• MY MACBOOK PRO, 13" - $1286 -- FINALLY.

Bought on September 4th, I believe.

  • My accidental Bench winter jacket - $261

Good thing I didn't buy the TNA jacket last year. But shouldn't have bought that stupid Garage heavy one either.

  • See-through clear cover for my Macbook -- $54+tax

Shoulda gotten a purple one. Or at least black.

  • Moshi keyboard clearguard for my Macbook -- $33
  • My Macbook sleeve/case from Etsy -- $38

Got it in two weeks or so. Me like, but need a belted case..

  • I don't remember.
  • Oh, no, I do: THE STUPID COURSE KITS FOR SCHOOL. $189, $125orso, and then I have some readings to get too. FREAKING SCHOOL. HMPH.
oct 3 2011 ∞
oct 3 2011 +