• Edmund Pevensie: Edmund is by far my favorite Pevensie. I would want him with me because he has been saved from the most, and therefore trusts Aslan the most. He is also useful military tactics-wise, knows his way around a sword, and is funny. Also I want to marry him.
  • Puddleglum: Puddleglum is the most steadfast of the Narnians. He may be kind of a downer but he always has a good plan and can't be swayed from his purpose.
  • Lucy Pevensie: Lucy has the most faith in Aslan, so usually she sees him first. And I need a girl with me and she's less annoying than Jill or Susan. Plus she has that healing stuff so that would be helpful.
  • Reepicheep: I think this choice is obvious. He's smart, chivalrous, and knows his way around a sword. He's pretty much my all time favorite.
may 29 2011 ∞
may 30 2011 +