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For me, skulls simbolizes what we carry beneath our skin. There is no color, gender or anything like that. Just you, just me.

listography TERMS
A books (2022)
A arya
  • 24/10: Fucking love pillows. I WILL WRITE MORE ABOUT TODAY AND THE OTHER DAYS, just need a little bit more time T~T
  • 14/10: Was tired on the job today, had to watch some seminar or something. // At night, the home was crystal clear, my parents were anxious to meet her and so was her. I went to get her home, she came with her mother, they brought a cake. they are so cute. // She was nervous at the beginning but soon she started to feel comfortable with my parents. We had some pizza, some ice cream, juice, cake, we laughed, we talked. It was a good time. // AND THEN we went to my room, spent some time together in my bed and.. OH MY BOY, OH BOY. I LOVE SPOONING HER, I FINALLY GOT TO LAY ON HER LAP, SHE GOT ON MY LAP EITHER. SO MUCH KISSING AND HUGGING. it was a EXCELLENT time together, 11/10 would bring her to my room again. Still I insist in saying.. I love her so much.
  • 13/10: normal day, couldn't see my love today, she is tired and her family had other plans for today. // Didnt do anything special.
  • 12/10: Went with my girl to another town to see some close old friends, wanted them to meet her. We got there earlier to spend some 'us' time before. Got some amazing time together on the shopping, we went to the library, we walked in almost every shop in there. At some point. After that, we went to a restaurant to meet my friends. It was everything I expected and more, they got along super well, she liked them, they liked her. After that we went to star geek and had a blast of a time until the time to go home.// when we got to her condo, her parents weren't there yet, so I made her company until their arrive. We talked, kissed, hugged. I love her so much. Amazing day.
  • 11/10: Wanted to go visit Bae but couldn't. neither of her parents would be home, and they don't feel comfortable yet in this kind of situation. // Went to college at night, scored the max on the test, yey. kept talking to Bae on the phone.
  • 10/10: coffee is amazing, that sums my entire day. At night, got my time with my bae, I want to buy our silver rings, I think she wont get mad if I just appear with them xD. // shared my steam library with her, now she has tons of games. // On the way back, we stayed hugged most of the way. We talked about our future, details around 'marriage', our feelings.
  • 09/10: Still repeating to myself 'she is my girlfriend now', 'we are officially dating', still cant believe this is happening xD. Normal day, still a bit tired, I've being staying a bit late with her everyday, talking, writing, playing. I don't regret not even a single minute. // Her mother agreed on letting me take my love to a near town, to meet my friends, its gonna be a good weekend ★★★. // Got to see her again at night, still repeating ' we are dating' xD, I'm so happy!
  • 08/10: BIG DAY, 'bout to meet her parents, and.. yea, ask their permission to officially date her. I'm just a LITTLE nervous, didn't pay attention at work all day. THEY SAID Y E S, so now we are officially dating xD.// There was an 'special' moment when I was in her room, she was just talking about her diaries, her books, her feelings and.. I was so overwhelmed with happiness, joy, with love.. I almost started crying in front of her, hopefully she doesn't think I'm too emotional, but I had to hug her for half an hour to control my heart and tears. The thing is.. I've spent so much time being lonely, accepting that I wouldn't find someone that understand and completed me, and now I have her, she is my girl, I'm her boy. I don't want to stop hugging her, ever. I want to kiss her, to hold her, to make her happy, to make her enjoy every moment that she has. I love her so much..
  • 07/10: Back to work, I'm a 'little' tired, kind of sleepy, but nothing that liters and liters of coffee and some small naps cant solve. // When we arrived at the college, we found out there was no class today, there is some seminar or something happening. Stayed with my love all the time, we kissed in the lab, we hugged, we confessed a little more about our feelings to each other. Every second with her feels magic, feels eternal. I love her so much.
  • 06/10: Long day, nothing much. Bae told me her mom is eager to meet me.
  • 05/10: We spent most part of the day together, got her early to go out. We talked, we kissed, and we hugged. We talked about us, talked how we want it to be. // Today I said for the first time ILU, it made me feel better, wanted to say this for a while. I know she feels the same way ♥. We also had dinner together, talked about some +18 topics, some 'future' (Art and Ara) topics. // Everyday with her makes me desire another one. She makes me happy..
  • 04/10: Just a normal day in the work, talking with my darling, always sweet. // At night I had an test to do, made it in 15 min, got bae I little scared saying I left early to talk to her xD. She is so cute ><.
  • 03/10: J is a little sick, i'm worried with her, its been a few days now that she is complaining about her throat. // God I like her so much, every time I kiss her things start to move slower. I really want to make her happy like she makes me. We are really close now, genuinely like a couple I'd say. We listen to music for almost the entire time now, when we are together we keep messing around, dancing, sharing the experience.
  • 02/10: she was still sick on the morning, I'm worrying that maybe she won't be able to go on the date tonight. Work is getting tedious again, I'm trying to keep focus and be productive, but is hard sometimes// ok, operation'best date ever' is a go, she just confirmed. Got home, got ready in about half and hour. I couldn't be more anxious, I said "I really like you" and now I think I putted some tension on the date, way to go me. Ok, she just said I can pick her up at 18;30 and she must be back at 22:30. // For obvious reasons I won't share every detail of the date here, but, operation 'best date ever' was A SUCCESS. She was on a this beautiful dress, there was "some" kissing, she got 2 new books. At some point I noticed we were not acting as friends. //I JUST DELETED MY JOURNAL BY ACCIDENT, FUCK. maybe I could retrieve of it on my computer, my browser freeze the last update of the page until I refresh it

01/10: SHE STARTED THE CONVERSATION TODAY, YES YES. I know it sounds not that big, but for me it is. I love talking with her, I feel like things are getting 'smother' between us, I like this. // WE ARE GOING ON A DATE TOMORROW, FUCK YES, YES, DUCK TO THE GLORIOUS YES. I hope her mom likes me x_X. What am I saying, i'm fucking ADORABLE xD. // today something 'special' happened, I've found a music/ a music found me and.. I can only think of her when I listen to the music. I think I've found her music for me. // Something that I love about her is that, she has her own way of saying things, of showing that she cares, that she misses you, that.. she thinks you are special, and today she did something that putted one of the biggest smile on me. SHE CHANGED MY NAME WITH A FUCKING PURPLE HEART xD // ~Wise man say...30/09: I was so nervous to talk to her, t...

sep 16 2019 ∞
oct 23 2019 +