• I unashamedly like Funamusea. I see problems, but they do not affect my enjoyment, nor are they the typical problems people complain about. If you don't like Funamusea, I'm probably not the person to know.
  • I am a massive flirt. I always flirt. Please, tell me if you're uncomfortable with it and I'll stop.
  • I am always forgetful with messaging. If you said something to me and I didn't respond, it's not because I don't like your message, it's 'cause I either got distracted or forgot.
  • Due to personal reasons, I don't talk to minors a lot. I also talk about sex a lot since it's an interesting subject to me, and I don't feel comfortable talking about it with minors.
mar 14 2018 ∞
mar 19 2018 +