(★= favorites ♡= smut ☀︎= one shot)
- ★♡Pawprints on Bedsheets (Jicheol) AO3
- ★☀︎And They Lived Happily Ever After (Wonhui) AO3
- ★☀︎Do You Want the Moon? (Junhoon) AO3
- ★☀︎The Ones Who Love You (Wonhui) AO3
- ★☀︎I Like It When You Sleep (Gyuhan) AO3
- ★♡A Plug and His GDI (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎Excuse My Bad Handwriting (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎Help! I've Been Bitten by a (radioactive) Lovebug (Soonseok) AO3
- ★♡Heaven and Hell (EunHae) AFF
- ♡What is Love to a Machine (TaoRis) AFF
- Rental Boyfriend (Meanie) AFF/AO3
- ★♡Meanie Mondays (Meanie) AFF
- ☀︎Wishing Fountain (Junhao) AO3
- ★☀︎A Happy Medium (Wonhui) AO3
- ★☀︎Blossom (Wonhui) AO3
- ★☀︎Tips from the Moon Fairy (Wonhui) AO3
- ★☀︎The Reality of it All (Jicheol) AO3
- ★♡The Benefactor (Jicheol) AO3
- ★♡☀︎Cross My Heart and Hope To Die (Wonhui) AO3
- ★We Just Met (But I Think I'm Falling for You) (Gyuhao) AO3
- ★☀︎A Dork With the Internet (Meanie) AO3
- ★♡☀︎Mamihlapinatapai (Meanie) AO3
- ★♡☀︎We Blend Into my Favorite Color (Jihancheol) AO3 [minor smut]
- ★You Plant the Sun in My Heart (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎Light the Way Home (And I'll Follow) (Meanie) AO3
- ☀︎Contact Play (Meanie) AFF
- ★♡☀︎Sketches of Me (Meanie) AFF
- Just One Day (Yoonmin) AFF
- Scribbled Wishes (Binhwan) AFF/AO3
- ★Dorm 105b (Jigyu/Junhan/2Seung) AO3
- ★And Counting (Meanie) AFF
- ♡☀︎Rosy Complexion, but No Roses (Cheolsoo) AO3
- ♡☀︎Behind These Metaphors (I Want You Literally) (Meanie) AO3
- Just Watch Me (Meanie) AO3
- And The Story's Brand New (all SVT pairings) AO3
- ☀︎Hey Soulmate, It's Me, Your Soulmate (Jicheol) AO3
- ★Are You Sure? (Meanie) AO3
- Say You Got Me (Junhoon) AO3
- ★Cabin Seven (Meanie) AO3
- ♡☀︎Side to Side (Meanie) AO3
- ♡You've Got To Wake Up Where Your Heart Is (Meanie) AO3 [minor smut]
- Polar (Meanie) [side Junhao] AFF
- ♡☀︎You're The Only Thing (I Want For Christmas) (Meanie) AO3
- Fall For You (Meanie) AFF
- ★☀︎All Write in the End (Cheolsoo) AO3
- ♡☀︎Collateral Damage (Meanie + Jihoon) AO3
- ★♡☀︎Under Me (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎Careless Whisper (Jeongcheol) AFF
- ☀︎In Your Eyes (Jicheol) AO3
- ★☀︎Throw Away Your Emotions (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎You Can Call It Love (Meanie) AO3
- ★Define it, Don't Defy It (Soongyu) AO3
- ☀︎So Far (It's Alright) (Meanie + Jihoon) AO3
- ★☀︎These Arms Were Made For Loving You (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This Before (Meanie) AO3
- ☀︎♡Digging Your Scene (Double B) AO3
- ♡Cherry Blossoms (Double B) AFF/AO3 [minor smut]
- ★☀︎Summer of Muggleborn (Soonwoo) AO3
- ★♡☀︎Stigma (Yoonkook/Yoonseok) AO3 [minor smut]
- ★☀︎Zero, Ergo Sum (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎♡Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎If I'm A Liar (And You're a Thief) (Bobhwan) AO3
- ★☀︎Tis the Season to be Jolly (But Baby I've Got the Blues) (Meanie, Cheolsoo) AO3
- ★Sweet Disposition (Gyuhao) AO3
- ♡☀︎You Need Me As I Need You (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎Last Christmas I Gave You my Heart (Maybe Next Year) (Gyuhao) AO3
- ★☀︎The Boy Who Read Words (Meanie) AO3
- ★☀︎Love is Just Love, and That's it (Jihan) AO3
- ♡Rise and Shine! (Meanie, Jicheol, Jihan, Soonseok, Junhao) AFF
- ♡Take My Heartbeat Away (Soonhoon) AO3
- ★♡☀︎Starboy (Gyuhao) AO3
- ★♡Wipe Down All Equipment After Use (Jicheol) AO3
- ★♡☀︎Meet Me There (Soonwoo) AO3
- ★☀︎The Club isn't the Best Place to Find a Lover (So the Bar is Where I Go) (Cheolhao) AO3
- ★☀︎Friday the Thirteenth (Meanie) AO3
- ♡☀︎I'd Like to Sink (Meanie) AO3
- ☀︎If I Ever Leave (I Could Learn To Miss You) (Juwoon) AO3/AFF
- ★♡☀︎To Fall Far Behind (Jeongcheol) AO3
- ★♡☀︎Boys Like (Jeongcheol) AFF
- ☀︎Pull my Heart Out my Chest (Soonhoon) AO3
- ★♡Love of a Doll(인형) (Meanie) AFF [minor smut]
- ★First Love (Wonhui) AO3
- ☀︎One Chapter Closes, Another One Opens (Wonhui) AO3
- ☀︎Paint Me! (Meanie) AO3/AFF
- ♡☀︎Sing Your Praises (How Great Thou Art) (Jihancheol) AO3
- The Wifi Theif (Meanie) AFF
- ★♡☀︎it'll_last_longer.jpg (Wonhui) AO3
- ★♡☀︎You Must Have Been Very Far (Junhao) AO3
- ★☀︎(My Whole Body is) Itching and Beating (Junhao/Wonhui/Meanie)
- ★☀︎Hourglass (Wonhui) AO3/AFF
- ★♡Nonetheless (Juncheol) AO3
- ★☀︎Full Blown Love (Gyusoo) AO3
- ★♡Sip on your Lips (Sooncheol) AO3
- ♡☀︎Mo Chuisle Mo Chroí (Meanie) AO3
- ♡☀︎Why Does Soonyoung Have to Call it 'Spank Bank'? (Wonhui) AO3
- ★Can't Give Up (Wonhan) AO3
- ★To Catch a Catfish (Jigyu) AO3
- ☀︎Round and Round (Wonhui) AO3
- ★☀︎yr not far (Wonhui) AO3
- ★☀︎Wanna Marry Me? (Wonhui) AO3
aug 30 2016 ∞
jul 23 2017 +