic attack, and now I think I will take a relaxing bath and try to remind myself that, although lately the evidence is against it, I am a generally likable person. And stuff. Or things. Aaaaaaaah. [Side note: On this day three years ago I graduated high school! Don't even miss it!]
  • May 22: Today I cleaned out my car and went to Terre Haute with my mom. I got all kinds of stuff for SOS Memphis (yeah, scrubs for the worksite!). I am super nervous about all of this. I can't believe how soon it is before I'm gone for the summer.
  • May 21: Discovered the show American Ninja Warrior, in which they have to do this giant like 10 story obstacle course, which is supposedly the hardest in the world. It is pretty dang awesome.
  • May 20: Had a great time with Caitey and Tara "watching" the solar eclipse and discovering some type of "fungus" or "vomit." Good times, good times.
  • May 19: I HAVE AN APARTMENT!!! Well, more specifically, I have an apartment that I can move into on July 20, which is perfect so that I can get all settled before I have to start class. It's pretty fantastic. I am super excited. You can get a feel for it by looking here if you want: http://www.bradfordchase.com/Bradford%20Chase%20Photos%20and%20Tours.aspx
  • May 18: Road trip back to Jackson with mom to try to get me an apartment. Tomorrow will bring details of how that goes.
  • May 17: FIRST DAY OF SUMMER! I stayed up late to watch the Criminal Minds season finale (which was RIDICULOUS) and slept in until noon. I have spent the rest of the day cleaning and unpacking and sorting through my clothes. I'm getting rid of, I would say, 70% ish of them. I also separated out tshirts with special memories to make into a tshirt quilt. AND LATER I'M HAVING SMORES WITH THE BEST BESTIE AND CO!!! WOOOOO!!!
  • May 16: Well, I think I survived an encounter with a serial killer. For real. I've been trying to think of a way to use this to my advantage and meet the cast of Criminal Minds, but so far all that I can think of is to like @ them on twitter and say "Hey, I survived a serial killer! Can we be best friends?!" and somehow that seems really needy. Maybe a new, better idea will come to me.
  • May 15: LAST DAY OF ANATOMY AND ECOLOGY!!! My two least favorite classes ever are OVER! It already feels like school is over. Unfortunately, I still have to pack and take one more final.
  • May 14: Today I decided to do the Color Run in Memphis in October. It's a 5K where you wear white and they throw that paint powder stuff at you the whole time. I think it's a great idea. Motivation to get in shape and also something to do on the 28th of October, the anniversary of the worst and dumbest thing that I have ever done to myself. Plus it sounds like fun. I'm trying to get people to join me... Megan? Glenae? Tara? Caitey? Yeah, yeah?
  • May 13: Finals start tomorrow. Finals start tomorrow?! FINALS START TOMORROW. In other news, mom and I are making strides in finding me an apartment. Hopefully on Saturday I will select an apartment AND know when I can move in. Then it's time to start figuring out my decorating scheme. Any ideas, Listography world?
  • May 12: Mystery Dinner was tonight. We honored our graduating seniors and got to reminisce all about their college careers. It was watching like watching people die. That is, it made me contemplate my own impending graduation and realize that I have no idea where I'm going next. The Plan (until I dated Chad) was to get married and just go teach wherever my husband was. Except it has become clear that when I graduate, it will not be with a wedding ring on my finger. That means that I have to strike out on my own and figure out where to get a job. Jackson? Sullivan? I promised my kids I'd apply in Madison too. So where do I end up? I dunno. I can't believe next year it will be me not having to pay to go to Mystery Dinner.
  • May 11: Today was my last day of actual class. Next week is finals, but I'm technically done with my classes for my junior year in college. It's amazing to me to think that I'm so close to done with my college career. Next semester is my last "real" semester at Union. After that I'll be student teaching. Then I'll be a graduate, with a real job, a real apartment, a real pet chinchilla and (eventually) I'll be a foster parent and then a mother. I'm simultaneously nostalgic and BEYOND thrilled. I'm so burnt out on school right now, but it's weird to think that the people that are a daily part of my life now soon won't be at all.
  • May 10: I think I'm have a mid-midlife crisis. I've been thinking about what I would have majored in if I could start over as a freshman, knowing what I know now. Lately I've been fancying the subject of physics. The department seems so nice and so close-knit. I also think a lot about my English abilities. I'm so much better at English and things like that than I am science things. What was I thinking majoring in biology? Well, it's too late now. There's no changing it. I know that I'll like teaching it when I'm done with school. I guess I'm just a little burnt out. At least, I hope that's what it is.
  • May 9: Studying my brains out for a statistics DANTES test. I think I may have gotten asked out by a pretty cool physics major, so that was exciting. Um... That's been my whole day. Most eventful one in a while.
  • May 8: "I can believe in the Great Perhaps in spite of losing... We can never be irreparably broken." --John Green, Looking for Alaska
  • May 7: Today I have a paper and two tests. Have I studied for either? No. Have I written the paper? No. Of course not. So my life kind of sucks a little.
  • May 6: I climbed a mountain to see a waterfall today! My body hurts but it was pretty freaking awesome.
  • May 5: An allergic reaction led to me not having to climb the mountain today. Had a nice nap and some excellent Jesus time in the van. Then we went and got a TON of pizza at Pizza Hut and shopped (favorite: Celtic Dreams. Most anticipated, but turned out to be a let-down: Magnet World). So that was fun.
  • May 4: Spent today driving to the Smokey Mountains with my Ecology class. Wooooo.
  • May 3: This has been a... trying week. I just want to have a nice relaxing weekend. I don't get this dream, though, because my ecology class is going to the mountains. That's right. The mountains. A week before finals. I am, however, going to do my best to have fun. Surely it will be fun. Right? Right?
  • May 2: I went grocery shopping today. Yup. My life is so exciting that the fact that I went grocery shopping is headline news.
  • May 1: It's May. Wait. It's MAY?! How did that ever happen?! Anyway, I took two DANTES tests today. I'm hoping that I passed so that I don't have to have my entire life ruined by class.
  • April 30: Spent the last day of April studying all day. And writing a paper. And studying all night. Not sorry to see this month go, interested to see where the next month leads.
  • April 29: The more I study the environment and the universe, the more I think that we were designed for change. We try so hard to keep everything the same, from our beaches that were designed to be dynamic to our need to keep surrounding ourselves with the same people every day whether they're good for us or not. The fact that the universe is designed for everything to pass away but humans insist on trying to maintain the environment, no matter what tells me that on a grand scale we are eternal creatures. The problem is that we try to make our temporary environment an eternal one, rather than accepting the change that we will inevitably go through in our lives on the temporal earth. I think maybe our lives would be better if we stopped trying to make the changing permanent. Maybe our planet wouldn't be quite so screwed up and maybe we would be happier. I dunno. Just a thought.
  • April 28: Very exciting day so far today. On our way to SOS, Megan and I were pulled over (my first time EVER) by a CRAZY guy that I'm not convinced was a cop. Then I worked at SOS and it was great. Then, on our way home we stopped for gas. A crazy looking guy asked us for gas money. Finally, we got back to campus, despite the fact that the universe was trying to kill us. Later I have the improv show, and the rest of the day is dedicated to studying for my DANTES tests. I'm actually okay with that. I've already had plenty of excitement for one day.
  • April 27: These last three weeks of school are going to be rough, but it's going to be worth it. If I can pass three DANTES tests then I won't have to summer term AND I can go to Thailand, without taking 21 CHs my last full semester at Union. *Sigh*
  • April 26, part two: I took a glorious 2.5 hour nap during, apparently, the craziest weather Union has had all semester. The GREAT news is that my head doesn't hurt anymore. Huh. Guess it's sleep, not an alien parasite.
  • April 26: Still have that headache.
  • April 25: I've had a perpetual headache for about a week now. I'm thinking that it's probably stress, but I haven't ruled out the possibility of a brain tumor or an alien parasite. Whatever the cause, I'm getting really tired of it.
  • April 24: I have been incredibly emotional today. It's ridiculous. My professor pointed out that I was using a colored pen and I almost cried. Then I went to Books a Million and they didn't have the book I needed, so I almost cried. Then I came home and my stomach hurt so I almost cried. Geez. I hope that I don't see a cute animal or anything tomorrow. I'll probably go into hysterics.
  • April 23: I came back to an "I missed you!" picture from my physics class today. I know it's weird, but I'm super going to miss that class. It has been one of my favorite courses in school.
  • April 22: I love my home church.
  • April 21: Went to Terre Haute with mommy. Bought some shoes. Then hung out with Tara, Caitey and Ryne. It was a tres nice break from homework and trying to figure out school lately. I needed it. Now time to get back to the real world; doing homework and watching Criminal Minds.
  • April 20: Intense day. I got up early, did a lab report, had a (really fun, actually) meeting with Dr. Poore, went on an Ecology field trip (and like climbed a mountain), and drove home. Good day. Just intense.
  • April 19: Today was a rough day, but it ended with me getting a cupcake, going on a scavenger hunt, and hanging out with really good friends. So I guess it was actually pretty good. Huh. I guess when I look at it that way it wasn't thaaaat bad.
  • April 18: I think I just learned a lesson. I got back to my room and thought to myself, "I'll take a nap and do my homework after church." Then I thought, "No, I'll get started on this paper and I won't have to do as much after church tonight." Lo and behold, I am FINISHED with my paper and thus don't have to do any homework to do after church. Maybe the Bible is right where it says that fools are lazy.
  • April 17: Well, it is 9 pm and I'm considering going to bed. My life. Is awesome.
  • April 16: I am super pumped about this summer. It looks like SOS is really focused on ministry, but also on building the up the team spiritually. As much as I have loved my past two summers at Kid's Best, the leadership wasn't particularly focused on helping me grow. Unless it was through frustration. Anyway, the team seems like it will be really, really close. Plus the team seems amazing. We're already bonding through the magic of Facebook. I'm really excited to see what God's going to do this summer. Also. Tara, in regards to your latest post, you should TEXT ME and fill me in on your life. Also, I'm coming home this weekend. So yeah. Text meeeee (because it never occurs to me to text anyone until 1230 in the morning).
  • April 15: Rather uneventful day. I went to church, took a nap, and did homework. It was all very exciting.
  • April 14: I officially got approved to move off campus next semester! I'm currently searching for apartments and trying to figure out the best course of action. I'm excited! This means that I will (probably) have my own place finally. Hellllooooo adult world!
  • April 13: I didn't even know that it was Friday the 13th until right now. My day did not reflect that at all. It was a fine day. My physics teacher drew a dragon on my test. That was awesome.
  • April 12: Sorry I missed a few days. I have absolutely no explanation for this. We all make mistakes. Let's move on.
  • April 7: Today I have been a Christian for nine years! It's so weird to me to think about being that... old. I like to celebrate today, and take time to look back over where I have been with Jesus; to see where He was faithful (even when I was not) and to see where I have grown. I like to look forward to where I'm going and where I want to be when I have my 10 year anniversary. It's nice to remember the people that have been a part of the journey and how it would have been different if they hadn't been there. It's a good time to reflect on everyone and everything that me and Jesus have been together and toast the coming of a new year and a new adventure.
  • April 6: Attended Glenae's sister's wedding today. It was a really pretty wedding; it was outside by a fountain. My favorite part of the night is when Glenae and I sneaked away to do a photoshoot by the very same fountain. My least favorite part of the day was the orange juice that left my confined to a room separate from all of the festivities.
  • April 5: I'm currently holed up in the bride's hotel room because they're having somosas in the common room. That means that there are oranges involved. I'm pretty okay with it, though. I'm studying and watching Criminal Minds. Nbd.
  • April 4: Today, while trying to get me to come up with the word "tsunami" Glenae said, "You know, that water that always hits Japan?" This accurately depicts my entire day.
  • April 3: Packing to head to Louisiana with Glenae. This is an example of a crazy thing that I agreed to do and I hope works out. I'm just concerned about school. Other than that, I'm excited! And hungry. Very hungry.
  • April 2: Had allergic reaction to raisin. Under the influence of allergy medicine. Sleepy.
  • April 1: It's April Fools Day. I haven't left my room today, thus precluding the chance that I will get pranked. Muhahaha.
  • March 31: As promised, the entire day was spent on homework. I did continue the Cupcake Saturday with a chocolate truffle brownie cupcake. Nom!
  • March 30: Went to see the Hunger Games again 'cause SAC was showing it for $4. My car broke down on the way back, but Desirae and Jacob saved the day. That's all the fun that I get to have this weekend... The rest shall consist of studying.
  • March 29: Ber ber ber. Homework.
  • March 28: I'm like the freaking Bad News Bears lately. I had a bad reaction to my antibiotic that's supposed to be curing my ear infection. I don't know what my body is doing, but I swear I'm trying to take care of it.
  • March 27: Blah, blah, blah. Stressed out. But that's not that exciting or unusual. I'm excited that I got to hang out with Megan today. That was fun.
  • March 26: The Monday and Tuesday after spring break should be really light work-wise so you can ease back into school like slipping gently into a pool. Unfortunately, my weeks is more like being shoved off a 500 ft cliff into a pool. A deep pool, I hope, because I don't want this week to kill me. It would be so much easier if I could hear. I get so tired of saying, "I'm sorry. I have a double ear infection. Could you repeat that, but a bit slower and louder?" And I swear, my teachers only talk to me when I can't hear them. It's like a game.
  • March 25: Remembered: God has the right to direct my paths because He is God. But what rocks about it is, He doesn't abuse His power. He's not a mean dictator, or even a cold tyrant that only determines the best for humanity overall. He is a personal God that determines the best FOR ME and that is what His plan is based on for me. It's really cool that God is telling me what to do out of genuine love for me, not some sick power trip (that, if it were, HE would have every right to. Because He's God).
  • March 24: Took Chelsea back, which was hard and sad. It always really is. I miss her. But I did have some really good talks with dad and spent some awesome time with him, so I'm really grateful for that. It seems like the older I get the more I hate being away from home. I miss my home friends (Tara, Caitey) and I miss my parents. Heck, I even miss my cat and dog. I kind of get why people end up back in Sullivan, even the few of us that actually leave for school. It's home, ya know? I miss it when I'm away, but it seems like my life draws me from there more and more every year. Example: I probs won't be home again until summer, then only for a week before I start my summer job in Memphis. I miss home.
  • March 23: Saw the Hunger Games. I do like it. It wasn't as good as I had hoped, but it wasn't The Worst Thing Ever. I'm watching it again with Glenae when I get back to Union so the second time should give me a clearer opinion. Have fun in Florida, Tara!
  • March 22: I was up all night with the worst pain I have ever experienced. It turns out that ear infections are satan. But my doctor prescribed me some Vicodin, so I should survive the next few days. In happier news, Chelsea and I made friendship anklets. Also, my ear is leaking pus pretty much constantly, which is simultaneously really gross and really cool.
  • March 21: Double ear infection and strep throat. New hair cut.
  • March 20: Long but fun day! First, Chels and I went to Terre Haute, where we got us some Steak N Shake, watched The Lorax, and went on a shopping spree. Then we went to Vincennes and hung out with Tara and Caitey. It was quite enjoyable :)
  • March 19: Had a nice day of just laying around with Chels. We watched movies and read and took naps. It was glorious.
  • March 18: Chelsea got baptized at church today! Proud of her :)
  • March 17: I spent the entire day hanging out with Evan. We had some fabulous Mexican food, ate some cupcakes, and went to a used book store, where I successfully located TWO Thailand travel guides AND a CD to learn me some Thai. Then I picked Chelsea up and headed home. *Fist pump*
  • March 16: SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK!!! What's really sad is that I'm still doing homework, even though I drove for like 7 hours today and it is Spring Break. But the good news is at least I don't have anything that's actually due any time soon. Yay!
  • March 15: I cleaned my room and packed for Spring Break! I feel highly efficient. I know that it was mostly to avoid writing this paper.
  • March 14: With all due respect to Kim Possible, today was definitely "so the drama."
  • March 13: I just discovered that I can buy 100 more prints for a mere $5.00. Fist pump.
  • March 12: It's back to the library for me. I was here at 8, left again at 11 for class, and was back in here at 3. Here I still am, at 7:30, taking a short break before getting back to writing. Woo.
  • March 11: I have not accomplished a single thing this weekend.
  • March 10: Today I began a new tradition (because I've done it three times and, according to Glenae, that makes a tradition). Saturday is now and forever forward Cupcake Day. I will celebrate the end of a long week by purchasing a cupcake. Normally it will be from Hallie Hannigan's because that's the cupcakery in Jackson. But sometimes it will be Caboodle. And I guess I'm going to have to find a cupcakery in Memphis to satisfy my cupcake needs this summer. Hm. Anyway, you should join me in Cupcake Day, because more people makes everything more fun.
  • March 9: It really, really, REALLY sucks to be around people that used to be your friends but are now just cold and uncaring. Like. A lot.
  • March 8: I just got a phone call from SOS Memphis today. They offered me a job for this summer! I'm taking a couple of days to pray about it and check everything out to make sure, but I'm like 95% sure that I'm going to take it. That means that I won't be returning for a third summer to Kid's Best, nor will I be home for VBS. While I find both of those things really sad, I think that this opportunity is really super perfect for me and I really do want to do it. It's going to be hard to not see my kids this summer, but I've been praying for them, and I know that God is going to send the right teacher to love and care for them this summer. And who knows: Nothing is set in stone yet. Maybe God has a surprise Kid's Best summer planned for me after all, although I doubt it.
  • March 7: I have this habit of not working on papers until the night before they're due. Here's to a long night with Nuclear Power: The Energy Source of the Future.
  • March 6: Ran out of free prints in the library today. That means that I have printed FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY pieces of paper this semester. I have killed an entire forest. Forest. FOREST.
  • March 5: Another long week, mostly because I didn't get any homework done this weekend. I'm currently in the library working on a research paper that is due on Thursday and a physics homework too. I just took a physics test and to top it all off GEE GADS I AM HUNGRY.
  • March 4: Netflix doesn't have the most recent season of Warehouse 13. This is surely a dirty trick. Nope. I just checked again. It really isn't. Argh. Face palm.
  • March 3: This weekend has been anything but restful.
  • March 2: I got my car back today! Boy. I am grateful. It has been a learning experience to be without a car, but I'm grateful that I can have him back now.
  • March 1: This is the kind of week I have had: I was up and doing work by 9:30 this morning (I meant to be up earlier but it didn't work out). It is now 4:30 a.m. I have just finished the last thing I needed to do tonight and am going to bed. What time do I have to be up, you ask. 7:30. I still have more homework, so I'll be in the library by 8 am tomorrow. I'm not freaking out or stressed really. That's just how this week has been. I can't express enough how glad I am that tomorrow is Friday.
  • February 29: Homework.
  • February 28: I am the least interesting person in the entire world this week. I have been studying for two days now and it's not looking like I'll be done any time soon.
  • February 27: I had a dream that I was friends with John Green (probably because of yesterday's thought). Me and a slew of friends went over to his apartment and he let us in. He and The Yeti had gifts for all of us. I don't often wish that dreams were real, but I definitely do wish that me and John were friends.
  • February 26: I've been thinking a lot about two of my favorite people, John and Hank Green. This is partially because I'm a tad obsessed with them, and partially because I've been getting caught up on all of their videos. It have been a laborious task to say the least. Anyway, these two men have created this awesome community of nerds that are changing the world. It's beautiful to be a part of it. But as I watch their videos and I think about them, I can't help but feel a little sad. They are doing such wonderful things, but there isn't any Jesus involved at all. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you can help decrease world suck all you want, but if you take Jesus out of the equation, it's all meaningless. I hate to think that these people (who are two of my biggest heroes ever) are wasting their lives doing good but not doing the best, ya know? I pray for them. I want them to fall in love with Jesus. I would love to sit across from John in heaven and discuss his books (if such things happen in heaven. I dunno. I sincerely hope that such things do happen there).
  • February 25: Ecology field trip today. We helped wrangle eagles at Reelfoot Lake. Turns out that an eagle can disembowel you with its talons. No, I don't know this from personal experience.
  • February 24: AAAAAAAAH!!! I'm going to Thailand for my international student teaching!!! I'm really excited!!!
  • February 23: I started watching Once Upon a Time. It doesn't appeal quite as much to me as LOST did because you pretty much know that it's going to end happily. I mean, they may take some twists and turns getting there, but it isn't going to end with them all being dead or anything. It's going to be happy. I guess I just don't like knowing what's going to happen. Oh, and happy birthday Caitey!
  • February 22: It just hit me that I have a genetics test Friday. And I haven't really studied at all. Noooo.
  • February 21: They fixed the ether net in my rooooom! That means that, with a cable (which I found in chelsea's driveway last semester) I can BE ON THE INTERNET IN MY DORM ROOM. This is seriously the best day of my life ever.
  • February 20: Tonight I was walking along the sidewalk beside the Lex. A girl tried to park and she ran her car up against the sidewalk right in front of me. I turned to Glenae and said, "Aw, how embarrassing for her!" Then I proceeded to promptly fall off the sidewalk and twist my ankle. Glenae looked at me and said, "That's embarrassing for YOU." Oh karma.
  • February 19: Church, homework, nap, church, homework, homework, homework.
  • February 18: Homework, homework, homework.
  • February 17: Homework, homework, homework.
  • February 16: I learned about the plague today in genetics. As it turns out, there is a mutation on a gene. If you have one copy of said mutation, you can get the plague but you have a chance of survival. If you have two copies, you are immune to the plague. If you have no copies, you will die from it (that's okay; like 35 million people died. Don't feel bad). Then we learned that HIV has the same basic way of attacking the body and people with one copy of the same mutation are resistant to it, two copies gives you complete immunity, and none means that you will surely die (like 20 million people have been wiped out by this one). One of the reasons that Africa is so hard hit by AIDS is that they never got the plague and therefore this mutation is almost nonexistent in their population. Europeans and people of European descent, however, have a really high rate of it (like 14%, which is a big deal genetically). So anyway, AIDS is kind of like the plague and you may be immune to both! (Disclaimer: Do not use this information to be a freaking idiot and have unprotected sex. There are other STD's out there, you have no idea if you have this mutation, and HIV has mutated a little and in some cases can find other ways in. Besides, God says promiscuity is a bad idea and I agree with Him.)
  • February 15: God reminded me not to get focused on myself but instead focus on other people. Other people aren't here to help me heal my hurts; that's God's job. Instead of acting like everyone should be catering to me and worrying about my problems I need to give of myself and strive to encourage those around me.
  • February 14: In India (I think... it could be another country, but I'm pretty sure it's India) they have Children's Day on Nov. 14th. Nine months after Valentine's Day. Just think about that for awhile. I know I did while I worked on my genetics homework.
  • February 13: Today was one of those days where you're just grateful for it to be over.
  • February 12: Right now God is teaching me to be a cheerful giver, not just of my money, but of my time and myself. I am a very task-oriented person, which means that I spend most of my time trying to get stuff done. God is currently teaching me to be more people oriented. You know, stuff like taking the time to notice things that my friends like and doing that, picking the first dandelions of spring to hand out... That kind of thing. God is showing me that I get more done and am happier doing it if I put Him and His people first, then whatever task I'm trying to accomplish that day.
  • February 11: Good day! I went and had Jesus time in the woods, which was awesome, and I have been studying and watching movies. Good times.
  • February 10: Longest day ever. Ever.
  • February 9: Genetics lab blew me away. Like, it was the hardest lab I have ever had. Which is embarrassing because my partners knew exactly what they were doing. So frustrating. I just keep telling myself that I only have one more semester of this. Then I get to student teach overseas and then I will be a COLLEGE GRAD. So it's not much longer before I get to do the things that really, really matter to me.
  • February 8: Tonight was the Commons party in which we talked to the kids about sex. It actually went really well; I think it was a bonding experience for us and our girls. I mean, it was awkward but it was worth it.
  • February 7: I just found out that I have been approved for international student teaching! I still don't know where I'm going, but I am excited nevertheless! God is so good... There is no reason that should have worked out. Really.
  • February 6: This semester is going to be obnoxious. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to get these classes out of the way, but this semester is going to be very difficult.
  • February 5: Started getting a sore throat today.
  • February 4: I have been so unbelievably lazy today. I've been reading and watching movies and "studying" in Barefoots with the gang. Later I'm going to play Monopoly with Des and Glenae. I'm already bored with the idea of school. This does not bode well for the rest of the semester.
  • February 3: Today I found out that I have to teach my students about sex in Commons this month. I know that it's a subject that the church needs to address... I just don't want to be the one addressing it. To seventh graders.
  • February 2: I added genetics. The woman looked at me and said, "You have 20 credit hours. May the Lord help your soul." Hmmm... That's encouraging.
  • February 1: It has been hard to update Listography daily BECAUSE MY ROOM DOES NOT HAVE INTERNET. Now I realize that this problem is dwarfed by poverty and disease and the general brokenness of the world, but it FEELS like a BIG problem.
  • January 31: Hectic day! The semester isn't supposed to be stressful BEFORE it starts!
  • January 30: I'm back at Union! I'm excited to see what this semester will hold. Honestly, I've had a string of pretty rough semesters, so I'm hoping that this one will be really good. I already have awesome spring break plans and have lots of things to look forward to. I think this will be a good semester. I hope this will be a good semester.
  • January 29: Went to a crazy backwoods restaurant with amazing pizza with the parents and older brother, did a South Asia presentation, and now I'm up all night packing and doing laundry... Excited to get back to Union, but sad to leave my friends/family here. I really do love them.
  • January 28: Wow. I've never had such a boring but eventful day. Mom and I got cupcakes at Caboodle, then I swept water off the parking lot at work. I worked on my South Asia presentation and then spent YEARS on my international student teaching application. I'm so grateful that Caitey, Tara, and Michael took my mind off the difficulty of the situation with some good ole fashioned list-making and talking. I will miss them a lot when I go back to Union. Really, if they would just move to Jackson my life would be perfect.
  • January 27: Today was The Day of Lots of Big Decisions. Example: I started working on my international student teaching application, which I will have to turn in on TUESDAY because I missed the deadline. So I have to make decisions that I thought I would have an entire semester to make TODAY. So that's exciting. But on the upside, making cookies with my bestie was fun!
  • January 26: I just revamped my website. Also, I added a photo journey about Louis, my Rubik's Cube. Now, Tara, I do know that you meant that as a joke, but everyone needs a hobby. You can check out le website here: www.truelifestoryoflesleybright.weebly.com
  • January 25: Today I realized that I have a phobia of that Facebook message notification thingie. You know, the thing that tells you when someone has sent you a message. I don't know why, but I associate that thing with really bad, terrifying news. I really haven't gotten any really bad news through Facebook, but I always think it's going to be bad.
  • January 24: I ordered a new backpack today! It's pretty legit. It's cute, but it is also durable and can hold a ton of stuff. It's padded everywhere so it's perfect for wearing for long periods of time. I picked it because I want it to last me a long time. I want it to be around for all of my traveling. I plan to go everywhere and do everything and I think my new backpack will be a great travelling buddy for that. Also, I had a great time visiting Tara in Vincennes, and am ashamed that it took me this long to go down there. I will be visiting there more often.
  • January 23: Lately Jesus has been teaching me to trust Him. I mean, I'm used to kind of knowing the plan (or at least a little bit of it), but lately the only thing I know is that I don't know. God wants me to trust that He really is the good shepherd and He really does know my path. I want to be content to take each step with Him without worrying too much about the end of the road.
  • January 22: Today I went to church at Midvale and out to lunch with Bob after. It was surprisingly good. Bob was nice and we had some adult conversation in which neither of us yelled or cried. He invited both Chels and myself back to work this summer, so that is a possibility. I am excited to see where God wants me this summer!
  • January 21: Well, I'm excited to get to spend time with Chels. Her 13 year old cousin is in love with me and her sisters are precious. AND I LOVE THE DISNEY STORE!!!
  • January 20: I drove up to Wisconsin today. My windshield wipers broke and I discovered that I'm actually a pretty good driver in ice.
  • January 19: Everybody has their "thing." You know, the thing they REALLY care about it. I know someone whose "thing" is saving the planet, someone's whose "thing" is politics. Others care about evolution, history, or getting clean water for everyone. Some people really care about this new PIPA/SOPA (or whatever) thing. And I'm not saying that caring about ANY of those things is bad. Because it's not. But as Christians, we have a "thing" that is supposed to be the very most important to us: Other people hearing about Jesus. I know it's cliche, but I'm kind of worried that we don't care as much that as we do fighting about evolution or keeping our internet freedom. I don't want to care more about anything than the fact that real people are dying and going to hell.
  • January 18: I've been thinking a lot about missions. I know that's what I'm supposed to do with my life, and I kind of wish I could just get started on that. I wish I could move to some crazy exotic place and tell people all about Jesus. Well, I have another year and a half of college and then four years of teaching before I can do that. Bummer. So I've been thinking about what I can do RIGHT NOW to tell people about Jesus, and I have one idea: Be intentional about paying attention to people. Like, today I stood at walmart and talked to an older lady about Activia yogurt. I listened to and encouraged and woman that sounded like she needed it. I went out of my way to meet with an old friend that really needed someone. And really, it wasn't hard. I just payed a little extra attention to the world around me and wasn't in a hurry. That's something we can ALL do. It doesn't take much more effort to be intentional. You just have to make people more important than your rushing around. So anyway. Be intentional. And pray for me as I try to be.
  • January 17: I have completed an entire Thought a Day list! You know, I am simultaneously proud of and disgusted by that fact. I mean, it's cool that I finished something that I did for a year. But at the same time, what good has that done? Really. There are people all over the world dying without Jesus. There are people that are living without Jesus. There are people that don't have food or anyone that loves them or any blankets. And what am I doing about that? I'm writing a bullet on January 17. Then I'm going to go about my life as normal. So yeah. What can I do differently this year? I don't know, but I would sure like to figure that out.
jan 17 2012 ∞
may 20 2013 +