• NSFW acc/Interacts with NSFW content (ex. Likes a post)
  • Think Agere and Agedre are nsfw (they are not).
  • You are a NSFW acc and tried to interact on one of my side accs.
  • Makes autism jokes (unless you are actually autistic).
  • Generally a mean person.
  • Ships inc3st.
  • Ships Molly McGee and Scratch.
  • Ships Butters and Eric Cartman
  • Under 13
  • Your account is a clinic versus an actual person. (Ex. You are a business that uses behavioral therapy.)
  • Stan anyone in my discomfort celebrities. (Go to Ongoing Category for that.)
  • Against ace or/and aro people.
jul 26 2021 ∞
mar 14 2022 +