
    • Abandoned Shaker Village: Visiting a random Shaker village on my way home from ringing in the New Year with my roommate, April. It was only me and the guy that owns the museum. I wandered around, went in restricted areas, and sang Shaker hymns and danced around. And I did it all on my own. {Jan. 3}
    • Calling Walmart to ask About Strawberry Hill: Cute-souding boy answered the phone. Result? Me saying, "I am not an alcoholic." Good one. {Jan. 10}
    • Going to Evan's: Spending a few days hanging out in my brother's house alone, reading, blogging, eating junk food, watching movies, going to used book stores, and rediscovering who I am exactly. {Jan. 16}
    • St. Louis: Spent the weekend in St. Louis with Tara, Caitey, Josh, and Ryne. Went to the arch, got attacked by a bum and some mall cops, found Hogwarts, went to the City Museum, wandered around in the cold looking for a park, went to the birthplace of rootbeer, and formulated a ton of inside jokes with a few of my favorite people. {Jan. 21}
    • Contagious Youth Retreat: I came back to Union a week early so that I could chaperone a youth retre26at that I knew nothing about. I then spent the weekend being hated on by Jr. High girls, getting sick, and experiencing God in a very real way. {Jan. 26}


    • Single Ladies Valentine's Dinner: Got dinner at Steak N Shake in our fancy garb to celebrate each other and the only True Gentleman in our lives. {Feb. 13}
    • Valentine's Day: Spent the day NOT being morose: Serenading my single lady friends, doing a Valentine's Day challenge with Tara, and having a ton of fun. {Feb. 14}
jan 17 2011 ∞
apr 27 2011 +