• This is Arca normal uniform when attending Eden or Gray Raven's meeting.
  • She is strict and extremely tough to defeat.
  • Her coat cape has high collar and there is a hidden button that can be pressed to form an astronaunt helmet mask. This is an added feature that Arca requested.
  • The mask could filtrate at least 72% of punishing virus.
  • She has good aim due to farsightedness. That is why she always have to put her eyeglasses on.
  • She hates boredom.
  • Arca's hair tie is a small tube made of polymer, it has extreme durable and strong. She also attach a GPS chip on it to prevent losing.
  • The black scarf with fox pin she's wearing was a gift from her parents.
  • She has two grenade in her boots.
  • Her dogtag is filled with pink sakura flower.
  • She loves rabbit
  • (To be continue XD)
  • https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-0QTvBVUAEGfxT?format=jpg&name=large
sep 9 2021 ∞
sep 9 2021 +